| 01 January 2004 (USA)
Parasite Trailers

An abandoned oil rig in the middle of the North Sea. Dr. Christine Hansen is charged with the task of testing an experimental cleaning fluid which could revolutionize the oil industry. Hired to carry out the tests is Jacob Rasmussen and his rough and ready crew of deconstruction engineers. But within hours one of them is missing under suspicious circumstances. Things go from bad to worse when environmental activist Mickey Hennessey and his hard-bitten associates seize control of the rig, taking everybody on board hostage. But very soon oil workers and environmentalists will be compelled to join forces in an evolutionary battle for survival. For a savage new life-form has made its home on the rig. And it is hungry.


What a waste of my time!!!

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just watch it!

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Better Late Then Never

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A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

Right, well it is obviously clear that director Andrew Prendergast is a fan of the original "Alien" movie, as most of the things shown in "Parasite" (aka "Hell's Mouth") is either a homage to "Alien" or a blatant rip off.The story takes place on an oil rig in the middle of the ocean, thus leaving all people isolated and cut off from any immediate help. Where a new and alien life form has made its nest and is preying on the humans that inhabit the oil rig.A monster or alien movie needs to have proper special effects, that either blow you away, dazzle you or make the creature and the atmosphere work well. "Parasite" didn't have that, and as such the movie was just another B-movie creature feature. The idea and concept of the creature was good, but it wasn't executed to a satisfactory end result.The acting in "Parasite" was as to be expected. I can't really claim to remember a single actor or actress standing out from the rest of the bunch. But then again, such a movie is not going to be a Shakespearian thespian experience."Parasite" is definitely among the top ten of bad monster movies that I have had to sit through in my track record of watching movies. I didn't even manage to watch it to the end, as I had to give up about halfway through out of sheer boredom and a lack of entertainment.As such, then I am rating "Parasite" a meager one out of ten stars. I am sure that there is an audience out there somewhere for a movie such as this. I just wasn't in that particular target audience.

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"Parasite" is one of the weaker Sci-Fi channel films.**SPOILERS**A small group of extreme activists break into an oil company's head office and steal incriminating information about the company's future plans. The company enlists Dr. Christine Hansen, (Saskia Gould) to coordinate a team to clean up an abandoned oil rig to test their newest chemical creation before being exposed to the world. The team, including leader Jacob, (G.W. Stevens) engineer Nils, (Gary Condes) and grease monkey Kim (Margaret Thompson) and others, arrive on the oil rig and begin their assignment. When Dr. Hansen arrives on the rig to begin the experiment, the team of activists also arrives to sabotage the affair. Unknowingly, the team accidentally sprays the chemical on a small parasitic worm and mutates it into a larger parasite, attacking one of the cleanup crew. The rig begins to break down in certain areas, making the team get a little antsy. When the cleanup crew is taken hostage by the activists, the parasites follow them and attack the group. Convinced of the threat to them, the two teams' band together to survive the creatures, which are now growing bigger and threatening to envelop the entire rig.The Good News: The beginning of the film isn't the most action-packed, but with most Sci-Fi films, the film heats up in the second half. Once the discovery of the creatures has been revealed, the film kicks it up a notch and becomes a bit more entertaining. Granted, the beginning isn't exactly all that action-packed, so the last half of the film is it's major saving grace. The ending is the best, as the rig explodes in a giant explosion as the survivors try to kill off the last few parasites. With explosions going off in every location and the fire coming in closer, it adds to the suspense of the scene. Even the designs of the parasites are pretty creepy, based on a general worm look but with a few modifications to the head and a minor design change on the body make the creatures look a bit terrifying at first viewing. Their jaw-lined mouths were perfect for scaring the workers on the rig.The Bad News: The beginning of the movie is extremely weird. Shot through night-vision lens, we see a group of men enter a building under the pretenses of a bomb threat. They then steal information about the company's drilling activities and leave the sight, leaving you to wonder what was really going on: is it a heist film, is it an espionage film, why is this classified as a killer creature film? All these questions come in to play in the beginning. Also pretty annoying is the constant whining between the two sets of protagonists. Because they all have similar backgrounds but just play for different sides, we get a lot of bickering about what is morally ethical or not about what the project is doing to the environment. I could care less about this type of film, but I can't stand all the conversations being about the same thing. It gets boring after a while. Even with all these problems, the worst of all is the unbelievably bad CGI used. When a routine shot of a helicopter flying in a storm is done with CGI, you know the film isn't a high budget film. Even worse, the entire exploding oil factory is done in CGI, as the whole affair simply loses any sense of realism or believability. This is a major offense as the high action finale is ruined by the inclusion of something that ruins the movie. Even for those that don't mind CGI, it is so obviously bad and distracting it destroys the mood of the ending.The Final Verdict: Based on the major flaws involved, I can only recommend this to those who love getting drunk and bashing a film to shreds. This is the only way to enjoy this movie. Watching this one sober is like getting castrated and then watching the video minutes later.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Adult Language, and Brief Nudity

