My Sweet Satan
My Sweet Satan
NR | 01 January 1994 (USA)
My Sweet Satan Trailers

A group of directionless, bored, drug-using teenagers get involved in a cult, resulting in a murder.

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Sadly Over-hyped

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Kamila Bell

This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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MY SWEET Satan is a low-budget short directed by and starring Jim Van Bebber (DEADBEAT AT DAWN). This outing has atrocious acting, and is really only good for laughing at all the horrible haircuts on display...The story is about a Satan-loving jerk-off (Van Bebber)who kills one of his friends for stealing drug money from him. That's it. But I guess you're not gonna get TOO much plot in a 20 minute "film"...Other than a few decent gore scenes - which are really the ONLY reason for watching this one - MY LITTLE Satan is a dud. ALL of the characters are completely annoying, and the Satan "side-plot" is stupid and unnecessary as it's never really explained or built on. Give DEADBEAT AT DAWN a shot instead, or hopefully you already got the Synapse release of DEADBEAT AT DAWN, and MY LITTLE Satan was on the extras...4/10 - only for the head-stomp scene...

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"My Sweet Satan" is based on a real-life murder/suicide case where a dangerous drug dealer took a teenager out into the woods,got him high on LSD,accused him of stealing money,tortured him and stabbed him to death whilst screaming "Say you love Satan!".After this sickening event his friend stomped the boy's head to the pulp."My Sweet Satan" is a pretty gross little horror short.There is a hanging,a closeup nipple piercing and extremely brutal head stomping.Jim Van Bebber is fairly convincing as a creepy drug dealer and Mike Moore is okay as his whiny victim.This disturbing short is clearly not as good as Van Bebber's masterpiece "The Manson Family",but if you enjoy low-budget independent horror you can't miss it.7 out of 10.

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Greg Gorelick

OK... lets get the record straight. This movie is about Ricky Kasso, a knob of a teen who was involved in a "Satanic" cult called The Knights of the Black Circle. He killed his friend over drugs, and was high on mescaline when he did it. Nothing extraordinary, just strange. Fear Factory does a great song called 0-0 about this murder...its on the album Obsolete. I cant believe the review someone wrote about this movie talking about Satan worship and such... thanks for the religious right comment, but there are much more shocking things out there than some high school kid killing his friend over some imaginary bad guy. Thats right, I said it... Satan is my favorite IMAGINARY character. Well, him and Han Solo, and the tall man from Phantasm. This is a short film (like 20-30mins or so) but is really good. Good luck finding it. Watching this movie combined with a little internet research on the subject ( makes for a nice night of psychotropy.

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I would consider myself pretty jaded when it comes to extremely violent/disturbing type films but when I watched MY SWEET SATAN today I was completely blown away. It's a short film (about 20 mins.) and stars underground horror-action director Jim Van Bebber as Ricky Kasslin who is a character based on a (supposedly) true incident. It's nothing more than doped up, heavy metal white trash kids who worship Satan and crucify chickens. Sounds like family entertainment, eh? The "stomp" ending really had me gagging and is quite possibly the most intense, sick, and disturbing scene I've ever had the (dis)pleasure of watching! Oh yeah, and talk about that up-close (real) nipple piercing! I was practically squirming in my chair! I don't think I'll be popping this back into the DVD for quite some time....

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