Nice Package
Nice Package
| 10 January 2016 (USA)
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A wannabe professional thief has an epic fail when he's caught stealing a package and forced to take a young woman as hostage back to his gay friend's house where, despite pressure from his deranged, yoga-loving boss, he can't dispense with her and instead the three face a bunch of quirky thugs sent by the boss who will do anything to get his hands on the mysterious package.



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Let's be realistic.

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Good start, but then it gets ruined

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.

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Tom Dooley

Frostie (Dwayne Cameron) is, contrary to popular myth, not a Snowman in this Aussie offering. He is a professional thief – and he has an agent, this is in the, very rotund, shape of Terry. Now he is not a nice man and he has others who work for him – more brawn than brain though. Then he sends Frostie to get a package from a nice suburban house – should be a nice earner with no complicationsHowever, whilst there he discovers he is not alone and has no choice but to take his hapless victim captive. And thus the most ludicrous hostage situation ever begins. This involves his gay mate too; and just keep an eye out for some great touches including the world's most interestingly shaped bong.Now I expected nothing from this but it is the film that just keeps giving. The characters are all likable and for the most part believable and the story is storming too. This sort of has it all and for a small budget indie you'd not notice the limitations – and that is some achievement; moreover it is genuinely funny. This is from Dan Macrthur who should be very pleased with this film – completely recommended

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One thing that bores me about a lot of crime comedies is that they put so much effort into proving how gritty, cool and badass they are that they forget to give the viewer a good time. Nice Package is a refreshing exception. It certainly doesn't take itself too seriously and as a result, it is just simply good fun to watch. Quick paced while leaving enough breathing room for healthy dialogue, the storyline has plenty of twists, yet didn't leave me scrambling for the pause button to make sense of it. The characters have depth enough to make them genuinely relatable (some more inexplicably likable than others) and it wasn't long after meeting them that I'd familiarised with their respective personalities, which vary from deadpan dry to comical flamboyance. There is a very "current" feel to the film with plenty of pop-culture references to dress it with a splash of relevance and slatherings of cool whilst remaining down to earth enough to evade the pretentiousness that often comes with the crime comedy territory.

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Daniel James Tyler

Strange funny (or unfunny) film. We liked Dwayne Cameron's role of "Frosty". Strange as it is, 4 of us managed to see the film in its entirety. Dwayne Cameron is very talented - not only as an actor but a writer, producer, director, artist, and painter (if you read up on him).. and he is only 35 year old (at the time of this writing).Even though this film will never win any awards for its bad writing or poor directing, it does keep an audience wondering what is in the "package" - which in the end - it is NOT the contents of the package that counts but the paper it wrapped in.. also, the ending comes to enlighten us that this whole package ride was only a A TEST...

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Wasn't expecting much from this film, but it kept us entertained and the characters were fun. Liked the car scene at the beginning and the bad guys were kinda wacky...especially when they are alone eating burgers, that scene is disturbing. The gas station scene comes to mind as one the better will see what i mean.The soundtrack gives it a kinda pulp fiction feel.It keeps you guessing about the package and I suppose that is the main point of the film, but there is some funny dialogue and moments along the way.The ending could have been better, but overall it was worth a watch.

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