Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story
Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story
PG-13 | 06 August 2004 (USA)
Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story Trailers

Chronicles the rise and fall of pop king Michael Jackson.


Let's be realistic.

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I gave it a 7.5 out of 10

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hyped garbage

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A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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MAN IN THE MIRROR: THE MICHAEL JACKSON STORY.OK... I know this is a made for TV movie, but it is still a movie that deserves a review.The title of the movie pretty much lets you know it is about... but I would have named it something along the lines of Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson farce.I am struggling to find something good about this movie... there really was not a lot positive I can think of.So... where do I start? First of all, this film cuts out so many important moments in Michaels life. This film concentrates on the crap that was in the news at the time. There is not a lot of childhood moments and the adult moments just skip from big news to big news. This film did try and make Michael look like the victim, but instead it made him look weak. It was a complete sham. The film is not even in chronological order.There is also a lot of text on the screen... it felt like the film makers couldn't be bothered to actually film parts of the story, so instead just put text on the screen in between scenes to explain what happened.The film was not made with Michaels permission, so the film makers could not use any of his music which really ruins the whole film. If you are watching anything to do with MJ, you need to hear some of his classic songs, but because there was none in there at all it just felt cheap. Even when "Michael" was on stage in the film, he was dancing to nothing. It was laughable.The annoying thing is that they used actual news footage for parts of the movie. So for instance, in one scene you saw the actor running around a hotel room, then he walks out onto a balcony with Blanket, then all of a sudden you are seeing the real MJ dangling the baby over the balcony. Yes, OK... we know Michael made a lot of mistakes throughout his life... some were very stupid including this, but sis we actually need to see the real footage? They are filming so much of his life, they couldn't film this? This is just a sham... and using the real footage of Latoya bad mouthing him on the news was also out of order and not really called for.The casting was so bad that it was laughable. Flex Armstrong played Michael Jackson... and I really hope that he realises what a mistake taking this film on was. Not only did he not look like MJ, but the man can't act! The make up was terrible. When his skin got whitened in the movie, it just looked like he dunked his face in a bowl of talcum powder. It was soooo bad. Honestly, everyone involved with this film should be ashamed of themselves.The movie finishes before he goes to court the second time for the child abuse charges that he was found not guilty for. Why didn't they delay the film so that they could finish that chapter of his life? It felt all rushed.Yes, I am a Michael Jackson fan... and I am glad that he was found not guilty, but I have always kept an open mind about it all.Michael Jackson was and always will be a musical legend!I will give this film 3 out of 10."How can anyone be so mean?"For more reviews, please like my Facebook page: Reviews/456572047728204?ref=hl

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Angus T. Cat

I stumbled across "Michael Jackson" it on the True Movie Channel- it started after "the Sonny and Cher Story" ended. From the first minute I was hooked. The faces staring into the camera, the beautiful woman playing Diana Ross whispering, "You're going to be a star, Michael! Follow your heart!" Surreal! The guy who plays Michael is gorgeous and he has great hair. The make up department goes a good job with his nose and its slimming but handles his later skin tone by slapping some white pancake makeup on him. The actress who plays Lisa Marie is cute as a button and makes their relationship convincing. "Liz Taylor" has a British accent, a fantastic beauty mark, and low rent costumes. The budget for the location shooting evident ally was tight, and included to taking the cast to a butterfly farm: the same butterfly poses on character visiting Neverland in three different sequences that are meant to take place in years apart. One of the best scenes is Michael in the rehab clinic listening to the stories of the people around him, and exclaiming, "How real!" This movie is BRILLIANT for a wet cold weekend afternoon. Realistic it isn't, but it works wonders with what it has. It brought back ton of memories for me. It still makes the audience think about Michael Jackson with sympathy. It could be he innocently just wanted to share love, and wanted his fans and friends to believe in Neverland.

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VH1 obviously has/ had money to burn. Surely, they could have put this money towards rights to air ABC's The Jacksons: An American Dream. I believe they already have and they could have just stopped there. I bought this DVD without blinking and if I had, I would have saved myself a trip to the returns counter later that day - thank you Costco. This thing is abysmal and it made MJ look like a nincompoop - that he was most certainly not. Not sure where the behind-the-scenes detail was sourced from but surely, it was no one from MJ's estate. And this would probably explain why there was no original music from MJ or J5 - they had and/ or wanted nothing to do with this mess. YouTube MJ interviews up until the first round of allegations - here you will see the real MJ.

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The writers and creators of this film should actually be sued... For polluting the world with this crap! "Man In The Mirror" is in fact beyond horrible! Way, way, way beyond! ...and people, I'm not just saying that because I'm a Michael Jackson-fan! Or due to the fact that this is truly one of the most retarded depictions of his life I've ever encountered! I'm saying it because this is a waste of time, money and celluloid! I feel ashamed of myself just having seen all of it! That's 1 hour and 26 min of my life I'll never get back! I'm telling you; watching grass grow is literally more entertaining than this film! Consider yourselves warned!

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