My Lai Four
My Lai Four
| 10 December 2010 (USA)
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My Lai Four, a movie about the My Lai massacre in Vietnam. Here s the blurb: Freely adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Seymour Hersh, this film recounts the story of a platoon of American soldiers led by Second Lieutenant Wm. Calley. Falling into an ambush, they come under enemy fire and in the disastrous fight that ensues, two young soldiers lose their lives; a third is so badly injured that Sgt. Cowen is forced to put him out of his hopeless agony.


one of my absolute favorites!

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good film but with many flaws

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Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.

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Just been on vacation to Vietnam and visited the My Lai memorial,a deeply moving experience.In my opinion, this was a cheap and nasty attempt to recreate the story of the massacre.I hated the attempts to 'Hollywoodize' the story.There were feeble attempts to introduce a fictional love story which just cheapened the whole story.Most of the time, the villagers sounded more American than the Americans, except when they suddenly switched to Vietnamese for no apparent reason! The standard of acting was appalling and wooden. The dialogue was inane and most of the effects were pathetic.This film is an insult to the people who died at My Lai. One to avoid.

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It is difficult to really place your finger on what went wrong with this movie. Many of the actors seem to have been chosen because they have an Asian face but can speak English with an American accent. The problem is, they can't act. The lead actress is in fact Fillipino which explains her terrible Vietnamese when she seems to have been forced to speak it. Either stick with English, or use real Vietnamese Actors who CAN act and subtitle it.The dialogue is atrocious. One scene has a black actor telling people repeatedly that they are 'Bustin' his balls'. They should have had Tony Soprano playing that role. The hysterical shrieking and looped, "Oh my God!!!! Somebody help me!!!! Ah, my leg!!!!!" made me want to stick mute on for a while or reach for a gun and shoot the guy myself. I was relieved when a mine sorted out his agony. The rest of the soldiers are all caricatures of other films. You know, the virgin guy with the big black specs, the red-neck with his ammo belts and cigar, the wise black sergeant shouted down by the white man. Oh dear.The CGI just sucks. Really sucks. What did they blow the budget on that meant they couldn't hire a few Huey Cobras for a few days?I was hoping for a solid portrayal of the problems the rural Vietnamese faced when confronted on one day to join the VC and the next day to befriend the Republican forces. My Lai was portrayed as some idyllic village in a 'land that time forgot' kind of way. The people portrayed as simpletons completely devoid of any knowledge of what to do when confronted by soldiers. Anyone would think that Vietnam hadn't faced decades of war prior to this and that the last thing people would do was to run when confronted with soldiers. You don't need to be an expert on Vietnamese history to know this. Read a few autobiographies.In short, give this movie a miss. It's even worse than 'When Heaven and Earth Changed Places"

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As many may be aware, the massacre at the Son My hamlets of My Lai and My Khe in early 1968 by elements of the 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, is the most well-known of several massacres of Vietnamese civilians carried out by US forces during the Vietnam war.The incident itself was largely a legacy of the draft for Vietnam and the one year 'tour of duty' policy, which bled away experienced career soldiers from the fight, resulting in the drafting and training of poor quality officers to fill the gaps; men who were often completely unsuitable for command. These men were then told that 'the body count' was their yardstick of success, setting the stage for indiscriminate killing of civilians to become widespread when soldiers were out on patrol under such leadership. Such a culture meant that the My Lai massacre might never come to light at all had it not been for the brave actions of a reconnaissance helicopter crew who, upon witnessing the carnage taking place, landed at the village and put a stop to matters, and even then the military attempted to cover it up.So, a deep subject then, quite relevant too given that there is a 'new Vietnam' in Afghanistan; thus one deserving of serious treatment if a drama is to be made about the matter, and one from which we might learn something too if it was done right. Films about war atrocities are certainly not easy to make and often not easy to watch either, but Schindler's List proves that it can be done. Which makes it particularly staggering to find that this movie is not so much a serious attempt to tell the tale with the kind of gravitas it warrants, but rather more like bad action movie to the extent that it is actually laughable. That in itself is a remarkable achievement; to make a film about such an horrendous event that - for all the wrong reasons - can actually make you laugh at its ineptitude. We should be crying whilst watching a movie about this subject material! Being interested in the Vietnam war, I had hoped this would be a film which might dare to examine the motivations and singular scapegoating of William Calley. To put the spotlight of justice on his superior officers in perpetrating such a terrible deed, to question the cover ups and policies which led to such an appalling turn of events, and to take a really good long look at the morality of soldiers in combat when they are pressured to deliver a body count. But nooo - from the cheap, nasty backdrop of frankly inept CGI UH-1D helicopters, to the woefully poor acting and casting, plus a terrible script, cookie-cutter soundtrack, poor storytelling and editing that is all over the place, this film is like a masterclass on how not to make a movie and - criminally - an opportunity missed to make something that could have been a genuinely worthy piece of self-examinatory film-making with regard to military policies.Some of the close up camera work and lighting is okay to be fair, but then the 'actors' open their wooden mouths and attempt some of the atrociously bad dialogue and we're firmly brought back to FNG film-making territory once more. Couple this with the fact that several Vietnamese villager characters randomly switch between speaking subtitled Vietnamese and English for no readily discernible reason and the bewilderment continues. The result is that if you haven't stopped your DVD player and decided the DVD of this movie would serve you better as a drinks coaster, then you actually can't wait for the soldiers to get on with slaughtering the rotten actors playing the villagers just so the sound of frag grenades and gunfire will drown out the risible dialogue and offer a welcome smoke screen to mask am-dram standard 'acting'.This isn't just the worst movie about the Vietnam war, it's the worst movie of all time. Moreover it's an insult to the victims of the real event. Avoid this DVD at all costs, that is unless you need a drinks coaster.

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Very unrealistic movie, can't even get the service right, at one point one of the soldiers says they are marines. Anyone that was there knows all the screaming that is used as a backdrop making the soldiers seem like a bunch of whimpering children never took place, nor did I see anything like this in any of my three trips to nam. Tactically the movie has it all wrong, no one would drop in place during a mortar attack and then bunch up in a bomb crater. Correct procedure is to move out of the kill zone and stay at least 5 meters apart. Uniforms are wrong. Complete uniforms with steel pots were required. No one went on a mission wearing boonie hats and no shirts. All of this took place in the first couple minutes of the film at which point I quit watching it. Thought it would be a documentary instead of pure fiction.

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