My Trip to Al-Qaeda
My Trip to Al-Qaeda
NR | 21 April 2010 (USA)
My Trip to Al-Qaeda Trailers

Journalist Lawrence Wright brings his multilayered one-man play to the screen as he discusses how a reporter remains objective while covering highly charged issues such as 9/11, Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden's past and the history of Islam. Wright examines the Muslim religion, Al-Qaeda's rise to power and bin Laden's complicated relationship with the rulers of Saudi Arabia in this riveting documentary from Academy Award-winning director Alex Gibney.


Great Film overall

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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.

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The documentary "My Trip to Al-Qaeda" was 'alright' despite being severely propagated; moreover, I think objective journalists in general would take issue with Wright's criticism of Saudi culture. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, likening the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to a "hypnotized chicken" is just as arrogant of a comment as the Hamas "death to The West" crowd, or The fascist Iranian president's views on Israel. Mutual respect is that which bridges gaps between cultures, religions, etc. We as Americans have our own cultural irregularities that the rest of the world doesn't exactly agree with. As level-headed and rational I find Mr. Wright to be, I must disagree with his approach and overall condescending attitude towards Saudi culture in this documentary. Government tolerance is really a subjective thing. Our forefathers wouldn't tolerate taxation without representation, and found it befitting to start a war over it. Today, the federal and state governments bully us out of roughly 28% of our paychecks in income taxes; highway tolls, and other illegal means, without any opposition. If you're rich enough, hire a good lawyer; if not, you're legally forced, much like situations elsewhere in the world, including Saudi. Saudi women cover to prevent getting raped/uphold their religion. We in the US get fined "for our own safety" for just about everything. No seat belt: fined! Forgot your wallet at home -- triple fined (despite today's technology which allows law enforcement to pull up where you took your last dump)! Your tail-light/license plate light is out? That's okay if there's no way that you can tell without someone telling you -- you're getting fined anyway. What happens if you don't pay the fine for a traffic violation? You get thrown in Prison, like a violent criminal. What happens when you don't pay taxes? Prison. What happens if you don't have health-care and need dental work, organ transplant, etc. One of a few things: you either pay the piper, live with the pain, die in agony eventually, or go to prison for medical attention. What happens when you lose your job and home? You go to the shelter? I guess it works for some; however, there are many others who prefer steady meals in Prison over Homeless Shelters. Is the US then to be classified as God's Hell on Earth? No. Why not? Using Mr. Wright's own words: "Humiliation is a choice." If you don't like your situation, leave, humiliate yourself by staying, or say thank God for everything as-is and live life with hope and a positive outlook. As the saying goes: "God grant me the power to accept that which I cannot change."

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Dean Collins

Great documentary, encourage everyone to watch it to open a dialog with all.Watching this i don't know who frustrates me more.... the radicals or the radicals.... (think about that statement, i mean both the American and the middle eastern radicals).All i do know is people are dying needlessly, but i don't have any answers (apart from slicing the nuts off the guy who maimed the bear - i'd be first to line up).I think we are all at fault, how can we reset the clock is my question.I read the other comment here and wanted to suggest to anyone reading these comments check out the movie for yourself and make up your own mind.I think that all education is good for you, but it's up to you as to how you use it.

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This video is the Prime example how west is manipulating the brains of people who don't know much about Islam and People of Egypt. Its a propaganda video in a sweet way to spread hate and negativity of Islam and Muslims, Really shame on Author and i pity how less he knows. Sham on you.There are so much information in the documentary which is false and has no true Islamic truth, Author is just assuming what he thinks is right but he never care enough to know what exactly is the truth.I seriously don't see any logic behind this video other than to give Muslim and Islam bad name, director/author thinks that people in middle east are imagining the truth and their beliefs are self made. Which i find really deceptive and prerogative.

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John Hawks

This documentary is nothing but full of lies. Some of the stuff is totally unbelievable. I taught in Middle east as well but people there are no where near bad or the way he mentioned. We have Madrisa's in UK as well and where students go and study Islam. And they are as normal as anyone else... I am sorry to say but Lawrence Wright's got it all twisted and it seems like he is assuming stuff and working on some Propaganda.Information is totally false and biased, its really shame that this guy taught and lived in middle east for so long and still could not understand real Islam and people of Islam.

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