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I highly recommend this film.I wrote down the synopsis as I think it may be helpful:The costs of decommissioning an oilrig after its lifespan has ended are huge. Yoho Oil believes that it has found a solution that allows defunct rigs to be decommissioned safely by developing an enzyme that feeds off prevalent harmful commodities. A cleaning crew is assigned the task of spraying the Johnny Alpha rig with the enzyme. They have 24 hours to clean it and lay explosives that will release it from the seabed.The rig's interior is sprayed with the enzyme, but, in its depths the bacteria are reacting with the remains of the oilrig's dead cat and a breeding ground is forming fast.With the rig soon doused with bacteria, crew leader Hansen radios to the helicopter to pick them up. The reply comes back that a storm is approaching and there will be an overnight delay. Accustomed as they are to such setbacks, the crew makes the most of their situation and hold a party~ But something is moving in the lower bowels of the rig. Kim and Jacob go to the roof of the rig and are getting more intimately acquainted when they notice a stream of slime dripping from above them and hear screams from below. Carefully they make their way to the noise and are shocked by what they see! In the depths of the rig, there are giant parasites and they are growing rapidly, moving onto puddles of bacteria continually growing in size. Gio catches up with Kim and Jacob and they try to catch a vicious parasite but it spits acid in Gio's face. Kim goes for help as she recognizes this as the beginning of a mutation over which they have no control.The power suddenly runs down and the rig is cast into darkness. By torchlight the remaining group start to construct makeshift weapons out of the backpack tanks. Each carrying 'flame thrower' packs, they go to the generator room but discover that the cables that support the power have melted through in many different places and are covered in slime. Jacob slowly extends his hand towards the comer and touches something slimy and horrible.As he pulls back his hand his flesh bubbles painfully and he is hit in the face by a thick spray of acid. The parasites are certainly in control!There is just one way to be sure that all of the bugs are killed; the rig must be blown up. But where can the remaining team hide?If you like scary, suspenseful movies, you'll love PARASITE.

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This movie sucks! Why? Well, what happens when you combine 'Aliens' with 'Tremors' with 'Deep Rising' with terrible acting, poor story and mediocre CGI? Parasite! This is about a renegade business man who works for an oil company who has plans to mess around with bio-hazard chemicals to produce some kind of monster which he can study and probably sell to the highest bidder. Add a bio-hazard team, an environmentalist terrorist team and an ex environmentalist terrorist (who is now working for the oil company and renegade business man) and some mini CGI 'Tremors' worms into the mix and yet again we come up with this steaming pile of dog doo called Parasite. This movie could have been good, it really could but the cast and crew of this movie have no right to be in the movie business. They have obviously set their sights too high. It is a blatant rip off of the movies i just mentioned and (get this) these giant slugs have acid for blood. Even a couple of scenes are very similar to a couple of scenes from 'Aliens'.*Slight Spoiler (if that's possible)* This movie is very boring too, it is really slow to get started and judging by the quality of a few scenes the director has just come out of film school or something. The directing is just plain awful! It's really pathetic when this woman (of the bio-hazard team) and this guy (of the environmentalist terror team) get into a fight. One second they're fighting and with a bit of bad direction and bad editing (and terrible acting) there is some sexual tension. It's really badly put together. One scene has the leader of the environmentalists rushing down a ladder because there is one of the monsters following him and he falls and breaks his leg. He can hardly move but does the monster worm go and eat him? Nope. It just waits for him to be saved and attacks when the lit petrol is about to explode. ARRRGHHH stupid bloody film! The whole story might sound like a good idea but trust me, it sucks! You've seen it all before so why see stuff you've already seen, done badly? One CGI effect was alright where the woman was like half eaten but still alive but that's near the end of the movie. Stay away and see something else. 2/10

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