| 01 January 0001 (USA)
Meteor Trailers


To me, this movie is perfection.

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Really Surprised!

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Absolutely brilliant

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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I kinda like this movie. I think it's worth watching at least once. The premise is good and most of the acting is enjoyable, but it feels like they tried to shove way too many plot lines into this production. Spoiler alert If they had just tried showing the girl trying to get the information to the military (although with a few less deaths) It would've been a good movie. If they had just showed the cop trying to rescue his daughter and stop his ex-partner while dodging debris, that would've been a good movie. If they had showed the doctor and her family trying to survive that would've been a good movie. If they had showed the sheriff and the town, that would've been a good movie. Joining the Doctor and the sheriff would've been good. Joining the girl and the cop story lines, it would've been a good movie. Well, actually it would have been a better movie. But with all of them shoved in there together it was too much going on to easily follow. I also think they over did what the girl had to go through and what the bad cop was able to do.This is a movie to watch if you just want noise while you're doing other things, just for the entertainment but don't try to take it too seriously. Asteroid (with Michael Biehn) was a much better mini-series covering the same basic story. This movie is one I will watch again just because I like it, unless Asteroid is on at the same time.

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There is some good talent here in Meteor, but how this mini-series wasted it was unforgivable. The best and only good thing about it is Christopher Lloyd, more subdued than usual but still makes a conscientious effort, and he's only in it for an hour, maybe that he realised that it was so bad and refused to be part of it. Other talented actors like Jason Alexander and Ernie Hudson also don't have very much to do, they try hard but can't do anything with their material. The rest of the actors are just terrible, Michael Rooker is just embarrassing to watch. It is just sad that the big-names, who actually show talent, have little to do and those who show nowhere near as much talent are given more though that's saying little. Because the characters are cardboard cut-out, made to act interminably obnoxious, and they are very underdeveloped and entirely unsympathetic to the viewer, for a mini-series of this length that is just as inexcusable as wasting the big-names. And the dialogue is vomit-inducing and idiotic with all the characters spouting annoyingly stale clichés, to the extent also of making us feel stupid. The story just rambles on and on, the disaster itself is over-dramatised and there are subplots that take far too long to get going or resolve. What's worse is that most of them are completely irrelevant and just feel like padding, while there is nothing tense, thrilling, suspenseful or even engaging about the story. At best the science is questionable, it felt like the writers were making it on the spot with the audience just feeling perplexed, and the ending is one that you can smell a mile off, that's how predictable it is. The music is basically made up of four different themes and moods and is incredibly repetitive, even worse they are introduced randomly and with no regard of the mood of the scene or what had happened before. While visually and directorially the mini-series is the very meaning of amateurish, there's literally been better effects on the worst of Power Rangers and Disney teen movies/shows, there's nothing interesting, subtle or distinctive about the photography, and the overall look of it is depressingly drab. All in all, absolutely terrible in all senses, committing the sins of wasting any talent there is and not developing characters or dialogue over the length. If it wasn't for Lloyd there would have been no redeeming features. 1/10 Bethany Cox

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First of all, I love sci-fi movies, apocalyptic stuff and doomsday movies. When I saw the poster for this and eventually the trailer I figured it would be awesome so I watched it with some friends.This must've been the biggest piece of garbage of a movie I have ever seen. Sure, some good actors and the occasional good effects might've brought the score up to a 2 but no, the plot, the dialog and the writing is too awful.Spoiling a bit, there is only one person in WORLD with the knowledge of an asteroid on a collision course to Earth, a professor living in Mexico. Before thinking of searching for a working phone or a freaking internet connection, he decided to go on a road trip to the US to get the data to the authorities and guess what, he dies in a car accident 10 minutes later. Now it's up to his assistant to deliver the data while apparently being chased by meteors.The assistant is, of course though, the most unlucky girl in the world and gets hit by meteors several times, encounter the only corrupt police officers in Mexico, is charged 50 dollars for a phone call (bring money? noooo!) and runs out of gas. Twice.I could go on all day but the text would be to long for me to cover the entire movie. Just some other major plot holes were a stupid sub-plot of a small town of barely a few thousands people getting hit by about 50 different meteors, the meteor-defense headquarters getting destroying by a meteor(really?) and the heroine being more obviously chased by meteors than a cartoon-character being chased by bees the shape of an arrow.1/10 worst sci-fi ever and top ranking for worst movie ever.

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I really can't believe that I have been looking forward to watching this miniseries for weeks, it is horrible the worst script I have seen on a primetime show in a long time, perhaps ever. If you are looking for a cheese way of wasting 4 hours of your life than this may be the show for you, if not than please don't waste your time. The main problem with this show is the fact that there seemed to be story lines that had nothing to do with the main plot, they were unnecessary and seemed like forced fill to make a miniseries. Most everything was totally unbelievable, thankfully I had DVRed it, so I fast forwarded through most of the cheese. The plot is fantastic and could have been written so much better. NBC should be ashamed of itself for putting this on TV, and charging sponsors for commercials. Really is there so much Reality TV on the air now a days that know one remembers how to actually write a script.

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