My Bollywood Bride
My Bollywood Bride
| 14 January 2006 (USA)
My Bollywood Bride Trailers

The story of Alex, a copy-writer dreaming of being an adventure novelist someday, who meets and romances Indian beauty Reena, while she is vacationing in California. Torn by her blossoming feelings for Alex and her Indian family values and obligations, Reena returns home without saying goodbye. Alex, distraught by the turn of events, decides to follow her to Mumbai and win her back.

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In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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S. J. Lewis

I came across this film while flipping through the satellite channels one rainy Saturday afternoon, and left it on for a while because with over 357 channels, there was really nothing on. Bruce Springsteen needs to update his song.I don't know how many Americans are familiar with Bollywood movies, but I'm given to understand that most of them involve a man and a woman who fall in love and must overcome many obstacles in order to be together. Also as I understand it, there must always be a happy ending. We have our own clichés, like the monster in a horror movie must always show up for the sequel, no matter how dead it was before, or that cars must fly through the air during accidents. Me, I kinda prefer the happy endings. Indestructible monsters and cars bouncing around like ping-pong balls leave me cold.The movie itself was simple, straightforward, and predictable, but there was one thing it had that made me watch it again. That was the secondary female character, played by Neha Dubey. Throughout the movie she seemed attractive enough, but not especially so...and then she was called upon to dance in a musical number for the movie that was going to be made. For me, at least, she went from slightly attractive to jaw-droppingly, rock-between-the-eyes, can't-look-away stunning, all flashing eyes and brilliant smile and fascinating choreography. If I see that this movie is going to be on satellite again, I'll watch it again, just for that dance routine.

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I saw this film with the preconceived notion that it would be a typical Bollywood film with all the musical numbers and extravagant sets and wardrobe. I was pleasantly surprised.This film was not at all what I expected. It was a wonderful, endearing romantic comedy. Not only was the story charming - a fresh take on the classic theme of "how far would you go for love?" - but the look was amazing as well. Beautiful shots of both India and LA alike. I would recommend this film to anyone looking for a break from the heavy political and action films that seem to be dominating the scene right now.

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Unbelievable!this film gets a 7 out 0f 10. This has to be one of the worst films i have seen in years. not only was the acting incredibly bad, the storyline (if you can call it that) was just as bad. Offcourse everyone knows what's going to happen within the first 5 minutes. Which is not a bad thing if you can captivate the audience during leading up to that moment. That however, is not the case. There is no action, no suspense, not even a spark between the 2 leading actors. It was unfortunately a waste of my time, and certainly a waste of my money. and the 2 of merely for trying

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What a wonderful film. It brought the best of the east to the west. This was like a crash course in Bollywood and Indian culture. I am so glad I happened to be in Palm Springs over the weekend. It was fast paced, exciting, colorful and really funny. Jason Lewis looked so different from his roles in Sex and the City. I think that audiences will be thrilled to see their favorite hunk in a romantic role.The editing and cinematography were superb! The acting was mostly excellent. Loved that "seven steps to Bollywood" scene. Can't wait to watch this with my friends.

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