One Rogue Reporter
One Rogue Reporter
| 08 June 2014 (USA)
One Rogue Reporter Trailers

Rich Peppiatt delivers a satirical dissection of the newspaper trade by turning the tables on unscrupulous editors. Through a series of mischievous stunts and interviews with heavyweights of journalism, comedy & politics, Peppiatt hilariously exposes the hypocrisy at the heart of modern journalism.


Stylish but barely mediocre overall

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Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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Excellent, Without a doubt!!

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Mischa Redfern

I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Watched this film with my wife, we were laughing all the way through. If you have knowledge of the Levison enquiry then you will love this film. To see Kelvin McKenzie shown for the hypocrite that he is justifies the cost of Netflicks for a year easily. Brilliant! The essence of the film is to highlight the hypocrisy that is fielded by the UK press. It shows on many many levels that the attitude is that you do as I say and not as I do, The Media in the UK is controlled by so few people who this programme highlights have no interest in truth or justice, but have the soul goal of shifting copy. This may seem a reasonable goal, but the 4th estate is challenged with a higher calling according to them at least, this programme shows that they most definitely are not fulfilling this remit. Once again a must watch programme

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This is an interesting documentary on many levels. In its one hour running time it manages to punch above its weight and drive home just how odiously the British tabloid press have been treating people for several decades.Via a juxtaposition of interviews with celebs and non-celebs about the wholly invasive scrutiny they were placed under by the tabloids, as well as clips from movies about the press and from the recent Leveson inquiry, the viewer is taken on a rather dirty (but interesting) journey into the world that many Fleet Street reporters inhabit. It isn't pleasant.The documentary's presenter, Rich Peppiat - himself an ex-tabloid journalist for the execrable 'Daily Star' - has some balls for sure as he confronts the powerful editors and owners of these nasty papers and turns the tables on them by making them the focus of the same kind of intrusive and wholly fabricated stories these newspaper men had inflicted upon others. Does it work? No. Is it interesting? Yes. One particularly memorable scene is when Peppiat projects a porno film onto the side of the Daily Mail's offices in protest at its editor, Paul Dacre's, hypocrisy over sexual mores. There are more scenes of a similar nature but I won't reveal them here.All in all, I thought this documentary about the gutter that is the UK's tabloid press was well made and worth an hour of my time. In effect, it told me nothing I did not already know and which was well documented by the Leveson inquiry and the trials which followed it. There remains one question for me, however, and that is...OK, so now we know; now what's going to happen?

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