Mercy Christmas
Mercy Christmas
| 28 November 2017 (USA)
Mercy Christmas Trailers

When Michael Briskett meets the perfect woman, his ideal Christmas dream comes true when she invites him to her family's holiday celebration. Dreams shattered, Michael struggles to survive once he realizes HE will be Christmas dinner.


The greatest movie ever made..!

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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I was expecting a horrible movie but DJ Hale made this movie. He was hilarious and his part is unforgettable. Great acting, good story. Pleasantly surprised by this sleeper.

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Like the other reviewer I too thought at the beginning that I was in for a low budget,badly acted trash movie,so I was very surprised when I got an action packed,bloody good movie.The acting was excellent all round and the effects and cinematography were top notch.I found it both funny and sad and a couple of events in it just made me intensely angry,If a movie can draw those emotions from you,then I think,for me,it's a success.Whitney Nielsen (Katherine) was so convincing in her character and so beautiful I guess I fell a little bit in love with her,another sign of a good movie.Cole Gleason (Andy),is so delightfully evil I wanted to jump in and kill him myself AND D.J. Hale (Eddie) was just hilarious.This is a must see for anyone who loves a good comedy/horror.

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When I started to watch this movie I did not know what to expect but it was actually quite hilarious I laughed through the movie I watched it from start to finish at fyirst I thought it was going to be some low-quality movie but the acting it wasn't like Oscar award winning but it was actually pretty good I believe every character added some spice to the script and it was good I liked it Even the parts that weren't supposed to be particularly funny were funny.

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