Meteor Apocalypse
Meteor Apocalypse
NR | 23 February 2010 (USA)
Meteor Apocalypse Trailers

A gigantic meteors enters Earth's orbit and begins to disintegrate, showering the entire planet with debris.


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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the cover of this movies seems as a real action film with great Special effects, but IT IS NOT. It has been one of the worst movies i have ever seen.If you want to loose friend or give a bad impression you have to recommend this movie as good to watch.Poor script, bad director, bad characters, very bad effects. After the first 15 minutes I started to slow forward the movie, after 30 minutes i was begging the movie to end. This movie should be banned or be in a category called: worst ever. Its a shame for the main character to act in this movie, he should stay in TV episodes as he has been all the time.

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This film is so bad I had to watch it all the way through, the effects, I have avoided the word special on purpose, are hilarious, there will never be enough hours in the day to describe how bad this film is. The leading lady idea of acting was to pant more when she was out of breadth. Loosing a few pounds of her hips would not have done any damage. As for the leading man, he would be wise to seek work as a stunt double for Daniel Craig. The cheapness of the sets are beyond belief, most of the central part of the film appear to have been shot over a weekend on a disused factory lot. The bit at the end when the hero is looking for his family and the mountain off screen is "attacked" by the meteors is really funny I won't mention the ending but it's so bad it's good and what happened to his traveling companion. Priceless.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

Strange how there are so many really bad disaster movies around. "Meteor Apocalypse" ranks right up there with the bad ones.Initially, I had no expectations to the movie, and rightly so, otherwise I would be sorely disappointed.The story of this movie is ridiculous and often incoherent. There are so many things and scenes that does not make sense and just makes go "alrighty then..." I am sure the director meant well enough with his movie, but it just didn't come together as a greater unity. "Meteor Apocalypse" was doomed right from the very first minute, already there it was incoherent and downright stupid.The CGI effects in "Meteor Apocalypse" are bad, though not the worst I have seen, so that got to count for some, at least.Some might find it enjoyable if you got nothing better to do, and just want some mindless way to pass an hour and a half. Expect nothing from this movie, and disable your brain if you are going to watch this movie.The plus in this movie is that not all of the acting is all that crappy.Sad that so many disaster movies are well-intended, but fail to deliver.

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A movie where you can leave your Brain out of it. Just watch for the message. A government that doesn't warn anyone of the impending disaster. The featured player is a worker at water plant (scientist?) Some people are dead. The government 'qurantines' others and moves them en mass around the country. The Hero abandons his vehicle to walk home. He finds his family being herded in vehicles. When he confronts Bio-Hazard suited men they hold him back. Usually a person being argumentative is beaten or at least forced to join the herd. Of course the movie Road show would end there(?)... With all the adrenalin that should be present he wanders off and falls asleep. Waking he searches for what... finds a dead man in a SUV and a woman sick nearby. Now we have our sickly fem who goes with him on the search. Arriving in Las Vegas he finds his buddies Government office/lab. By Golly no security of any kind. Everybody has been evacuated Except one lab tech still working while the place is overrun with looters. During a search of a trash bin he finds a water bottle, wow. He is soon set upon by looters and a FBI team show up to save them. Begins the next leg of the road trip... More marauders take out the FBI and leave our Hero and fem to walk again. Side story is the Government mishandling elsewhere. Dialoge is unbelievable, responses to situations are contrived. There is so much more to lead to the "Miracle" ending. Funny that a Poster saying as much was conveniently over the shoulder of the Hero at the start of the picture. This is another movie you can confidently avoid. Although people who need to be inspired may enjoy it.

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