Miles Away
Miles Away
| 09 September 2009 (USA)
Miles Away Trailers

It's 1987, two bag men lay low with their loot as 'mad cow disease' spreads throughout the countryside.


I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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Just perfect...

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Roy Hart

If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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When two suited Bagmen arrive in the countryside with a duffel bag full of 'What life depends on it was written for', we get the impression that this is going to be yet another attempt at a low budget gangster movie full of the whistle stops of its predecessors. Snappy dialogue; that only serves to support the hollow plot, Guy Ritchie style editing and not to unattractive young women out for what they can get. But from the opening few scenes of McNamee's debut feature, nothing fits the mould. BSE has spread among the farmlands and the locals are organising a Greek Play, which serves as the catalyst against the cruelty of nature. One family hold the key to the cure, and their child is the seed. Hope, as she is befittingly named, must exercise her rituals to entrap a suitable mate if she is to honour her birthright and save mankind. Our Bagmen, Gill and Rokit are like a modern day Goldberg and McCann from Pinter's Birthday Party, on vacation, laying low between jobs - in this case a delivery of loot, who find themselves the subject of this mysterious and altogether bizarre experience. The cross genre of fantasy meets the realist world of cinema can often result in confusion for the observer, and such is the case for the most part of this film. Even the deliberate pace, which at times is often very refreshingly funny, particularly when Gill smokes his first joint in the barn, and the campfire scene, you get the impression that like it's title you really are far from the norm. The duo are well matched and the performances are on the whole are superb, particularly Bryan Larkin as Gill who is a great counterpart for the often zealous Rokit , Tim Watson-Mitchell. Stand up Ben Norris, plays it straight and is convincing as Hope's father.

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