Nice effects though.
... View MoreIn other words,this film is a surreal ride.
... View MoreNot sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
... View MoreThe tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
... View MoreWarm-hearted, so human, funny and tragic all at once! Don't be thrown off by the image quality (it was all shot on video) or the subtitles, this film is a gem! The subject might make some uncomfortable but if you are not afraid to see something about the sexual desires of the handicapped, something honest, open and realistic, go for it! The main character is great too, great actor. All the characters are very attaching (save some of the nurses). It's a shame this movie has not been distributed in the US! I guess maybe there was some scare of puritanical reactions given the topic... With the proper exposure, it could become a cult classic!
... View Moreif you don't want to know what this film is about before viewing don't read this review as i'll be going through major parts of the story as i write this. you have here a story here about residents in a care home for the disabled, their carers and the needs of one resident called Rene.suffering from a bout of insomnia i found this film by accident on bbc2 a couple of days ago and thought i'd give it a try. i was pleasantly surprised at the gentle way a tricky subject was handled.Julie comes to work in a care home and interacts with Rene a resident who is foul mouthed ( he manages to reduce one carer to tears with his rudeness - sandrine )and he is obsessed with procreation. he is also dying. in one scene when they go shopping he even tries to embarrass julie by asking her to get him some pornographic videos from a top shelf display as he can't reach from his wheelchair. she is the only carer who takes the time to listen to Rene and ask him his needs , basically he wants to procreate and asks Julie to get him a prostitute to do so with.Julie raises the subject at a staff meeting and the only supporter of her request for Rene is Jacques who she is romantically involved with. the director of the home eventually agrees with the request ( Rene goes on hunger strike ) on the condition that rene behaves himself. when rene does behave - Julie is set the task of arranging it all.meanwhile the lovelorn Roland; the home handyman, yearns for Julie and does all manor of things to woo Julie , even taking her cat for a while because Jacques dosen't like felines be they real or ornament.she manages to find a lady who's doorway can accommodate Rene's wheelchair and sets about getting a doctors permission to get Rene's wishes fulfilled. something she needs to do otherwise she and the director will fall foul of the law and be liable to arrest.after trying 2 doctors she makes the mistake of telling the 3rd that others have refused so the 3rd also refuses , this sends Rene in to a rage so great that she decides what the hell ; Rene is right if he was a able-bodied man he could just visit florele ( the prostitute ) and no-one would bat an eyelid about it.meanwhile at the home you have a bike mad resident who keeps taking his disability scooter out on the nationale 7 ( a type of motor or free -way that is close to the home )and nearly causing accidents. you also have two young men sharing more then just a room. one of which (rabah) wants to change his faith so as he can stay with the other one. rabah is a fan of a rock star called johnny and is very naive about changing his faith as he seems to think this will cure all his ills.after a false start ; she cant get his wheel chair in the doorway on her own and gets sandrine to help, something that reduces them both to fits of laughter. she manages to get Rene in to the ladies van ( yes all the prostitutes work out of vans and mobile homes along the nationale 7 for some reason! ) and then the prostitute drops the bombshell that she won't put the condom on Rene and Julie has to do it.Rene's trips to see florele is amazing he starts to be nice, calmer and even throws away his naughty films keeping only a picture of florele on his wall instead of his pin-ups. he even starts to interact with sandrine and correctly guesses that her husband who she claims to be very happy with had left her sometime ago. yes romance blossoms between them.other residents find out about Rene's trips and also want to do the same. so Julie, Roland and sandrine take a few out for the day including rabah's man friend . rabah turns up and starts some trouble till he finds out that his friend didn't partake as he got cold feet. when he discovers that florele is a 'johnny' fan he decides on her as his godmother for his baptism.all hell breaks loose when his choice of godmother is found out and the home threaten to stop him getting baptised. Jacques in his role of home psychiatrist tries to reason with rabah whose only reaction to being threatened is to threaten back that he'll go on hunger strike as well.Julie realise's that Jacques is not the one for her and looks to Roland but before she can do anything about it Roland is sacked for helping the residents to protest about rabah's rights to do as he the end rabah is baptised with godparents of his choice and Julie walks away as she feels snubbed by Roland who is rabah's choice of godfather. he does chase after her and asks her to come and look at something with him. what he shows her is pictures of the real people in the story and shows her a picture of the real Rene who we then find out has sadly died but they made this film for him.a good film well handled and leaves a lump in your throat and makes you grateful for what you've got. its well worth the effort of putting up with the subtitles!!
... View MoreWith unemployment high, Julie takes a job at a disabled persons home and is assigned to the difficult and abusive Rene as one of her group. Rene is rude and distances himself from everyone with his anger and turns of rage. Failing to stop his anger but winning his trust, Julie learns of the reason for Rene's anger he has not had sex for many months and, with his appearance and disability is unlikely to ever be able to win over a woman again. Rene asks Julie to get him a prostitute to help him out.If advertising, music videos, films and television has taught us anything then it is that sex and sexuality is the possession of the young, thin and beautiful. This is not to say that fat, ugly, stupid, old or disabled people don't have sex or aren't sexy, just that them doing it is not something that the mainstream media wants to have anything to do with! I'm not stating these things as fact but this is what we are taught by the images we get everyday hence this film (also called 'Uneasy Riders') seemed a bit of a tough sell. And indeed it is and it is to its credit that it manages to slowly win you over while still challenging at the same time. The plot is simple but it is the characters and the script that wins the day; the disabled characters are treated with as much dignity as the able bodied staff and there is no judgment here. The narrative at times is unlikely but it works well and the ending's step back into the reality is an inventive and nice touch. The digital video feels a little cheap at times until you get used to it and the direction is a bit too amateur and rough for my own tastes (too close, too jerky etc) but it is covered by the strong material and isn't a major detraction.The cast of mostly non-professionals do very well, although it is sometimes difficult to accept them as 'people'; I don't mean this as a dig but it is hard to shake off the image of the disabled that the mass media has given me (us) and take this film on fresh. Kaci is very attractive but also very human, she is sympathetic and frustrated by equal measure and she is not as simple a character as she could have been. Gourmet manages to make Rene difficult but do it without alienating the audience. His desire for sex is difficult to accept (again what I am told everyday by the media) but he makes his Rene a real person and it really works well. The support cast are mostly non-professionals and they do well; not all of them are given as much to work with as Gourmet but they provide colour and life that also helps to challenge preconceptions. Overall this is not an easy film to get into at first but it quickly wins you over with its cheerful view of humanity and warmth. The script and actors give all the characters a real sense of reality and dignity and it easily overcomes the views that we are fed by the media on a daily basis (what is and isn't normal). Not without flaws but well worth a look for what it does.
... View MoreDespite what seemed like a very crass ending, I did actually really enjoy this film. I would have liked to see the film deal more with some of the more harsh realities that people face however a very good job nevertheless. I would like to be able to use it as a training tool and wonder if anyone has any notion of how I may obtain a copy?
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