Magic in the Mirror
Magic in the Mirror
| 13 August 1996 (USA)
Magic in the Mirror Trailers

A little girl's imaginary friends come to life when she goes through her great-grandmother's antique mirror, a la Alice, after she sees it glowing.


Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

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Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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Kirandeep Yoder

The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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Hello my name is Kathy Smith and i want to testify about the powerful magical mirror that helped my life in positive ways and that blessed me. I have been hearing about this magical mirror for long and i have been searching for a way to get it but to no avail all my efforts seemed to be in vain but my cousin's friend told me how she ordered for the magical mirror from Dada Magical a powerful man from Africa and how she used it and how she became blessed. At first i thought it was a joke but i decided to order for it by contacting and i got it. To my greatest surprise, the mirror was even better than what i expected. The magical mirror is really a good one and it worked and it is still with me and it is still working. The magical mirror is HARMLESS and it is not scaring. it tells me what to do and what not to do, it reveals deep secret to me, it protect me and it tells me who is against me and who is my true friend. It suggest good ideas for me and it has made me rich too and in fact the magical mirror is a solution because is provide and can tell you solution to your problems. Am so excited and am so endowed and blessed to have the magical mirror with me. This magical mirror helps protect against evil. This is real and you can get it and see for your self so if you need the magical mirror don't hesitate to get it and you can get it by contacting

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I have not only watched Magic in the Mirror, I've bought a copy of it and it's sequel, Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play. If you liked Howard the Duck, I think you'll like these two films.True it's a kids film but there are some adult themes like trust, friendship, and faith that make it worth your while to give it a go. The story is about young Mary Margaret, a creative child whose parents are too involved in their careers, who soon discovers the magical abilities of her late grandmother's botany book and mirror. Because she's neglected at home she willingly enters this new world of a plant kingdom that's menaced by a drake (duck) species that likes to make tea out of everyone else, people tea being especially good.It's a fun movie with a good cast.

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One day, I watched this movie just because there was nothing else on TV. While I was watching, something weird happened and it actually appealed to me.The plot concerns Mary Margaret Dennis (Jamie Renée Smith), whose imaginary friends Bella and Donna tell her to make a sculpture of principal Miss Mallard (Eileen T'Kaye). Meanwhile, her mother Sylvia (Saxon Trainor) is experimenting with opening doors into other universes with a machine called the Doppelgänger (what a silly name). She succeed and asks her colleague Laszlo Tuttel to her place for dinner to celebrate.Meanwhile, Mary Margaret has gotten into her great grandfather MArgaret's book of flowers and discovers one with strange berries that she takes into her room. Something weird happens and Bella and Donna disappear through Mary Margaret's newly-acquired hand-me-down mirror.At dinner, MAry Margaret gets into trouble when Bella and DOnna throw tea on Mrs Tuttel (how could they do that if they are supposed to be on the other side of a mirror?). She is sent to her room and discovers that there is a new world behind her mirror (thorugh the mirror berries mshe discovered earlier. There she meets lazy Mirrorminder Tansy, and Mirror Master Melilot.She also attracts the attentions of the tea-obsessed Drakes, ruled by the evil queen Dragora, who want her because people make the best tea (they get steamed in boiling water for a minute). And she is out for the berries.

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Magic in the Mirror is your run-of-the-mill children's movie which doesn't have much to offer...the story is stale, the acting isn't really good and the special effects are nothing to talk about. In my opinion, it would be better to take your kids to the park or something. Rating: * out of *****

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