Mother's Milk
Mother's Milk
| 01 January 2012 (USA)
Mother's Milk Trailers

Claude is an easily overlooked statistics professor. After a childhood trauma left him motherless, he formed a dysfunctional craving. To satisfy the depraved hunger, he kidnaps Kim from the park and holds her captive in his basement. As the days pass and Claude’s truths are revealed, her fear slowly turns to comfort and compassion…or does it?


Such a frustrating disappointment

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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Stephan Hammond

It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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Rented this unknown film last night suffering from yet another night of insomnia. This is the story of a man who keeps a woman chained in his basement for the sole purpose of using her lactating breasts to feed his fetish. Sounds like pretty family far huh? I jest.Well the problem is, she is not lactating, and he made a mistake. When capturing her she was jogging along with her sisters child and he is left not knowing what to do with his new victim. What follows could be described as a cat and mouse game between two lost souls. One a man scarred from childhood and the other a college graduate facing real life problems and that dreaded "what next" phase. This material has been covered similarly in other films (the more recent "Chained" has many similar moments) however it's never really been handled this way.Its a quiet film. One that may be overlooked by some based on its slow movement. The director doesn't seemed interested in making any bold statements or showing off for an audience. Here is a movie that basically takes place in one room between two characters. There's no real outlandish violence, no one scene that could be considered the ultimate climax - yet there is a sense of overwhelming dread the entire run time. It's an uneasy experience for sure. Due to the performance of the lead actor, Casey Chapman, the biggest sense of unease is that you have sympathy for his character throughout. His is a performance like many of the classic movie villains (Norman Bates really comes to mind). Like Anthony Perkins, Chapman has created a character that all at once you feel sorry for and are scared by. He is tender, personable, pleasant, attractive, yet all at once someone you would not want to be alone in a room with. If anything at all ties the film together and makes it a must-see it's this leading performance. It does take some twists and turns I didn't expect, and it showcases solid direction from a new director. I would highly recommend it.

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All of the exaggerated over the top nonsense reviews of this film made me laugh...These people must have worked on or know the people who were responsible for making this "thing" as i cant see any other reason for such high ratings.I made my account to do my very own honest and real reviews after reading so many idiotic reviews on terrible movies over and over on this site.Do not waste your time with this movie, the simplest and quickest way to sum it up in one word is (Rubbish)End of

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The debut film of director Edward Pionke is a trip to the dark side for the viewer. As with many direct to streaming services release, this one again falls victim of misleading a careless cover art. What we are lead to believe is we are about to see a horror film, and this is quite simply not what were given. The only reason I cannot rank this film a perfect 10 is because of the misleading cover art and synopsis. The tag line "family is forever" is a bit more fitting, however what we have here is a glimpse into the mind of a truly disturbed man - not a horror film to please the fans of the Saw franchise or the Hostel franchise. If that's what you're looking for, stray away.We meet Claude, a professor who seems to live a solitary and lonely life. Early on we find out that he holds a woman captive in the basement of his modest home, we are unsure why. As the film dives down the rabbit hole we learn that he deals with issues from being raised by a mother who perhaps drank too much and perhaps nursed too long. Due to an unfortunate accident, Claude is left a broken and disturbed man. The film takes place mainly in one room, the dank basement of Claude's house. And besides a few very minor side characters, the film circles around two characters, Claude and Kim. Kim is an attractive woman kidnapped under the wrong circumstances and forced to take the role of "mommy" to Claude. There's no explosions, no high gore, no jump scares or BOO moments. This is a film that hinges upon the audiences ability to allow themselves to be locked in a room with a borderline psychopath and wonder what you would do in similar circumstances. Would you risk dying alone by fighting against your captor or would you get to know who this man is and find your own way out. In many ways the film is a cat and mouse thriller. It's very much Kim Vs. Claude. And as the film goes on it's very much Claude Vs. Claude. There's not a lot of movie making like this out today. The film was probably dumped direct on video because a studio would be afraid of how to market the film, afraid there would be no audience for it. I cannot imagine that there was a big budget behind this however, so I wouldn't believe it would be hard to make back its budget, because it is a highly interesting film that could be marketed towards an art house crowd - I know they exist. Besides featuring an interesting and fresh script and solid directing, it contains a performance that you just don't see even in mainstream films. The actor who plays Claude, Casey Chapman, does the unthinkable. Personally, although he does some unforgivable things, I was rooting for Claude. The actor has sympathized the devil. It's a remarkable performance. With solid support from the co-lead Mackenzie Wiglesworth, Mother's Milk amounts to a solid art house film that's perfectly worth the price of a rental. Besides the weird marketing angle, this is a dark dark gem.

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ABSOLUTELY loved this Indie flick. While the storyline was disturbing, the acting was incredible. I found the characters to be soooo very believable and completely unpredictable. So many twists and turns both within the storyline and within the characters themselves. I love a story that actually allows me to sympathize with the villain as well as the victim and that is exactly what I did. The scenery used in this movie was just perfect. Exactly what I would picture given the circumstances. I also found the placement of the flashbacks to be highly effective and allows the viewer to sort it out on their own and draw their own conclusions. I would HIGHLY recommend this movie to anyone and everyone who enjoys a psychological thriller. You will feel the tension. You may also never eat liver again.

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