Mad Bad
Mad Bad
R | 01 January 2007 (USA)
Mad Bad Trailers

Following a ten-year prison sentence for murdering his father, an ex-con named Justin falls back into crime to fund the singing career of his estranged sister. But things go horribly wrong when he steals the wrong car and a violent drug dealer begins tracking down everyone involved, including Justin’s sister.


Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.

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Don't Believe the Hype

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A Brilliant Conflict

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All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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David Motolo

Mad Bad was flat. The story wasn't interesting in any way. It never seemed to click. The silver lining to his poor movie was Vincent Riverside. He was awesome! He did his best to save this movie. You can't ask for any more than he gave. Vincent Riverside has a screen presence that is commanding. This was a copy cat of the Nic Cage movie with Jolie where he is a car thief. I was disappointed that the movie tried to be slick instead of have any story. It was a car commerical that tried to be a movie. Vincent Riverside reminded me of Christian Slater. This actor should be in a studio movie soon. He has too much talent to not rise above low budget movies.

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As soon as the intro to the film plays with the music you wouldn't think for a second this was a low budget movie whatsoever. Very nicely done. And as soon as Vincent Riverside (Gino) appears he STEALS EVERY SCENE he is in. If you take anything away from this movie at all it should be that Vincent Riverside SHOULD be a star. No wonder Josh Brolin cast him as his lead in his first directorial debut "X" that was featured at SXSW in the SHORT Film category. Vincent was the shining light in this INDIE flick. When Gino is on screen is when the dialog in this script shines. Some quotable lines. It's also when the camera work/directing is at it's best. Pretty sure Vince's performance is why this snagged the Grand Jury Prize at the New York Int'l Film Festival. Beyond Riverside's performances and key scenes, well, you get what ya get. If anything - rent it to check out Vincent's performance and say you heard it here first, folks.

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After reading the other reviewer's comments i thought i would give this film a chance, what a mistake... the films afternoon TV movie quality was only lifted by the portrayal of the psycho gangster who is running around trying to find his car full of smack. The lead character almost has an incestuous love for his rock star (nearly) sister, who sings a few ditties but is hardly hazel o Connor in "breaking glass".The lead character of a car theft, doesn't seem to have much one screen charisma and looks as though he is nearly falling asleep in his deliver of some of his lines.The smacked up heroin addict, that is his old pal and sister's boyfriend seems either cold turkey or 100% with it, and i'm sure would be seen as a poor example of why not to do heroin by people who have been through such troubled times.please don't bother, get breaking glass out instead!

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A Must See! Great music and well made! This is a gem to come out of the indie to watch and to listen to... The performances were strong and the production value high. There are many reasons to love this film, the main one being it features fresh new faces on the scene and some really clever lines of dialog. The story line is gritty and compelling and while it carries a plot we have seen before, we are thrust into it in a new way. I was impressed with the music and the rock star persona played by Landon Dunning was realistic and since she really is a rising rock star, it fits perfectly. Vincent Riverside as Gino, the rock-a-billy gangster is spectacular and drives the film. There are many interesting performances by secondary characters as well. This is a film worthy of your time.

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