Kung Fu Gold
Kung Fu Gold
| 09 March 1974 (USA)
Kung Fu Gold Trailers

A massive gold forture is hidden somewhere in the hills surrounding Hong Kong, and 12 kung fu masters are in pursuit of the loot. Through a series of head-to-head confrontations, the pool of treasure hunters dwindles until there's one left.


Very well executed

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It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.

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Alistair Olson

After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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A clunky kung fu effort, filmed on the cheap in Taiwan. This has no recognisable faces or major talent behind the cameras, and the lack of expertise is apparent in the routinely-staged fights and general lack of coherence. It's the sort of film you watch and feel that nobody was really trying very hard.The story begins as a bunch of gold miners fall out and end up randomly fighting. Eventually the main guy makes his fortune and goes off to marry his sweetheart only to discover that she's been accidentally killed by the chief villain. The chief villain, meanwhile, gets his hands on the loot and becomes all-powerful with his own private army, equipped with guns no less. The hero and his allies must figure out how to combat them.Everything here plays out exactly as you'd expect. There are no major plot twists, no good fight scenes, just predictability and drawn-out plotting. Just the sort of cheap kung fu film I hate, really.

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