Nirvana: Unplugged In New York
Nirvana: Unplugged In New York
NR | 16 December 1993 (USA)
Nirvana: Unplugged In New York Trailers

A live album by American rock band Nirvana, the album features an acoustic performance recorded at Sony Music Studios in New York City on 18 November 1993, for the television series MTV Unplugged.


Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.

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Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

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Kirandeep Yoder

The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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By 1993 with Kurt Cobain in the lead, Kirst Novoselic on bass, Dave Grohl on drums and starting that year, Pat Smear on rhythm guitar, Nirvana had taken grunge, the often-stigmatized offshoot of punk and heavy metal, out of the underground Seattle clubs where it was born and brought it to the mainstream music scene. Nirvana had succeeded in becoming the biggest band of their era. Naturally MTV jumped at the opportunity to have Nirvana on their show MTV UNPLUGED. Kurt was initially hesitant because he disliked most unplugged performances by rock bands. He felt they just tried to play acoustic instruments like they did electric ones. There was no change in their style. They didn't embrace the format.So he was very particular in the way he wanted to have the show set up, a crystal chandelier above them and stargazer lilies all around them. The show runners were not fans of this choice. They were concerned it looked too much like a funeral but Kurt held his ground. Watching the performance, it doesn't look like a wake. If anything it beautifully highlights the juxtaposition of a punk band playing without the screaming aid of electrically enhanced instruments.Another point of contention was the show's setlist. MTV wanted them to play the songs that Nirvana was famous for. Kurt however wanted to do something different and new, that was more melodic and better utilized their acoustic limitations.Only the first two songs of the 14 performed were top hits, "About a Girl" and "Come as You Are." The rest of the songs were either less popular Nirvana songs or covers from classic rock and songs composed by their contemporaries in grunge. One of the highlights includes a cover of David Bowie's "The Man Who Sold World." It's an emotionally charged version of the song that takes Bowie's original to an entirely new level. Kurt's singing on this song is so soulful that it could almost bring a tear to your eye.Another is "Lake of Fire." The recording of this song would go on to be one of Nirvana's best remembered and for good reason. Their jaunty cover of the Meatpuppets' song about damnation features strained and screeching vocals with a piekey inflection that needs no electronic modification to get the punk sound across. It perfectly shows how vocals can entirely set a song's tone even in the guitar dominated (punk) rock genre. The last song played was a cover of the traditional blues song "Where Did You Sleep Last Night." The most known version, and the one that inspired Nirvana was by '40s blues man, Leadbelly, whose music Kurt had recently fallen in love with. Before they begin the song Kurt notes that Leadbelly is his favorite performer and laments that despite his rock star status he couldn't come up with the five- hundred thousand dollars that the Leadbelly estate wanted for his guitar. Krist suggest a donation from the audience to help. The actually performance of the song is a haunting rendition that showcases the pain and angst in Kurt's voice and plays perfectly into this classic blues song. It shows just how timeless sincere and well performed music can be. After the last song Kurt swings his guitar over his shoulder then sets it down on stage, lights a cigarette and begins to walk out before he pauses and begins walking around the audience signing autographs. This would be one of Nirvana's last performances before the events that led to Kurt's untimely death. It was a beautiful showcase of Nirvana's ability not only as a popular punk band but also as true artists. It demonstrated phenomenal musical ability. It's almost undoubtedly their best show, which makes the fact that it was their last major recording session all the more tragic. There is, however, I suppose solace to be found in that if there was ever a show to walk into the sunset after, never to be seen again, this was it.

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Who would believe that I'm only just sitting down to watch this show for the first time ever! I've had the CD since it came out all those years ago, and its got to be one of my most listened CDs.Watching the live show now, it just adds an extra dimension to the music I already loved to death.I write songs, and I've always been a believer in "if it doesn't sound good on an acoustic guitar, its not good at all". I write punk and hard rock songs... and this film shows exactly why that statement is true.A must for all fans of music, especially those who denounced grunge (and most other rock for that matter)as "just a load of noise".

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In grunge Pearl Jam had 10, the Stone Temple Pilots had Core, Soundgarden had Superunknown and Nirvana had the classic Nevermind. On 18th November 1993 they recorded an Unplugged video for MTV which became, to my ears anyway, their best - and last – album in 1994.It was just an acoustic concert showcasing some of singer Kurt Cobain's finest downbeat songs and a couple of downbeat covers. What of course made it so poignant was Cobain's apparent suicide 5 months later at 27 years old – MTV (when it used to play music) reflecting the trauma for a generation of kids ran the video every day for months … years! That generation has moved on and succeeding generations are as little moved by Nirvana as by the Beatles, so fast is fashion. It was a very relaxed professional set and showed an unknown side of the band to the world; highlights include About A Girl, Come As You Are, the sublime On A Plain, and of course the gravely enigmatic All Apologies – which became their unwitting epitaph. I wonder how Smells Like Teen Spirit would've sounded? Drummer Grohl moved on afterwards and surprised us all with the consistent success of the Foo Fighters, while bassist Novoselic went into rather desultory but well meaning politics.Not everyone's cup of Pennyroyal tea of course, to me this excellent show sums up a musical era and I still watch/listen to it regularly.

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I was speechless when i first saw this. I had heard the album of the Unplugged show but i had never seen it. I have always been a big fan of Nirvana and I still believe that they are the greatest band that that have ever graced the earth. This shows that they are in fact worthy of that title.Kurt Cobain sang his heart out and all the world watched. This show displayed all of his talents and all of his pain. This is the best "MTV Unplugged" and the best live performance of any band. I have already stated this but it's true. If you are a true Nirvana fan or you just have a deep understanding for music, this show put you in a state of awe. By the end you will have chills running down your spine and a few wells in your eyes.

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