PG | 25 June 1982 (USA)
MegaForce Trailers

MegaForce is an elite multi-national military unit that does the jobs that individual governments wont. When the peaceful Republic of Sardun in under threat from their more aggressive neighbor, the beautiful Major Zara and General Byrne-White see the help of Ace Hunter and MegaForce.


Waste of time

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This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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Brilliant and touching

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After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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And here's why; Megaforce postulates a "futuristic" quick deployment force that is multinational in form to meet any military uprising around the world.It's another European Immigrant ideal of concentrating power to deal with problems in the elite few.This runs contrary to the core values of the United States, and the basic principles upon which this nation was founded.Wow, that sounds high-and-mighty, and almost "survivalist" / "prepper" in nature. But it isn't. This is a stupid film meant to instill the concepts presented in this film to a pre-teen audience.Thank goodness Star Wars was made before this piece of trash. Not only are the ideas and ideals just plain wrong, but it was a poor looking and poorly executed movie to boot. I was a bit old at the time to be considered the target demographic for this film, but the local younger kids who went and saw it ... how does one put it politely? I'll just quote them; " was dumb!"Over the top hairstyles, skin tight spandex, wild Hollywood hair that, even at speeds needed to launch a C-130, still stays in place (that must be some hairspray), and a post Trek Persis Khambahta, all makes for one of the hokiest films ever to hit the screens. "Even for the 80!" *zing*Seriously, someone thought the "future of America" would buy into this crappy idea of a multinational fast reaction force, and and that somehow borders and things like patriotism wouldn't matter anymore.Thank goodness kids are smarter than that, and that this film flopped for not only its content, but the presentation thereof. I still find it hard to believe that this film was made after both Star Wars and Smokey and the Bandit. But there you have it.Watch this thing if you need some unintentional humor on your screen.Otherwise avoid.Watch at your own risk.

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In all honesty, this was a movie with some real great potential. It could had actually really been a decent movie, if it had only an actual script to work with.This movie is totally lame and silly but almost in a good way. It has so much cult potential in it with its awesome main concept, great weapons and vehicles and over-the-top silly action, that defies all logic. It makes the movie real fun to watch but at the same time it also remains simply an horrible one.It's literally a laughable bad movie, which is not just due to its simplistic story and lame characters and dialog but also because of the way how it looks. I'm not even talking about Ace Hunter's heroic costume and haircut but more about the overall visual look of this movie, that is horribly cheap. The use of the blue-screen is often real laughable and some of the action is just totally insane, in a true laughable way, without giving anything away about it. Seems like this movie got also actually aimed toward kids, also judging by its action. The movie is at least being very childish and simplistic.But really, I could had been OK with all this. This movie would had been a perfect, campy, science-fiction, action, cult-classic if only it had a half decent story in it. Seriously, I can't even tell what this movie is about and it's not like this is being a very complicated movie. It's just about nothing really and it only seems to rely on its main concept of having Megaforce, battling and blasting away a bunch of bad guys. But why, how and who? I have no idea about that really. Granted that I was not alway paying much attention but that was because the movie could hardly hold my interest.It's still a movie you could have a fun time with watching because of how bad and silly it can all get but still it remains a huge waste and shame that they didn't do any more and anything better with its potentially great and awesome concept.3/10

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This movie could have been so much better! The action scene's are great and I really liked the music. But, like a porno movie they rely on the strength of the action scene's to overcome a weak storyline and some bad acting. It is as if someone came up with a cool idea and didn't even try to make the story decent, as if that were enough! Now I know why one of the main characters was named "Dallas", in honor of "Debbie Does Dallas"! With the special effects they must have spent decent money to make such a film, they could have at least put the same effort into the script which makes a film what it is... Not the props!As a 9 year old I though this movie was great! As a 35 year old watching this again, I now realize why the theatre was so empty back in 1982...

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This is a goofy action movie about Megaforce a mercenary group who will fight for the good guys. They're a fighting force but they don't wear fatigues or camouflage instead they wear shiny spandex that glistens in the sun.The movie begins when Megaforce is hired to attack and destroy a rogue General played by Henry Silva. One of the representatives of the country that hired them is played by Persis Khambatta and she asks why there are no women in Megaforce. She ends up training with Megaforce, under the tutelage of the leader, played by, get this Barry Bostwick. Don't get me wrong I like Mr. Bostwick in his serious roles and much more in his comedy roles, but he is not the guy you ask to play a combat leader if Lee Marvin isn't available. Anyway she doesn't end up in joining the group in its mission. Also the Bostwick and his nemesis knows each other and are on a first name basis.The movie is pure camp not a moment to be taken seriously. It's also violent in the same way 'The A-Team' is violent. A lot of shooting and explosion but nobody gets killed or even injured. No surprise that there are a lot of well done well coordinated stunts, it was directed by Hal Needham, the same guy who directed all those 'Smokey and The Bandits' films with Burt Reynolds. Just as those film had mediocre scripts and forced one-liners so does Megaforce. Although the bit about the pilot's girlfriend got a chuckle out of me. This movie really has a lame script.Overall the film is mindless, with badly clichéd characters and situations. But the stunts looked pretty good is about the only positive I can say about it. I wouldn't even consider it a Guilty Pleasure because I only like about 20 minutes of it.

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