Midnight Mass
Midnight Mass
| 08 July 2003 (USA)
Midnight Mass Trailers

A group of people fight for their small town after vampires take over the world.


Just so...so bad

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Excellent, a Must See

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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The only thing horrifying is the script, and the acting, and the makeup...Let me start by saying that I am a huge fan of the novel upon which this turd is based. The book? Fantastic.The movie? Not so much.Let us start by stating that referring to the acting in this movie as "wooden" would be to over-emphasize any realistic flexibility this cast has. Seriously, ventriloquist dummies have a greater depth of emotion.Of course, then there is the fact that it seems every other scene is people walking around in the open, at night...you know...when vampires can get them? The vampires themselves? The only way they could look cheaper is if they were merely wearing t-shirts that said "Vampire" on them.Avoid this stinker.

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Considering this film was a) not written by the director, b) relied mostly on inexperienced actors AND crew, and c) had a budget that was clearly far beyond sub-par, i have to say it really couldn't have been THAT shitty. Honestly, if you've ever seen Reptilian, you know a bad movie. Or You Got Served. Or how about 75% of any of the massively popular movies out there that, let's face it, are only popular because they can afford decent actors and special effects to cover up the absolutely shitty writing -- writing which, in point of fact, the director IS responsible for allowing to be used in the damn movie.Considering how little it had to work with, this movie could have been SO. MUCH. WORSE. It was a good effort, but sub-par equipment, actors, and well... everything else... kinda killed this movie before it even started.

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When I went to go rent a couple movies this week, I admit, I felt pathetic. It's been a long time since I rented a horror flick. I used to run to the horror section all the time when I went to rent movies. What happened? I don't want to think I am growing out of the genre. So what do I do to get back? I rented this piece of crap! "Midnight Mass" is a very lame B-movie. The acting is very horrible and the writing, I don't even know if there was an actual script. It was just so stupid. But now, I'm going to think before I go into the Horror section again! Thanks to the people of "Midnight Mass", YOU'VE KILLED MY LOVE OF THE HORROR GENRE!!! 1/10

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What can I say about "Midnight Mass?" Well, the plot...wait...WAS there a plot? I've dubbed a few movies "the worst," but nothing I've ever seen (aside from Brain Dead productions) has ever come close to topping this crap-fest. It's one of those rare things that you have to see, to believe.The acting quality was non-existent (really), the directing was atrocious (what there was of it); the storyline was not just weak, it was dead and buried long before they even SHOT this thing; the sets appeared to have been put together by a group of nine-year-olds and the effects were the worst I have seen in a long, LONG time.This flick was a complete waste of film and of my money in renting it.There was not a single redeeming factor about this flick. Not one.It gets a 0.1/10 from...the Fiend :.

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