| 12 September 2009 (USA)
Northless Trailers

Andres reaches the Mexican border to cross into the United Sates. There between each attempt, he discovers that Tijuana is a troubled city. As he waits there, Andres is not only confronted with his feelings and what he left behind, but also with those he meets.


What makes it different from others?

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Excellent, a Must See

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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My first IMDb review! I saw this film at the MexFest in London and was very impressed not only with the acting/directing but the cinematography as well. Not too many directors can project a minimalist story and make it enjoyable. This film showed one man's plight with reaching the US while struggling to leave a family he has befriended on the border near Tijuana. The Oaxacan protagonist was extremely talented at creating sympathy in a non pretentious manner. The mother and daughter each exhibit opposite characteristics and show growth as they discover new things about their new helper and visitor. This was a touching film. Being sent back and forth by La Migra and to be embraced by a new found family is something endearing of Mexican nature. Forgiveness, loneliness and yearning were emotions that were paramount to this film. And let's not forgot RAMON AYALA's kick ass El DISGUSTO! This movie was a 10 out of 10 for me. Very similar to El Norte only this one provided hope in the end.

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I saw this film at the San Francisco International Film Festival and, quite frankly, had very low expectations. What a surprise! The film opens with a stark introduction to the brutal desert path to the fabled North. Andres, the central character, is from Oaxaca, which is the second poorest stated in Mexico. I know Oaxaca pretty well and there is very little opportunity there. Young men especially want to get out and go North where there is opportunity -- even if that opportunity is only a plastics factory in North Carolina. It is no coincidence that Andres' little daughter was named after that state.What was so striking about this film was its minimalist approach to a universal story of conflict between a personal dream and social responsibility. None of the characters has any direct knowledge of life in the U.S. -- it's an El Dorado type of dream for them, but it represents hope. Neatly layered on "the dream" is the conflict between selfishness and selflessness. The isolated female characters struggle with the need to escape their solitude and loneliness and their desire to help Andres achieve the dream. Even the mercenary local meat mogul moves from wanting to see Andres out of the picture and wanting to see him succeed. All of this is accomplished with "real" dialog -- no big speeches and no artificial situations. They are poor and lonely people trying to make sense of a world where the deck is very definitely stacked against them. Every member of the cast delivers a solid performance.Another nice point about this film is the director's mastery of imagery. In the bleak Immigration office, the focus on is on the portraits of President Bush and Gov. Scharzenegger of California and so clearly say "you lose" that we don't need any more. Similarly, when the women connect with Andres, there is a fabulous but simple image that is drawn directly from traditional Mexican postcard portraits.

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Every year,perhaps thousands of Mexicans attempt to escape Mexico for various reasons to make a good life in "El Norte" (America). Some succeed,others fail. This has made for a number of quality films over the years. 'Norteado' is another prime addition to that ever growing collection of said,such films. Andres (played here by Harold Torres)is from the south of Mexico,with the same dream of escaping his dirt poor existence in Oaxaca. After he tries twice to make it over the border to America,only to be caught by the border patrol & sent back to Mexico, Andres finds himself in Tijuana. Andres is taken in by a kindly,middle aged woman,Ela (played by Alice Laguna),who operates a small grocery shop with another woman,Cata (Sonia Couoh),who is unfriendly & cynical of Andres,to work in the store. After a time,pretensions melt away,and the three manage to bond a somewhat tentative friendship. Ela's close friend (and potential lover),Don Arsensio (Luis Cardenas)has a bad vibe toward Andres (possibly viewing him as a rival for Ela's affections),but eventually agrees to help Andres cross over the border to America (perhaps to get rid of him for good,so he can have Ela all to himself). This is a story of lonely people somehow trying to come together,in the face of adversity (in one way or another). Rigoberto Perezcanto ('XV en Zaachila') directs from a screenplay written by Edgar SanJuan & Perezcanto. The film's cinematography is by Alejandro Cantu,which goes for a "kitchen sink" look that works well. Spoken in Spanish with English subtitles. Not rated by the MPAA,this film contains a few brief outbursts of strong language,a flash of brief nudity,much smoking & drinking & some rather disturbing images of cock fighting that may upset some.

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I recently saw this at the 2010 Palm Springs International Film Festival. Andrés (Harold Torres) leaves his family in Oaxaca, Mexico to arrange to have a Coyote, or border smuggler, get him across the border into the United States. Things don't work out as planned and he ends up alone in the desert outside of Tijuana. While waiting for a chance to get across he is offered work at a small grocery store by Ela (Alicia Laguna). Ela's friend Asenio (Luis Cárdenas), is jealous of Andrés' presence and wants him gone and Ela's friend Cata who works and lives at the store dislikes Andrés and sees in him her long-lost husband. This is the debut full-length feature from director Rigoberto Pérezcano who co-wrote the screenplay with Edgar San Juan. A great cast and excellent photography by veteran cinematographer Alejandro Cantú and great sound from the film's sound department. This is a small film where not a lot happens but then again, a lot does happen here. For what it is, I would recommend it and give it a 7.0 out of 10 and we will likely see more from writer/director Pérezcano in the future.

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