Living a Zombie Dream
Living a Zombie Dream
| 01 January 1996 (USA)
Living a Zombie Dream Trailers

When a young man learns of an affair between his brother and his girlfriend, he brashly becomes his brother's creeper and leaves the sibling stranded in the worst part of town. But the prank goes awry -- thanks to a deranged killer who finds the brother and slices him up. The young man goes after the psycho, but the pesky lunatic just won't stay dead.


This is How Movies Should Be Made

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Crappy film

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Admirable film.

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A Brilliant Conflict

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A man who witnesses his brother plowing his wife, takes him out driving in order to kill him, with the help of some random psycho wearing only a loincloth, whom the cuckolded brother then kills off. But the psycho rises from the grave to kill him. My god this film was atrocious on every level. I think it might have been going for aventgarde, but failed miserably.Even at little over an hour, the movie still succumbs to massive repetition. I consider it to be among the worst zombie film that I've ever seen and trust me if you've read my other reviews you'll know I'm not prone to mindless hyperbole. So trust me and stay away from this waste of celluloid.My Grade: F

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now, i LOVE zombies, & have sat through some terrible films in the search for a lost classic, or even just something remotely entertaining.This is some school kids attempt at a "cabinet of dr caligari" type movie,without the abstract sets - about 50 words are spoke in the whole film & repeated "visions" replayed over & over again from the main character, shot on video, the film makes less sense than a Jess Franco movie (that's saying something) there is one scene that's clever (the eat me scene) but really, i had to fast forward through chunks of it after 20 mins.Very hard work & probably the worst movie I've ever seen (& I've seen pot zombies & zombiez & zombie night, which are BAD!)

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julian kennedy

Living a Zombie Dream: 1 out of 10: I know this kind of movie. We all do. That kid or two in high school who wanted to become a famous movie director and got some friends together to make a film. Raised some cash from local business and parents and showed their masterpiece in the local theater one Saturday night. One of the best documentary films ever made "American Movie" is about kids just like that. The difference is that those kids's movie, after being viewed by friends and family, went into a trunk with the Boy Scout pictures and old report cards. This film was released on DVD.The other difference is that those kids probably had more talent. A lot more talent. Living a Zombie Dream is a youthful (and not so youthful) embarrassment to all involved. The script is a mishmash that is almost completely without dialogue or logic. After hearing the "actors" line readings one can at least understand why the director Todd Reynolds stayed away from actual conversation.Instead we have a soundtrack that sounds like something a World of Warcraft clan uses to promote its best battles on Yourtube. The director also seems to be afraid of light. Every scene is bathed in darkness rendering any attempt to follow the wordless story even more difficult.Also a personal note to lead actor Amon Elsey that's not how you kiss a girl and the less said about the sex scenes or your haircut the better.So if you are related to director Todd Reynolds or own the house whose front yard this movie was filmed in I'm sure you have already seen it. Everyone else should stay very far away.

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A very messy (as the video box states) and interesting horror movie. Has some flaws, such as slow-paced action, and the 'video-look', but still, for a movie with practically no budget, it's very strange off-the-wall, yet enjoyable. If you like zombies and gore, check it out.

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