My Dear Killer
My Dear Killer
| 03 February 1972 (USA)
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Following the mysterious decapitation of an insurance investigator, Police Inspector Peretti is put onto the case, but all the clues lead to an unsolved case of kidnapping and murder.


Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.

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n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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Bearing in mind that I'm not the world's biggest giallo fan, this typical entry in the genre is very much of the "seen it all before" type. There's a mysterious black-gloved, black-coated (sigh) killer going around bumping off lots of different people in diversely unpleasant ways; a dogged inspector tracks down the murderer but always ends up staying one step behind until the end, and lots of people argue, fight, and make love along the way. The story of this one is as garbled and confused as ever, and, typical of this genre, you're never really given the full picture of what happened, and too many characters make things hard to bear. This time around it's something to do with kidnapping and unpleasant hints of child abuse.However, the film does have some plus points in its favour. It's set entirely in the Italian countryside, which looks very nice indeed, and the central crime scene – a stagnant lake surrounded by derelict buildings – is an aesthetically pleasing, almost Gothic one. The film is enhanced whenever Ennio Morricone's typically excellent music plays, this time taking the form of a sad lament sung by a crying woman – it's really eerie and adds a little atmosphere to the proceedings. The giallo genre is renowned for its sadistic slayings and this film is no exception; people are bludgeoned, strangled, and, in the gory highlight displayed prominently in the film's advertising, a woman is taken to pieces with a circular saw – a very nasty scene indeed. However, my favourite murder is the one which opens the film, which is so over-the-top that it has become my favourite opening scene of any giallo; a JCB picks a guy up BY HIS HEAD and decapitates him! A great, cheesy moment that hints at similar moments to come but sadly no more arrive.The script is quite interesting for a change and the film has been well dubbed into English. George Hilton, one of the giallo genre's hardest workers, is fine as the inspector, if a little unsympathetic; he's supported by a range of interesting character actors in the likes of William Berger and Manuel Zarzo, and attractive Euro-actresses like Patty Shepard and Helga Line whom the director somehow contrives to make look unattractive. The film does have some intermittently good 'detective' moments straight out of an Agatha Christie book, including the fun 'whodunit' climax. But in all other respects it's very much by the book.

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"My Dear Killer" is another fun and decent entry in the Italian Giallo thrillers genre and begins interestingly enough with a man standing at a eerie lake and then meets his end with a gloriously twisted tractor accident/murder, and straight away lets the viewer know what's in store for the rest of the movie.The plot is very interesting for starters as we get the main character a detective trying to solve this crime, which then leads him to a kidnapping case from before where the child and father were both murdered. Then along the way of course everybody who was involved meets some sort of sticky end, which was another aspect that excited and interested me, especially the girl who gets attacked with a buzzsaw, which was both terrifying and well done.Okay there are some bad points, like for starters the pacing was rather slow at times and some of the characters didn't quite stand out, I couldn't tell some of them apart and there weren't enough colourful characters to fully ingage in. But what saves things are the delightful twists and turns round every corner, and especially loved the scene at the end where the detective gathers round the last remaining suspects in a Agatha Christie kinda way, about the reveal the identity of the killer, which was delightful, especially when the lights go out and then someone screams.All in all a fairly entertaining addition to the Giallo genre, but not one of the best ones though, but still decent enough.

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A man is decapitated with a steam shovel.It's not an accident,though because steam shovel operator is later found hanged and apparently murdered.When the other bodies begin to pile up Inspector Luca Peretti connects this case with the kidnapping and murder of a little girl and her father."My Dear Killer" by Tonino Valerii is a tightly woven giallo full of surprising twists and turns.There are some interesting flashbacks and very memorable soundtrack by Ennio Morricone.Giallo regular George Hilton shines in his excellent performance as Inspector Luca Peretti.The storyline is extremely complex and demands full attention of potential viewer.If you like Italian gialli you can't miss this classic.8 ransoms out of 10.A brief shot of a young naked girl is quite shocking and unexpected.

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Laid-back in terms of investigating goings-on, but otherwise a decent textbook giallo. Once again a bit more unsettling then others because it involves the death of a child. All ingredients are present (exept for the foreigner doing the investigating): a few bloody killings, a black-gloved killer, a decent whodunit/investigation-plot, a bit of occasional female nudity,... Of course, the re-dubbing isn't the best and the acting is fairly wooden, but we forgive any giallo for that, don't we? Good thing was that this time I didn't guess who the killer was. In fact, I wasn't really looking for the killer along with the detective. I was way too amused for that, with seeing how one clue lead to another several times. I did think that the killer's motivations were a bit weak though. But at any rate, if you're a fan of gialli, this should be another one worth seeing.

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