My Last Day Without You
My Last Day Without You
| 11 June 2011 (USA)
My Last Day Without You Trailers

On a one-day business trip to New York, a German business executive falls in love with a singer-songwriter who exposes him to her Brooklyn world and emotions he's never experienced before.


The greatest movie ever made..!

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It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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While browsing Netflix looking for some basic entertainment to fill a few hours I noticed this film in my recommended items. It's setting (New York) and premise sounded exactly like the kind of thing I'd enjoy, so I decided I'd give it a try. The most remarkable thing about the film is how quickly it's appeal wears thin within it's brief 90 minute runtime. 40 minutes in, just as it seems that the guy (Niklas) might get the girl (Ticia) I was already bored and fidgety, carefully watching the bar to see how much longer there was left until the end.While Nicole Beharie turns in an excellent performance as the aspiring musician, her potential romantic partner, played by Ken Duken, comes off as a German Christian Gray; good looks but not much personality. His dialogue is at times incoherent, partially due to his accent but mostly down to the quiet tone of his voice, forcing me to watch most of the film with the subtitles on. The expression on his face is an almost constant puppy dog look with his head cocked to one side, maybe endearing to women (or men) who like that kind of thing, but to the ordinary viewer it simply makes him incredibly punchable. The subplot between the Pastor and Luz was also a mistake, mainly due to the fact that I didn't know enough about the characters to care what happened to them. It might have made a difference if the audience found out how long the pastor had been widowed and how his wife had died, but I doubt it worth the amount of screen time it was given. The film was very well shot, with a very picturesque quality to the establishing shots and a gorgeous warm look to the film. My Last Day Without You is a beautiful looking film with some funny spots, a good soundtrack and an excellent performance by one of the leading actors which ultimately comes across as trying to hard to be like the infinitely better Before Sunrise, but without the fantastic script, likable, realistic and witty characters and memorable resolution. While Before Sunrise made you feel like the characters could actually work together, the clichéd ending of My Last Day Without You left me feeling unsatisfied, believing that the characters will never work together as they haven't truly grown and learnt the lesson about courage that the film is presenting. In fact the irony of the film is that for all its talk about having the courage to take risks, it follows the feel-good Rom-Com pattern to the letter, not taking any risks with the story or themes and leaving the film overall feeling empty.

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I am no pseudo-movie critic so here is the short and sweet version of my opinion of this film.Usually, my expectations of a low-budget(under 1 million to produce), independent film aren't high. This movie, however, was simply delightful! The interactions between all of the characters were believable--each scene offers a treat for your viewing pleasure.There's a wonderful mixture of comedy, romance, and drama (not too much drama). Niklas and Ticia have such an amazing on-screen chemistry that keeps you wanting to know what happens next. The foreign driver in the story was a sweet and hilarious touch to me! The writers and director did a marvelous job at story telling, which seems to have become difficult for many to do these days. I don't think this movie was predictable like others have said in their reviews because it does not end the way that most Romantic Comedies do-- guy comes back to girl and they run to each other for some dramatic embrace. Kiss, kiss, kiss, cue cheesy triumphant theme song, they get busy, they live happily ever after. This movie breaks that mold in a way because you are left to wonder what happens between them which is a sweet agony in a way for a viewer! See the movie. You'll enjoy it!

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Aside from this being a chick flick, it caught my attention from other reviewers posts. But don't waste your time. The film is extremely meaningless and the acting is terrible. I suppose it was meant to be seen on the Hallmark Channel. I should be more careful on other people's choice of ratings when considering a sleeper (B for boring) type of movie. These must be starving actors who would do anything for a role. The plot is awkward to watch and there is absolutely no chemistry with the participants. It was very painful to sit through the whole thing and the appeal was over after the first 15 minutes. The reason for this post is to steer you clearly away from this awful showing. Your time is too valuable.

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Niklas is being talked to in German by someone unseen at the start of the movie and later lands in New York. Leticia(Nicole Beharie) is singing and playing a piano in her apartment, while composing a song. Next scene and good looking Nik is in his power suit sitting in a board room, telling a small group of American workers that they are being laid off due to downsizing. He walks into a coffee shop and guess who is sitting next to him; the beautiful, everybody calls me Tish, and she hands him a cd of her music. The good German tracks her down and asks for a date. At first she says no, but with his persistence, has lunch with him. They go back to her apartment and she sings for him and it is magic. They kiss and almost get it on, but she is a Christian girl and can't do it on the first date. Meanwhile the aspiring singer finds out that Niklas is the one who is responsible for her losing her job. Nik offers to fly her to Europe and set her up with a friend in the music business, but she just loves Brooklyn. A side story with her pastor father is also thrown into the mix. This is a routine and predictable romantic comedy which just breezes along. Nicole Beharie is gorgeous and has a good voice with decent songs. Her talent deserves better material.

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