| 31 January 2004 (USA)
Noise Trailers

Joyce Chandler (Trish Goff), a young divorced woman and recovering alcoholic, moves into a Manhattan apartment that seems a bit too secluded to be true. It is: Upstairs lives Charlotte Bancroft (Ally Sheedy), a woman with a wall of obliviousness who can turn even an 'apology' into a guilt trip, Charlotte persists in making Joyce's nighttime hours a living hell. As the torture continues, Joyce starts to lose her grip on her job, her health and her sanity. It's a heck of a price to pay for having your own place.


Very Cool!!!

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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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I, too, have had neighbors like the one in the movie, worse actually. Much worse. So with great interest I rented it. The filmmakers have NO IDEA what a bad neighbor is. POS. Even at only 84 minutes I felt like it took all night to get through it. Billed as a thriller, it is anything but.However, it is good for budding screenwriters such as myself: One should not watch only good film to know what is good, they should also, occasionally, watch the bad to know what is bad. And "Noise" is BAD. I won't go on about the film, there's no point. Rent it and find out for yourself if you must.But I will say this: I am a Wannabe Screenwriter and am currently working on something new. Last night, as it frequently happens, I began suffering from plenty of doubt as to whether anyone would want to sit through my movie, and I decided to take a break from writing. I was not sure if the break would be just for the night or forever! Can you relate? Anyway, the "Noise" DVD had just come in the mail and I popped it in. It was exactly what I needed! Watching that HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE movie I made the assumption that it was the both the writer and director's debut, it was so amateurish. I was wrong. They are experienced award winners...And if people are willing to pay to watch this TERRIBLE movie, they will certainly watch mine.So I came to the conclusion that I shall continue with my humble screen writing endeavors. After all, IF THEY CAN DO IT, SO CAN I. Thanks, "Noise"!!!!!!!! You don't know what you've done for me.

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Before I go any further, I'd like to point out that I once had a neighbor who lived next door that nearly drove me mad (much like the Joyce, the lead character, in the film). So with that context in mind, I was intrigued by the premise of this film.So the film kicks off with Joyce, in a nutshell, looking for some peace and quiet following some great turmoil in her life. Fast forward (because you won't miss anything) a bit and you eventually see Joyce run into Charlotte, her upstairs neighbor that has a propensity for making loud noises late at night and early in the morning...forcing Joyce to lose some much needed sleep, and at times, her sanity.Not to give away too much, but the rest of the film is about her conflict with Charlotte, and eventually, finding a final solution to her ongoing problems.The premise of the film is interesting, and many people (like myself in NYC or other cities) can relate to being driven mad by bad neighbors. However, the script moves at a snail's pace. It's not that I can't enjoy slow films, but the resolution of each new element of drama often is left unresolved, or is unsatisfying given the amount of patience we need to reach it. One example - Joyce inexplicably has sexual encounters with random men, or kisses a good friend out of nowhere. But none of this leads has any relevance to her conflict with Charlotte.Throughout the movie, we see her lose more sleep, drink more and more, and have hallucinations. But because of a meandering script and terrible character development (we know Joyce is miserable, but does she HAVE to be miserable every time we see her?) - in the end you really don't CARE if she's suffering or not. By the end, I really couldn't care if Joyce died, Charlotte died, or both killed each other in a pool of blood. I give the actors credit for dealing with a screenplay that's all over the place, but in the end, you just don't really care about what happens - especially if the cute lead actress spends the whole movie looking angry, tired (or a combination of both).It's a shame because the movie had a good premise and a lot of potential.

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5 stars out of 10 Parts of this didn't quite make sense to me - I'm not sure whether that's my fault or the film's fault.Trish Goff, who looks borderline anorexic to me, plays Joyce Chandler a tense young woman, who may be wound a little too tight, but otherwise seems to be essentially normal, moves into an apartment following her divorce.She soon has a job with Gotham Publishing as a copy writer. Joyce has a large group of female friends as well, and things should be lining out for her, but she has a problem.The problem is her upstairs neighbor, Charlotte Bancroft (Ally Sheedy), who tends to be noisy late at night and very early in the morning.At first it appears things may work out - as Charlotte is ever so apologetic and understanding. Charlotte's understanding of Joyce's problem doesn't last long, however.When Joyce goes up to Charlotte's apartment to discuss matters, Charlotte seems to be oblivious to the fact there is still a problem and just thinks she and Joyce should be pals.Joyce decides to run a raunchy personal ad under Charlotte's name and phone number. Soon Charlotte has men galore in her apartment and is noisier than ever with the sexual escapades.I was never able to figure out just how Joyce thought this was going to solve her problem all that much. If it had been me, I'd have been rather nervous at all these strange men coming in and out of the apartment building.However, perhaps Joyce was more psychic than myself.Meanwhile Joyce has taken to drinking, which really isn't helping things, and her job is going badly for her.There is a scene between Charlotte and Joyce where Charlotte is extremely sadistic and domineering and Joyce just meekly allows it. I didn't understand that at all.There is a conclusion to Charlotte and Joyce's problem, but the ending is somewhat non-conclusive otherwise.There are other murky things that came up in regards to Joyce's past, and she becomes involved with a couple of men, but none of it ever really played any particular part in the main plot, and remained unexplained.

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You'll love this film if you are looking for something different. This film defies the predictable and carries the viewer into a plot free to surprise us giving us a satisfying cerebral experience. Noise has the complexity, the nuance, the depth, of some of the best films I've seen. I highly recommend it to those looking for a change of pace from your typical Hollywood film. Trish Goff's performance was remarkable considering this was her first effort and she is literally in every scene. Ally Sheedy was fantastic as the antagonist.The script introduces us to idiosyncratic characters, dialogue with an ear for the vulgar and the literate. The pace of the editing were dead-on. The music and sound design were perfect.

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