R | 19 April 2012 (USA)

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After breaking up with her boyfriend on Valentine's Day, Jenny shares a red-eye flight from Los Angeles to New York with a love-damaged group of passengers-- a pilot with anger management issues, some oversexed flight attendants, a hip-hop superstar trying to keep it real in coach and a handsome young professor who's been unlucky in romance.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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Kirandeep Yoder

The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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Most of the activity of the film is on a red eye flight direct from Los Angeles to New York City on Valentine's Day. Tully, the pilot, has anger management issues. Many of the passengers have problems finding successful romantic relationships.Jenny and Chip have a dinner before she flies back to New York. He gives her some expensive earrings, though her ears are not pierced. She tells him that she has decided to move to Los Angeles to be with him. Unfortunately, he has a second string girl friend and does not want Jenny to move. They break up. No surprises there.Tom, a theoretical physics professor, gets hooked into accepting a ride to LAX with his ex, who breaks up with him again, for not kissing her on the lips. Tom and Jenny bump into each other at on of the gift shops.TMJ (a rapper) is going to NYC without his entourage. While he is walking to his gate, rap music plays, in which the singer shows his sense of entitlement--to murder whomever he wishes. This was a good place to stop watching the film. Hate speak usually does not bode well for a film. Amir and Mohammed are both 'randomly' chosen for a more thorough inspection before boarding.On the plane, the flight attendants Sandy and Lisa immediately classify Jenny as a high maintenance bitch. Great: more hate speech. Amir and Mohammed are immediately pigeon-holed as terrorists. TMJ immediately shies away from Tom because he's white, while Tom is not positively impressed with TMJ's "I'm the most garish pimp here" clothing. The male flight attendant has trouble getting TMJ to get off his cell phone during take-off. After learning that TMJ was on board, Sandy and Lisa sing part of one of his songs which was beyond gross.Tom tries to enable a seat switch between Jenny (in coach) and TMJ, so that TMJ can appear non-elitist to his girl friend. TMJ objects to sitting next to the terrorists, but Tom talks him into it. Tom and Jenny try to get to know each other at some length.Tully and his wife have an off and on telephone fight during most of the flight. In between those heated exchanges, Tully and his co-pilot discuss the merits of Christianity. Tully is an atheist, while Derek is an evangelical.Amir turns out to be allergic to TMJ's dog. Mohammed tries to talk TMJ into putting the dog back in its carrier. The dog makes a break for it.Will any of these earnest attempts at relationships work out?------Scores-------Cinematography: 7/10 Competent but nothing special.Sound: 7/10 No particular problems on sound qualities. The choice of the incidental music could have been better.Acting: 3/10 Rachel Blanchard, Christina Chang, Claudia Christian, Josh Braaten, and Gbenga Akinnagbe were considerably more irritating than interesting. Anthony LePaglia and James D'Arcy were better than competent, but could not make up for the others.Screenplay: 3/10 The singing did not help, nor did the touchy-feely conversations, nor did the ugly yapping dog loose on a plane. I am not looking forward to other efforts by Valerie Breiman. Belly laughs? Zero. Smiles? Zero. Anything in between? No. The endless weepy confessions by men were neither illustrative nor interesting.

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I didn't expect too much when I opted to watch this on my Netflix, especially since I had never heard of it before. But halfway through I found myself loving it. There are a lot of crappy, utterly empty romantic comedies out there after which I feel robbed of 90 minutes of my life, but this isn't one of them. This movie actually caused me to create an IMDb account because I thought it deserved a good review. It had all the really important elements: likable, believable characters with unique stories and perspectives, an interesting and well thought-out plot, good dialogue, and decent acting. And it was actually FUNNY, unlike a lot of wannabe romantic "comedies" who try to get by on Harlequin schmooze. I loved the non-traditional take that was simultaneously believable and even, brace yourself, realistic. Some of the best parts of this movie come about because of the humorous interplay between the characters as they force us to laugh at our own prejudices and attitudes. It ends up being a movie with more than a few different story lines woven into one, and it's refreshing that all of those story lines don't exist solely for the purpose of propping up a two dimensional relations; they seem to have some substance of their own. I couldn't give it more than a 7, because hey, it's not Oscar worthy, but this movie is highly enjoyable and seriously underrated.

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Bob Miller

The previous review does a pretty decent job of describing the overall movie. This review is just about the portrayal of the Christian character in this movie:But this is no 'Christian movie'. It has an R rating because of sexual themes and language. In most Hollywood movies, the Christian character, is usually trivialized as an obnoxious caricature of a either a Bible-thumping Preacher, or a pathetic wimp. So I was pleasantly surprised to see that the co-pilot Christian was, in the end, not portrayed that way. He started out seeming pretty nerdy and out-of-touch by reading his 'Holy Bible' in the cockpit. But the character became a real person as the movie progressed. And he even read a nice passage about love from 1 Cor. 13. I was very surprised that the Bible got such decent air time, for once. Good job Valerie!

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"Overnight" starts as a typical romantic comedy but then ventures into a comedic romance, where comedy comes first. The romantic elements all seem to be part of the joke. Jenny (Rachel Blanchard) and Tom (James D'Arcy) meet in LAX fresh from disastrous break-ups (although it was over a year ago for Tom) and are both way too flighty and maladjusted to know how to seek self-comfort.Then we meet a handful of mostly equally maladjusted passengers all on the red eye from Los Angeles to New York. These supporting characters are played by a range of hard-working talented actors to hard-working established, well-respected actors, to struggling up-and-comers. Two overly-bitter flight attendants were supposed to provide the comedy at the beginning, but it wasn't clear why we needed to endure such despicable people and worse writing.Shortly thereafter, we were introduced to simple, but effective, "random" airport screening selections, and a famous rapper trying to figure out how normal people fly. This unconventional trio surprisingly added the best moments of comedy and the best characterizations.Our lead couple of two attractive thirty-somethings go from strangers to puppy love surrenderers to an argumentative married couple to hurtful divorcees all in the length of the plane ride. While it was vaguely amusing, there are 30-second commercials which do it better.Last but not least the pilot and co-pilot get into philosophical discussions on marriage, sex and God versus atheism. Don't sell it short since the pilot is played by Anthony LaPaglia after all. 2012 has also seen an odd trend where the male protagonist in romantic indies has a need, desire and ability to explain love and the universe in physics terms. Here, Tom was a physics teacher and it wasn't nearly as bad as previous films but not the best either (see The Diary of Preston Plummer for that)."Overnight" is light, sweet and funny enough to work as a romantic comedy. And if you want it to work on another level, it even takes the characters on a surprising and fairly satisfactory journey of self-discovery. (You'll just need to turn it off three minutes early if you want their trajectory to be physically sound).

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