Laxdale Hall
Laxdale Hall
| 05 July 1954 (USA)
Laxdale Hall Trailers

A starchy parliamentary delegation is sent to a remote Scottish Highlands community, where the residents are protesting the poor condition of their road by withholding their taxes, and spend a few days among the locals.


That was an excellent one.

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People are voting emotionally.

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Nice effects though.

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Anyone with a feel for Scotland will love this charming little gem! Great dialogue, pretty women, rewarding romantic sub-plots (& main plot), and great scenery of the Highlands and Isles, all shot in very atmospheric black and white. It's one of Ealing's best ever efforts. Do yourself a favour and watch it!

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This delightful comedy of Scottish manners, with its ruggedly beautiful location photography and a fine cast of character players, follows the book fairly closely, although some characters have been eliminated - - such as Olaf Swanson, the novelist, and Mr. Crantit, the translator of "The Bacchanals of Euripedes". The elimination of Crantit means that the scriptwriters have been forced to find an alternative play for the villagers to perform, and they have wisely chosen Shakespeare's "Macbeth". They have also moved the performance from the climax to a position immediately preceding the capture of the poachers. This is a most ingenious juxtaposition for it allows them to use the "Macbeth" costumes to humorous effect during the capture. The character of Macaulay has also been changed. He no longer entertains religious doubts. On the other hand, Pettigrew remains in full flower and the wonderful dialogue at the climax of the meeting is carried over virtually intact. The director takes full advantage of his locations, milking the script of its drama and quiet humor with unobtrusive skill. Production values are first class.

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Barely any modern films can compete with this funny, family-suitable, timeless movie. A brilliant, intelligent, patriotic, 'heart-warming' film with no crude humour and certainly no interpretive, arty stuff.The classic conflict between the government and the minorities is perfectly managed in this movie with hilarious performances by Kynaston Reeves and Roddy McMillan. The landscape and weather portrayed in the movie leave an 'authentic' and realistic feel to the plot. This old time classic leaves most modern rubbish films in the dust.Perfect for a Friday/ Saturday night at home with friends, with a 'feel-good' finish that will leave you inspired, unlike many depressing Hollywood films these days.A must-see for anyone.

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Jimmy Smith

I was told many years ago that this film did not do well at the box office. Perhaps it was too Scottish for non-Scottish audiences! "Laxdale Hall" has been a favourite of mine ever since I first saw it, probably when first released. The age-old theme of Locals-v-Government always goes down well, but it is the characters who really make this film - Kynaston Reeves as the thundering minister with a passion for Macbeth, Prunella Scales as the village schoolmistress (in her first film role, but later better known as Basil's 'nest of vipers' Sybil in 'Fawlty Towers'), and best of all Roddy Macmillan as Willie-John the permanently-pessimistic undertaker who keeps expecting his father's body to be brought from the mainland by ferry but receives something else instead.The smoothie MP sent from London wants the residents of Laxdale to up sticks and move to a fine new town going by the name of Drumleydubs. The locals are for none of this, and... well, you'll chust have to see for yourself! My favourite quotation came from Meg Buchanan during a downpour. One of the London visitors commented on the foul weather, and she told him, "I wass in London once, and they said it wass raining, but, och, you would neffer have noticed." it was probably a downpour to the Sessenachs!!!! - - - GOOD NEWS - - - !!! LAXDALE HALL NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD from Panamint Cinema, West Lothian, Scotland -

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