Magical Girl
Magical Girl
| 07 September 2014 (USA)
Magical Girl Trailers

The father of a terminally ill girl is determined to grant his daughter's last wish, a ridiculously expensive collectors' costume from a Japanese TV series. The request will drive him into a journey within his city's dark underbelly.


Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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How sad is this?

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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Obsession and desperation lead disparate characters to commit heinous acts in this dark, thrilling, quirky and Almodovorish tale. A father infatuated with purchasing a $15,000 "magical girl" dress for his cancer stricken daughter, a rigid, forceful teacher with a secret and simplistic weakness at being mocked, and a rich, sensitive, impulsive and unstable young woman who takes almost any kind of pain so long as she maintains her facade and knows of someone more miserable than herself, are each transformed by their obsessions into abusive creatures incapable of empathy.Passions and fears float like ghosts in the recesses of each character's mind until delusions become more real to them than a simple fact or equation like "two plus two equals four." It is as if each character reaches a magical realm or gains a super power of their own choosing, where they may stay insulated from the world and those around them. Their isolation and avarice is emblematic of what is happening in Spain. Simple acts of kindness, fairness and empathy that could do a world of good for people are withheld for fear of some contagion. This thriller is, as I love, loaded with depth, metaphors and significance. The story line, acting and orchestration are exceptional for such a minimal budget. I only wish it had more support and funding. Four and a half of five stars. Seen at the Miami International Film Festival.

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The plot is, a father trying to fulfill his daughter with terminal cancer's last wish of a "Magical Girl" costume crashes into the lives of a disturbed girl and a retired professor.Magical Girl is written and directed by Carlos Vermut and (in a Pulp Fiction style) focuses on three stories and characters that are all equally understandable and fascinating. The story is definitely the core of Magical Girl. It is one that subverts expectation. It can make you laugh, cry, or feel disturbed, and all while being a perfect whole. It is also one that makes for an equally great rewatch. There are dozens of details scattered in the movie that can only make sense on a second viewing. Sometimes, these details can even change the context of a previous scene.The acting and camera-work are good without being too exceptional, but the way they work with the unfolding events can make them much more effective. And the movie never feels constrained by its budget in any way. The song choices are not only great and incredibly memorable, but they also have an important role in the story.Magical Girl is one of the most unappreciated gems of 2014. It is entertaining, emotionally powerful, unique, and intelligent at the same time. It takes very little to get invested, and you will be on the edge of your seat. I adore this film and would highly recommend Magical Girl, it is a must-see.

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Horrible girl, ill-advised girl, disturbing girl... Anything but magical."Magical girl" has an easily understood plot, which still makes not much sense, because everything is symbolic and with various layers. Which makes the story, quite disturbing to start with, think of itself in a too highly way.It all goes about a young girl, who is sick, and who would like to have a dress from an anime, a Japanese animation series. Her father, decides to do whatever, but whatever, to get her the dress.That everyone in this movie has some kind of mental problem, or is in mental pain, is quite obvious. The young girl is probably the sanest in all the story. Too bad we are all the time with the creepy father, a young woman with a dark past, who has a very controlling and creepy husband, and a creepy old teacher of her who has just been released from prison. All characters are quite creepy. And this without taking into account the constant hammering of symbols, which also have a strange patriotic tinge to it (bullfighting to justify that Spaniards are not like the Nordic people but neither like Italians or Latinos?; the very Spanish music or the TV playing a Spanish selection match...).So, the movie seems to say that people in pain or who see people in pain may do crazy things. It could also be about the sick girl and everything be about her illness. Or about the young woman and the very sick life she has had till that moment (and all the "nice" men that surround her). In the end, magic is conspicuous by its absence, but creepiness overstays its welcome, as the movie is two hours long.

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(No spoilers in this review, but a couple of ideas who try to illustrate why I've liked this film) Well, despite the fact that many scenes on this film are quite disturbing, viewers could enjoy a demanding and appealing work from Carlos Vermut.And this is the kind of movie who would let you quite astonished for many reasons. One of these is revealed when you check how violent a scene could be not showing any graphic violence at all, thanks to a wonderful script who works very, very well throughout all the film: this is, indeed, a basic part in Magical Girl, a script designed as a precise swiss machinery. It even works great on many parts who requires a little suspension of disbelief from the part of the viewer. But once you're inside, you remain there.Magical Girl's power reside on the high complex (but also extremely fluid) multi-layered and interconnected scenes. Quite similar as in Pulp Fiction film (by the way... it would be great to know Tarantino's opinion about Magical Girl).Also, as it happens on real life, you could witness the huge impact that a "butterfly effect" could provoke. This is very well shown on the film, and it would remain long time on many viewers thoughts.I really want to know what would be next director's projects, I'm sure that he's going to tune his skills, offering us an interesting filmography.Go watch it, Magical girl is a well crafted artifact. But beware, as it's NOT intended for young audiences, but adult ones.

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