NR | 15 May 2010 (USA)
Megaman Trailers

A brave robot volunteers to combat the mechanoid minions of a mad scientist bent on world domination.


Let's be realistic.

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A Brilliant Conflict

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Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.

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Tyreece Hulme

One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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When I saw this, I remembered thinking "Hmmm, I don't remember a Mega Man movie being released in 2010". And it became obvious pretty quickly why I hadn't heard of this. From the cinematography (calling it that is an insult to cinematographers everywhere) to the "Acting" to the vapid script and the very unspecial effects, this thing is a fiasco from the get go. There are two redeeming things about this movie: 1) it's free to view from the website (although I did have to pay for bandwidth. I want my 50 cents back) and 2) you'll never be hearing from any of these people ever again. Sometimes a movie is so bad that it's funny, but this is just so bad that it's BAD. I realize it's a low budget indie film, but so was Clerks. And where Clerks exhibited the unrefined talent of Kevin Smith, this mostly exhibits that some people shouldn't be allowed to buy video equipment. Maybe in time someone with make a Mega Man movie and when they do, it will qualify as the first one, because this thing hardly qualifies as a movie.

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Jesse Nissinen

I really dislike these reviews where they bash a well-known LOW budget movie with "too little action" or "sooooo bad acting"... get real.Don't discourage these movie attempts made from fans, without these we wouldn't have ANYTHING because no big movie company will ever do a Megaman movie for real.Yes the movie sucks if you compare it to movies like Inception, Terminator or Transformers etc.However, comparing it to something like a school movie project or just a fan-based movie with no real budget. Then it's a pretty fun movie to watch. If I would have personally made this movie I think I would have taken six actors to act all the robots, instead of actually going in and CGI three of the robots 100 %. With a low-budget those computer generated images show up too clearly.I liked most the Elecman, cool hairstyle and a mean actor, the lightning effects were also done pretty nicely. Also Wily, seems he was the only one to take his role seriously, he was NOT a bad actor. For being in a movie like this his small acting shines.Another thing I liked was that they used Wily Stage 1 song from Megaman 2 at the ending, that part made me smile. Too bad they didn't use any other 'megaman' songs as all of those old midi songs rock.Also to answer one of the Reviews "why did they add 1/2 for story telling", and the easy answer would be the budget cuts; Having a bearded man laugh hysterically and threaten everyone in-front of the camera for 30min probably cost them 10 bucks to make. Instead of making CGI explosions for 30 minutes which they didn't have cash for.Also without the story telling and only the five min action scenes, this would have only been just a "short" and not a full length movie. Also explains why all fighting scenes are only ten seconds or something.Conclusion: If you want to see some block buster movie then don't waste your time. If you go in and expect a low-budget bad movie then watch it by all means.It was fun seeing the very first Megaman 1 to be made into a movie as it seems to have a story anyhow, unlike all the millions of sequels.

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Maybe I'm a little too old to remember the video game, but as someone who came into viewing this film pretty cold I found it to be pretty entertaining from start to finish. I should point out this movie has the look and feel of a low budget indie flick, but in my opinion, the storyline, acting, and characters surely make up for it. After getting past the first 10 minutes, I found my interest growing. The characters are genuinely interesting, and the story progresses along nicely. Nice performances by "Rock" and "Roll" (cute names), and "Dr. Light" along with the other supporting cast. My favorite of course was "Dr. Wily". He puts so much emotion and effort behind the role he genuinely comes across as being despicable! The fight scenes are a little short and the computer animation shows, but we're not talking about a film here that had the budget of "Transformers 1 & 2", so it's understood and forgiven (in fact I found both the Transformer movies to be quite boring and unimpressive). There are some laughs and chuckles throughout the 90 minutes. Some intentional, some maybe not. But I can genuinely say, for someone who is as picky and critical of low budget sci-fi films, I actually enjoyed this one through. Give it a watch, you may just find yourself enjoying it as well!

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This movie was just plain awful. The camera shots were not good. The actors can not act. EVERYTHING looks fake. My opinion is that some production company needs to pick up the Mega-Man title and redo this entire movie. WITH higher quality everything!!The armor of mega-man looks like some kids went down to the local bike shop and purchased pads to make them look like they had armor on to appear like they were highly advanced worriers.There were some shots with the camera where they zoomed into far then zoomed out and it is totally obvious they had messed up. If you like amateur type movies i recommend watching this. If not, the movie will be a waist of your time.Over all i give this movie 2 thumbs down.

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