Money Movers
Money Movers
R | 01 August 1979 (USA)
Money Movers Trailers

A group of crooks plan a heist to steal twenty million dollars from a Security Firm counting house.

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Too much of everything

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Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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The story of an armored car robbery, apparently based on a true case. The acting is solid and the action, especially for a small budget film, is deftly handled, There are a number of good twists and turns along the way. On the other hand, there's a bit of a feeling something's missing, like a unifying theme or underlying ideas. Or even character development. Unlike (for example) Ben Affleck's recent The Town", this is a pretty simple film, just telling you an exciting story as solid B movie entertainment, and not aiming for much more. But there's certainly room for that alongside more 'thoughtful' or character orientated crime flicks. Well shot, well directed by a young Bruce Beresford, and worth seeing if you're a fan of the genre.

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Ezekiel Steiner

Money Movers really shows what can happen when greed and temptation come together. The money movers of the title handle millions of dollars each day in armored vans completely ready for an outside attack. But what happens when the danger comes from the inside? The answer is everything: Murder, double-cross of thieves, rival gangs, intrigue, suspicion, and the list goes on. This movie is packed with testosterone and has all the action you could ask for. Bruce Beresford directed who would latter come to America and did the Oscar winner Driving Miss Daisy. Based on the book of the same title by Devon Minchin this movie boasts one of the best robberies ever filmed – climaxing in the bloodiest, fastest, hottest shootouts ever put to film. This movie is hard to find in the US but if you come across a copy watch it!

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You can almost smell the sweat and testosterone !This is a movie for the blokes. It's full of tough blokes, violent blokes, bossy blokes, union blokes, angry blokes and blokes who tell the sheilas to go away and let the blokes get on with important blokey business.Hugely talented Australian cast with an equally talented director. This is what Aussie society was like before we all became middle-class and comfortable.Oh, the plot? Crooked blokes are practically lining up to rob an armoured-car security firm. The siege mentality builds as the story progresses, as the company tries to work out where the next hit is coming from.If I had to pick a fault, it was sometimes hard working out who was double-crossing who, some of the dialogue was up to "Law and Order" fast snappy talking standard, but it mostly all makes sense towards the end.Three stand-out treats - 1. Jeanie Drynan (the mum from Muriel's Wedding) looking very trim & terrific, not at all like the side of a house.2. The Beaurepaires Tyre man playing a sadistic henchman. (He played a similar scary character in Mad Max).3. Lucky Grils being excellent light relief as a "Bluey" character.It was also interesting seeing a young Bryan Brown (un-imaginatively cast as "Brian" !) playing against (later) type ie having a lack of confidence and really feeling the pressure, almost the opposite of his roles in "Cocktail" and "Risk".So crack open a beer, send the wife out of the room, turn up the volume and enjoy this under-rated Aussie movie.

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It's an amazing film. The casting is amazing - notably Ray Marshall, Bryan Brown and Tony Bonne The planning of an armored car heist, you never quite know who's going to do right or wrong, until the very end when the sides are truly drawn and it culminates in an unbelievably violent finale. This, along with a toe clipping torture scene earlier on, gives it the feel of Tarantino/Avary and their ilk, but a good ten years earlier. The tension as the movies gets closer and closer to the actually heist is insane. Why this movie isn't as lauded as Beresford's films before and after this one is a mystery.

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