Lightning Strikes
Lightning Strikes
| 12 September 2009 (USA)
Lightning Strikes Trailers

A rural sheriff (Kevin Sorbo) faces a seemingly impossible battle when he is forced to defend his small town from a demon riding bolts of lightning and causing mayhem.


It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.

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Casey Duggan

It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

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Sabah Hensley

This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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I found this film was like a roller coaster of emotions. Will lightning strike? Will it be blue lightning? Is it going to split a car in two. Is it going to kill that boy? Will a generator with a lot of negativity allow the rod to conduct electricity? Is it really an alien living in "lightning space" who comes down in bolts and murders hapless people? All these questions were answered perfectly well in this straight to TV movie, and these are questions that I have often asked myself in my 34 years of life.Unfortunately, the question "why this town" was never answered, but thankfully, we are left open for a sequel whereby Donovan fights the alien dude in the lightning realm.

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I respect the opinions of other reviewers on IMDb, but sadly, from time to time, you spot a tendency for the writers of these movie reviews to follow the leader. If the first guy says a movie is lousy, the rest play copy cat. I'm going to play Devil's Advocate for this film. It is not a bad movie. It is an entertaining movie. The plot is a little predictable (small town setting; pumpkin festival bringing in the tourists; rugged Sheriff trying to protect the citizens; stupid Mayor squashing Sheriff's effort to warn the citizens; professional monster hunter in town to deal with the menace) and it is not much of a stretch to surmise the script's inspiration was Jaws. It is obviously a low budget film and most of the actors have thin resumes. But if you are looking for a Saturday afternoon fun session sitting around with the guys knocking back a few beers, and this flick comes on the SyFy Channel, ignore the naysayers who wrote such negative reviews, and give this film a try. It will reward you with a couple of hours of solid entertainment.

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I watched this movie once then went through it again, trying to assure myself that this was a movie. I cannot believe that a well know actor such as Kevin Sorbo associated with this movie. In fact I would like to know how this movie was even made and produced. I wish SyFy would give me the budget to make a movie. I could get some IMDb fans to write a better script and outline and make the town correct than this piece of garbage. The town was complete disaster. Maybe because it is filmed in Bulgaria. Plus quite a few movies like "Lake Placid 3" are using the same town square and site. You have to be kidding when the fire station completely fake with wooden slat doors that you can see from a distance as fake. (Same station is there for Lake Placid 3) The curb to the station is not even indented and when you look at the station from across from the other building rooftop (Lightning Arrestor Equipment Place). You can see through the buildings top windows with scaffolding showing through. Plus you can see that the whole town square is fake from looking down from that rooftop. It amazes me that allot of movies are being filmed on this site, and they cannot invest proper money for an American town. Plus you notice the actors breath in the bar scene are all showing due to the cold. Talk about not paying the heating bills. SyFY better clean up it's act on these movies because they are definitely not movies like "The Blob that was a B movie in the Fifties. I think a B movie from the 1950's had more potential than this movie. I cannot believe that these new crop of movies that are being shown on SyFy are being made. Talk about insulting the viewers intelligence about plots, scenes, stories and acting. Maybe 1950's reruns would be better till they sort this sorry mess out.

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The first 5 minutes of this movie caught my attention. It was downhill after that. Hunky Kevin Sorbo played the sad-eyed sheriff of a cardboard one-intersection town with an idiot mayor who sported cheesy bleached hair. Awful production values throughout. The townspeople strolled casually through the streets, ignoring the sidewalks, and even the annual Pumpkin Festival was held in the same intersection. The storm-chasing scientist and his two grad student assistants were morons. ****Spoiler**** The monster had potential, but there wasn't even the usual low-budget explanation for his existence. The crusty monster-hunter was interesting but underused. I stuck around for the well-telegraphed climax--waste of time.

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