Wonderfully offbeat film!
... View MoreSlow pace in the most part of the movie.
... View MoreMostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
... View MoreWorth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
... View MoreA very sweet and full plot with creative characters, and scenes. Absolutely gorgeously animated. Without a doubt a wonderfully told story.
... View MoreA standard collection of cliché characters (featuring Smart Girl, Awkward Boy, Arrogant Man, Sneaky Man and fearful, judgmental parents) are immersed in a kooky fairy tale world and given kooky fairy bodies. The computer graphics are passable but extra colorful, and the storyline is cobbled together from a random series of errors, without meaning or pathos. It's creepy enough to frighten sensitive children, it's freaky enough to disorient guileless children, and irrational enough to unbalance sensible children. The dreary jumble of scatterbrained and foolish scenes are not worth the effort it would take to stitch this puerile mass into a workable mythology. This movie demonstrate that dressing up a boilerplate teen movie with bizarre CGI cannot save it. This is why Pixar movies are so beloved; they drench their movies with plot. The creators of Mune, so intent on blowing the minds of kids with today's state-of-the-art CGI, skimped on plot. Thus, we are left with another forgettable art project, and as the state-of-the-art CGI advances there will be nothing of value left at all.
... View MoreFound 'Mune: Guardian of the Moon' in HMV a week ago and only got round to watching it a couple of days ago, as a hopeful remedy from having stumbled upon and watched a number of badly done animated films. The film actually looked and sounded good, so expectations were hopeful.Expectations that were not just met but exceeded. 'Mune: Guardian of the Moon' stands out as one of the better animated films seen recently by quite a considerable distance, of the animated films seen in the past week it is one of the best looking and is also one of the most thought-provoking and entertaining. Perhaps the still very charming and touchingly sweet romance was not as necessary as it could have been and Sohone's frequent comments on girls and ladies are tiresomely repetitive and will induce their fair share of cringes and eye-rolls (for a film with so much heart these distracted somewhat).However, the animation is incredible. Not in a long time in animation has there been a more wondrously and imaginatively rendered world, which makes it as easy as pie to get properly immersed in and be transported. The colours are truly a feast on the eyes, everything is very smoothly designed and the backgrounds and details, from the little things all the way up to the big effects, will amaze anyone with the richness and depth of the detail.There is a great music score too, capturing the whimsy, ethereal sparkle and mystery of the story and world effortlessly. The writing does a fine job of not only entertaining but also intriguing. There's plenty for the whole family, regardless of age and gender, to be amused and charmed at, while there is a surprising amount of sincere depth here which gives 'Mune: Guardian of the Moon' a refreshingly unexpected amount of heart.Story-wise, 'Mune: Guardian of the Moon' is remarkably complex while with enough simplicity to not lose younger children. Older children and adults will be amazed at the story and world's individual complexity while still making sense and treating its audience with respect. There is plenty of imagination here and the positive messaging makes its point but with more subtlety and tact than most films incorporating similar messaging. While there is a lot of style here, there is also a lot of heart.'Mune: Guardians of the Moon' excels with its characters too. While not complex as such, these characters are both interesting and likable. The chemistry between Mune and Glim is very charming. The voice acting is very good and dynamic.In summary, luminous and beautiful, a refreshing much-needed antidote. 8/10 Bethany Cox
... View MoreWonderful, Charming, Cheeky and lots of Heart for the Whole family, in the Ghibli story telling tradition and imagery.It has a blend of 3D animation and 2D dream sequences...It seems like a fairytale you should know but have forgotten. And thats the pity, the story telling is great, the animation is lovely and English voice actors did a great job.It's the story of the Sun and the Moon, and the Guardians that protect them.This animated feature deserves an Audience. Do yourself a favour and grab it
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