| 17 January 2014 (USA)
Mitt Trailers

A filmmaker is granted unprecedented access to a political candidate and his family as he runs for President.


Admirable film.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Cissy Évelyne

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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bob the moo

Even though I am an European it is hard not to get sucked up into US politics whether it be via the international news or the entertainment shows that make their way across the pond; as such I followed the US Presidential elections and even take a bit of the interest in the stages where the two parties decide their nominees from the field. Although my politics would see be veer away from the Republican party (more and more as it drives harder towards its base), I did quite like aspects of Mitt Romney and I was interested in this film to see what more I would learn.The first thing to say is that the film does a great job of getting access and, although it is clear that the family are still guarded around the Whiteley's camera, they are certainly not as guarded as they are in front of the media. This means we get to see a side of Romney that he really struggled to get across to the voters – a decent man with a close family, someone who doesn't really like the BS that comes with the politics and someone who is reasonably practical in how he does about his political life. The film shows us that well and I liked how natural everyone felt around the camera – only at one point did I feel like the camera had been flagged as being a factor for people to be aware of. This means we get to see the Romney's relaxing and chatting, including Mitt feeling good, feeling bad or just living a normal life – picking up trash off the hotel balcony before it blows away. So on this level the film is interesting because it gives a feeling of intimacy with a Presidential candidate that one never gets on the campaign trail.The problem is, it never goes beyond this as a film or a documentary. Although we have access deep into the camp it is amazing how little we see beyond Mitt the man. We really don't appreciate the process in any extra detail; okay we see a bit of bickering about debate rules and some aggressive comments made but we are never party to any compromises made by Mitt to pander to the base, we never heard a mention of any of the mud slung by either candidate and so on. In short, we learn almost nothing about the mechanics of the actual race. I understand that the film will say that the focus was always the "Mitt" of the title and not these other things, but it is really hard to get away from the fact that there is a much bigger and more interesting subject that frankly isn't even being looked towards never mind examined or explored.Mitt is a decent watch due to the access it gets and the chance to see a more human Mitt Romney, however beyond that there is really nothing here apart from a slightly different look at the same parade you'll have already seen. A real shame that such an opportunity doesn't produce a much more interesting film.

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I hope others will watch to see the man and acquaint yourself with the one who should be in the White House today. I hope you run again, Gov. Romney, we need you. You are a fine, brilliant man who works hard and really wants to give something back to America, the country you love so deeply. God bless you. I thought your movie was very honest and candid and show what you and your family had to deal with every day of your 2008 and your 2012 campaign runs.You were the right man at the right were dealing with a candidate who was protected by the mainstream media and other various groups and organizations. Your video touched my heart even more as half of the country still mourns your loss and Obama's approval rating lower than any past President we've ever had. We need you. America needs you. Please run, please run again.

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I followed the 2012 elections avidly, but failed to get a sense of what Mitt was all about. They really should have released this movie at the time of elections. It may have made a difference to some voters. Mitt comes across as genuinely likable, funny, friendly and analytical. Had he been elected he would probably have seen himself as the CEO of America.But he also comes across as politically naive especially when him and the family are talking about John McCain. Ann Romney constantly looks at the camera and one gets the feeling that all her actions before the camera are part of a show she is putting on. The only scene where she seems genuinely relaxed and at ease is when she is with her horses.Some scenes like the one where his son gets slapped are appalling. I would very much have liked to see the thought process that went behind Mitt's picking of a vice presidential candidate.The family comes across as clannish and loyal but that is probably to be expected in such a hotly contested race.It's really hard to reconcile this image of Mitt with that of the man driving 650 miles with his sick dog on top of the car in freezing weather.

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Jamie Bonner

First of all, I voted for Mitt Romney, so I found him as a candidate to be ideal. Probably the best candidate I have seen in a long time. This movie shows the political process through his eyes and the eyes of his family. It goes behind the scenes and shows what a wonderful, honest and smart man he is with a wonderful wife and children, who are in most of the movie. This is not a biography of Mitt, which is what I was expecting, but his run for president in both 2008 and 2012; it shows the debates with other candidates and the interactions he had with his wife and family. Watching his conviction and wanting to save this country makes me sad, but it does show what a wonderful man he is. It is a bit of a nail-biter, waiting for results and the defeats he experienced. I hope everyone can see this movie, Democrat or Republican.

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