Memento Mori
Memento Mori
| 24 December 1999 (USA)
Memento Mori Trailers

The ghost of a lesbian high-school girl takes revenge on the people who used to bully her. And another young girl finds her old diary detailing her love and rejection when she was alive.

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Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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Nitzan Havoc

Unlike the first Yeogo Goedam, this time I managed to follow the plot and the characters, although I still found it quite difficult to differentiate the characters (for someone like me who doesn't meet Asian looking people in their lives - their appearances look similar and their names sound similar).Whispering Corridors 2: Memento Mori is a film I've heard and read was great and highly recommended, and maybe that's why I was slightly disappointed. From I've seen so far, Japanese Horror likes to combine psychological thrillers with ghost stories, and Korean Horror likes to combine Horror aspects with Drama. Good Drama, sometimes great - but Drama nonetheless, and I'm not such a Drama fan, especially not when I set out to watch a scary film.Memento Mori's absolute best scene was the poem/speech in the very beginning. As a poet myself, I found it to be absolutely genius, it definitely joined the my favorite quotes list. From then on - like I said, a slight disappointment.The relationship described between Hyo-shin and Shi-eun takes the audience through all the emotional spectrum one can imagine, but when it comes to moments of bone-chilling fear I've learnt to expect from Asian horror films - it fails to deliver. True, there is a ghost involved, but nothing like The Grudge or The Ring, or even the newer slightly less frightening films like Alone.All in all, I think I've learnt that Korean Horror simply isn't my style, and am probably not going to continue watching the Yeogo Goedam series. Objectively - you might enjoy this film, if you like to combine Drama with not so scary Horror. I personally - don't.

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Hyo-shin(Yeh-jin Park) and Shi-eun(Young-jin Lee)are a teenage lesbian couple who share a unique diary portraying their growing relationship which is found by Min-ah(Min-sun Kim). The setting is a private girls school and the film details why Hyo-shin leaped from the top of the school building to her death. The film leaps into the past where we see the rejection of Hyo-shin and Shi-eun's lesbianism from the students around them. Also, detailed is Hyo-shin's unfortunate choice to sleep with her professor, Mr. Goh(Jong-hak Baek)and the subsequent strain that has on her relationship with Shi-eun. Also, we watch as Shi-eun becomes more and more increasingly uncomfortable with sharing their love in front of others while Hyo-shin doesn't hold back her feelings with no shame whatsoever. The present shows Hyo-shin's haunting of Min-ah who reads the diary and what the little morsels from within convey to her. We also see how Min-ah's life changes upon reading the pages of the diary trying to search Shi-eun for answers regarding Hyo-shin and what might've lead to the fateful suicide. The ending shows Hyo-shin's wrath upon everyone as her ghost closes the doors of the school not allowing anyone to leave while showing herself to a frightened group of people. Min-ah wishes to return the diary to Hyo-shin if it will stop the carnage.This is, in actuality, a painful lesbian drama with the horror elements only further telling the story. The rejection of society and the acceptance of who you are main themes focused on. Min-ah is our guide into the trauma and the past yields sad truths about love turned away. I'm afraid many might feel jaded towards the directors' shifts in time because they do so without will have to give yourself to the film and allow it to take control. It's a powerful piece of film-making where you're able to tell a strong story about the throes of unrequited love within the horror genre without the usual limitations in story-telling.

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Haunting the Foreign Film section of the local Hollywood Video (the only local video outlet that boasts a substantial selection) has proved greatly rewarding on numerous occasions. Among my favorite foreign films are the Asian fright films- not the gory stuff like ICHI THE KILLER or the over-the-top fare like BATTLEFIELD BASEBALL (which borders on being the kind of movie that Troma Films cranks out with alarming irregularity), but the understated (and underrated), satisfyingly spooky stuff like WHISPERING CORRIDORS, DARK WATER, PREMONITION, PHONE, A TALE OF TWO SISTERS and MOMENTO MORI (to name but a few). The latter, in particular, warrants a look. Though it's referred to as a sequel to the aforementioned WHISPERING CORRIDORS, it's very much its own entity (chuckle). If you're tired (as I am) of American "murder movies," I suggest a subtle (and most satisfying) change of pace: MOMENTO MORI.

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Much more interested in the relationship between two schoolgirls than being a true ghost story (though it is that to at the behest of the Producer) This Korean film has to do with a mysterious diary that has been found by one of the students detailing the developing lesbian relationship between the two girls, which is handled extremely well and brought to mind Peter Jackson's "Heavenly Creatures" in a way. The supernatural aspect is relegated mostly towards the ending of the film and no doubt will be disappointing to some. It's a pretty good film and very nicely acted, I just feel that it may be the tiniest bit overpraised by the 'proffesional' reviewers My Grade:B- Asia Extreme DVD Extras: A 25 and a half minute Making of; Photo Gallery; Music video; Theatrical Trailer; and Trailers for "Phone", "Koma", " Tale of Two Sisters", "Heroic Duo", "Whispering Corridors", & "Oldboy"

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