On the Edge
On the Edge
| 24 June 2014 (USA)
On the Edge Trailers

Two hard-living best friends and aficionados of illegal racing contests find their bond tested when one of them goes to trial for vehicular homicide.

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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I had very mixed feelings about this movie. The acting was at times sub-par (maybe on par for a Danish production) and the production was nothing special at all. The camera work was rather shoddy and left me wondering whether or not I could have done better myself. Yet the script wasn't bad, and the movie leaves me with an aftertaste that this may be more than what it seems at first glance. I definitely think that this movie will grow on me the next couple of years, and what I perceive today as imperfections may turn out to be hidden gems. Overall it's definitely worth a watch, and it's nice to see Zentropa bringing something like this to life, instead of being caught up in a safe recipe for success.

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While the doing things that will leave you scarred part of the story, has some nice ring to it (and initially plays out fine), this resorts and gets back to cardboard cut outs of people/characters, we might not feel comfortable having feelings toward. And I mean not feelings as in looks and beauty, but rooting for them.I don't think there is a cliché not touched upon by this movie. And while the racing scenes have been handled nicely, we've seen those before too. But if that's all you're looking for, you might like this movie better than if you are looking for a story too. So the decision is up to you: Plain simple "action" (with good looking leads) or a deeper meaning (which you won't find here)?

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Lasse Rasch

'Lev stærkt (Live strong)' promoted it self as being a followup movie for 'Råzone (Raw Zone)'.With this promise my expectations where high, because 'rå zone' was an amazing, violent, very well played movie. I saw it in 2006 and a couple of times later. Last time was in 2008 and i still remember many scenes very clearly in my head.'Lev stærkt' did not at all live up to my expectations.'Lev stærkt' is about street racing, young love and the consequences of killing a young girl during a high speed race through the streets of Copenhagen in a Corvette super car.It's about living with your self, knowing you killed this girl driving 150 km/hour in the inner city streets at 03.00 am on a Sunday morning and getting away with it.But even though my expectations where not meet, i do not regret seeing this movie. It is a good movie if you just want to see cool cars, good looking girls, hear how 500 house powers sounds in 5.1 Dolby digital and don't expect to much from the story line.The acting is well executed, but the story is just not strong enough to cary the movie to a higher level. Some might say it's a bit boring.Expect little and you will leave the cinema feeling the movie was forgettable (unlike 'Gråzone') but not at all a bad movie.

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