Let Me Make You a Martyr
Let Me Make You a Martyr
| 22 July 2016 (USA)
Let Me Make You a Martyr Trailers

A cerebral revenge film about two adopted siblings who fall in love, and hatch a plan to kill their abusive father.


Too much of everything

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To me, this movie is perfection.

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Just what I expected

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Drew (Niko Nicotera) returns to his hometown after some years. His adoptive father Larry Glass (Mark Boone Junior) is a local gangster. Drew has a thing with his adopted sister June (Sam Quartin) and plan to get away together.However this means getting rid of Larry, meanwhile Larry hires a hit- man to get rid of Drew.This is a dull, slow moving, contemplative southern Gothic film that really does not get anywhere and is confusing. Marilyn Manson makes an understated cameo as the hit-man.

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Giulio Ale

I loved this film from beginning to the (open) ending. An indie masterpiece movie. Feels like not so many people did appreciate what i consider a very underrated movie. Manson's got only a bunch of minutes, but his character is so deep and controversial. I suggest watching this movie with a group of friends, as after you'll see this you will discuss A LOT. Yes, there are some flaws in the plot that sometimes is confusing and "nowhere to go", but overall I think is a very very good movie. Nico Nicotera and Sam Quartin are so good. Wow, Sam Quartin...I love her character so much and her acting. She' so wonderful and I fell in love with her character at once. She's so fragile but also so strong. You'll remember a quote from Manson's character, about differences between good and evil, forever...one of the best movie quote of the last years, I swear.

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John Monne

How this movie only gets a 5.4 as a rating is absolutely a mystery to me.. This movie is worth a watch for anyone that loves the genre, has an attention span bigger then 3 seconds and can appreciate a real movie with human reasoning. This is not your 90 minutes of 1 big action scene Hollywood blockbuster that cost 250.000.000 USD leaving you on a confusion high towards reality.. This movie is a real movie! Entertaining, interesting, meaningful, makes you think about aspects of life and about the characters life's and at the end of it it leaves you perhaps even something to talk about or ponder about. I will bring no spoilers cause there aren't any.. there is no plot, no 30 second trailer that can spoil the whole movie. I can tell you half the story and still not spoil it. So again, if you have more then half a brain, your attention span wasn't ruined and you like watching a movie for the intent, characters and story..then this is a movie you must watch! an easy 8/10!

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Absolutely thought provoking movie. Perfect movie for movie clubs or a group of friends to go and then discuss. Exactly what we did following the movie and everyone had a different take. The music sets the scenes and really brings the viewers into the moment. The movie reveals a world of drug addiction and abuse that is so realistic that it makes you feel like you are there. The story was intentionally left open ended to stimulate your imagination. It is a definite movie to see with others. The characters were all intriguing. It is difficult to name a favorite as they all were so complex. You cannot write a review without mentioning Marilyn Manson. It is obvious now that although he is known as a musician, there is not much difference in a music performance and a screen performance. He is a true professional. Looking forward to their next project.

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