Nefarious: Merchant of Souls
Nefarious: Merchant of Souls
R | 27 July 2011 (USA)
Nefarious: Merchant of Souls Trailers

Travel across four continents, through 19 countries, and into dingy Cambodian karaoke bars, Amsterdam’s infamous red-light district, Moldovan orphanages, legal Nevada brothels, and the street corners and alleyways of metropolises worldwide for more than a glance at the fastest-growing organized crime industry in the world with the groundbreaking, tell-all Nefarious: Merchant of Souls.


This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Lucia Ayala

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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Pancho Diaz

The movie's message is nicely summed up in its last quotation before the credits, which says something like "You can turn your face, but you can never say you didn't know about it".This movie reveals such a shocking truth that makes you wonder how could we as a human race reach such a low point. The first minutes are painfully realistic in interpreting an abduction and the posterior purchase of a woman by a mafia guy. After that, you just can't take your eyes off the screen, even if that's what you desire the most.The movie cleverly follows a reasoning line that start with the more precise, concrete issue of human trafficking, in particular related to Eastern European organized crime, and from that digs deeper and deeper, linking this particular and terribly awful issue with that of prostitution and Amsterdam's (in)famous women windows in the Red Light District, and one can't help but wondering: from whose twisted mind came the idea of making of this a tourist attraction?? When dealing with the complex issue of prostitution, the movie takes us to rural Thailand where 80 to 90 percent of girls are sold by their families to brothels, and at this point I think the movie falls at least temporarily in the Western Savior Complex, specially when a (white) interviewee says something of the kind: "On whose mind is it ethical to give up their daughter to this kind of life, just for some money?". And the question remains unanswered, floating around, with no effort whatsoever of trying to answer it, of interviewing a local, of trying to see the problem from the locals' perspective instead of that of a Western who landed on this exotic land to solve the problem you guys have.But anyways, that's just a somewhat minor detail. In general the movie is well-centered, and after dealing with the Thai problem, the movie goes back to Las Vegas and interviews American prostitutes. Here the authors dig even deeper and link the issue of prostitution with that of child abuse. And the circle closes itself. What started as the most horrific face of capitalism and greed, is now seen through the lens of a patriarchal society that objectifies women and thinks they are there for men to masturbate inside them, as a Swedish politician says in the movie. And you realize that this problem is the worst face of both capitalism and patriarchy, and you realize how intertwined these two systems of oppression are.So this movie could have finished as a chant against both capitalism and patriarchy. Instead, the authors decided to fill the last 15-20 minutes with bits of interviews in which the interviewees ALL cry, with a pathetic piano music on the background, while EVERY SINGLE ONE of them says that what made them carry on forward was faith, and God. And then you realize you have just watched a religious movie, made by religious people, with somewhat bizarre testimonies of prostitutes leaving their job because of an encounter with Jesus. And I mean, it's good that religion gets close to people's problems; but the thing with offering faith as the way out is that it rules out solutions of this world such as grouped resistance and government action.So the end was quite disappointing. But that doesn't mean the rest of the movie is highly recommendable

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This DVD had me glued to the screen in spite of some slightly graphic scenes which were hard to watch. I was impressed at how the filmmakers were able to find a balance of exposing how horribly young women are treated while not making it so graphic that it would require an R (or worse) rating. I think that everyone, men in particular, should see this film. The film is done compassionately, but it will stir up a rage within you to fight for justice for these girls. It is truly shocking, and very educational.I also like that the proceeds of this film go towards rescuing women and girls who have been trafficked.

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If there is only one movie you plan to watch on sex-trafficking, this is it. Having seen pretty much everything out there, this movie is FAR AND AWAY the best on the subject matter. But even beyond the subject matter the film stands on its own as a historic achievement in filmmaking. I have NEVER been so moved by a film in my entire life. Not even close. It touched something deep inside of me that I almost can't even put words to. To come face to face with the unspeakable injustice that exists in our world literally cause my blood to boil in rage. But then to be confronted with the profound and undeniable hope that exists through the redemptive power of God's love seen the lives of these broken individuals was a life-altering experience. I say that in the least cliché and most sincere way possible.The production quality was WAY beyond what I would have expected from a documentary. The pacing, structure, story, interviews, music, narration, and cinematic elements rate as a 10 across the board. It was viscerally moving, intellectually engaging, and emotionally compelling. It is an understatement to say that I recommend this film. If I was only permitted to see one move in my life, this would be it. I am forever changed.

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Jessica Danielle

I watched this film in a local screening months ago, and could not stop telling other people about it! Without a doubt, this is the best film produced highlighting the issues of human trafficking. It shares what most people don't know....uncovering the hidden faces and stories behind this horrific reality, abroad and in our own home front of the US. Each personal story catches you up in the raw truth. The interviews with former victims and former pimps/traffickers awakened me even more to feel for those who are caught in it themselves. Some like to think prostituted women have a choice, or that they enjoy their work....But listen to the testimonies in this film and you will know otherwise. You cannot deny the many firsthand accounts. Listen to how they got into it, what they endured, what roles their families or society played to feed their abuse, how hopeless and unspeakably broken down they were....then how a few most amazingly found hope! To me, that was what made this film stand out above any other documentary that could be made on the topic. Not only that, but the cuts between each country highlighted, and acting are superb! It is amazing and beyond disturbing to see how this same injustice can take so many forms across the world!! It makes you want to take more ownership for what is closer and more affecting to us here in the US than we realize. This is an BRILLIANT piece of work, but it is more than a work, it helps give a voice to those who deserve and need a voice more than anyone and do not have one!!!

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