Lethal Tender
Lethal Tender
| 14 March 1997 (USA)
Lethal Tender Trailers

Bad guys are poisoning drinking water, and there is only one man who can stop them, Jeff Fahey.


Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Leoni Haney

Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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Al (amdp)

Okay, bad guys let by Kim Coates invade a water facility and threaten to poison the drinking supply as a front for an even bigger crime perpetrated by Gary Busey, only to be foiled by The Lawnmower Man! (Jeff Fahey in a performance that screams "I'm just collecting a paycheck.") Carrie-Ann Moss is supposed to be the sidekick along for the ride, but she actually fares better than the guy protecting her! The Good: For a B-movie, the set-work IS top-notch. Two real water facilities were used and this was taken advantage of throughout the movie. The heels in the movie obviously knew this was a crap gig and hammed it up all the way through. Kim Coates in particular was on a role as the dick-head leader Montessi, with one-liners galore.The Bad: This was supposed to be a Die Hard clone, but there were maybe six bad guys at most. Any police force could have eaten these guys before dinner, but we get David Chase (Jeff Fahey), so the baddies have a chance. Instead of brute force, Fahey should have used his wooden, monotone delivery to subdue the criminals, as it would have been more effective. Carrie-Ann Moss puts a feather in her cap long before Fahey gets his stuff in gear and even is the deciding factor in Fahey's survival - and we're not even halfway through the movie! The bad guys, while funny, are equally inept. In fact, the enemy met their demise largely due to internal backstabbing and their own errors, not due to Chase! There were several times where Montessi could have ended the threat of Chase but instead gave him An Easily Escapable Scenario as Austin Powers would put it.The Ugly: The "Sass Jordan-esquire" song at the end of the movie, which is also the lone song on the "soundtrack." This would have rated higher for camp reasons if the "action" scenes had, you know, action! As it is, a 5/10 for intentional comedy by Kim Coates and crew, followed by unintentional comedy by Jeff Fahey.

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Its suppose To be Under Siege in a Water Plant.. But it ain't... Its a really Woeful action Movie and thats what i love about it... (Kim Coates) is given the freedom of the entire movie to act like a complete dick. but he does a good job ..and he's made a fan outta me. He leads a team of incredibly dumb terrorists into a waterplant and will pollute the water unless blah de blah blah.... Cue (Jeff Fahey) the Worst Hero ever...Jeff spends most of this movie talking about his brie omelette's and generally Hiding behind (Carrie Ann Moss )..Yes Folks John McClaine he Certainly ain't .. He Kills 1 Terrorist ( a female one at that) .. and he shoots her in the back !! (Gary Busey) Pops up as the Brains behind the Terrorism...Then he Gets greedy and starts Killing his own men...Which is a good job , becoz i don't Think Fahey was up for it... Fans of Busey will Enjoy his moments on screen.... Yeah its a Dodgy piece of Junk .....But it gets my seal of approval Busey & Coates keep it entertaining and although the Action is "Z list" standard the Unintentional comedy element is Top Notch 10 outta 10 for this Bad Boy

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bob the moo

When terrorists led by Montessi (Kim Coates) take over a water plant they set the system in motion to shut down and poison the drinking water. Luckily cop David Chase (Jeff Fahey) is locked within the plant and sets about freeing the hostages with worker Melissa Wilkens (Carrie-Ann Moss).In a world of many many Die-Hard inspired movies you really need to do something special to make sure that it stands out. Unfortunately this doesn't do anything to make it stand out from the raft of other DTV movies. The plot here doesn't inject any type of excitement into the film - for most of it the idea is that in 4 hours time, the water system will shut down releasing bacteria into the drinking supply. Well - why not just issue a public health warning to not drink the water rather than send in the SWOT team straight off? A later sub-plot comes in that has to do with stolen USA bonds but for the most part this lacks an sense of urgency.The action doesn't really help inject urgency. Fahey just sneaks around the place without being believable - Willis looked trapped in Die Hard, here Fahey just looks like he's out for a walk. There are no exciting scenes and no tension, it all makes for a boring 90 minutes. However the problem doesn't stop there - the performances are a poor beast as well. Fahey is a nice enough actor, but only when he's playing it tongue in cheek. Here he doesn't have the ability to play a man under pressure and hence fails to pass on any tension to us. Coates and Busey play the villains as a mixed pair. Coates plays the villain with too much comedy - he's not funny and he doesn't provide menace. On the other hand Busey (in career freefall) plays it too psychotically, he isn't believable either as he just kills people every two minutes. Carrie-Ann Moss is OK but, as the Matrix showed, she better than this.The only nice touch is Busey's little spiel over the opening credits - it's a nice touch but it lacks style. Overall however, this is yet another unwanted Die Hard clone with nothing new worth watching.

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STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All CostsI caught Lethal Tender very quickly as I was channelsurfing last night,and just happened to tune in as it was starting.For some reason,I compelled myself to carry on watching it,and,to start off with,it appeared to be a fairly compact,intelligent spin off of Die Hard.But,after that,it soon degenerated into an unspeakable pash.The acting by far was the worst thing.Even for an action movie,it was the worst I had seen in ages.The dialouge was totally over-the-top ,and the performances were hammy in the extreme.Though the battle with the terrorists was engagingly held,this was all in all,obviously just another cheap,straight to video,Le Monde,channel 5 movie.**

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