Kissing Darkness
Kissing Darkness
NR | 05 February 2014 (USA)
Kissing Darkness Trailers

A group of college boys, bored with the every day "gay life" of LA, decide to skip Pride weekend in exchange for a camping trip in the woods. Quickly overcome with boredom in their new surroundings, the boys venture into a game that ultimately unleashes the vengeful spirit of a local legend known as Malice Valeria. Overcome by her deadly plan of tainted love and her thirst to take back what was lost long ago, the boys must now band together before they fall victim to the poisons of a broken heart.


Such a frustrating disappointment

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Kirandeep Yoder

The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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I somehow found kissing darkness in a hmv in Manchester uk, As soon as I saw the cover I knew I had to buy it. Basically it's loveable and well made trash. This was clearly made with love and passion, yup the sound is awful, acting awful and plot absolute nonsense but that's why it's so entertaining. It's well edited, at times the Actors pull of long takes which is genuinely impressive! Basically we all had a blast watching it, it's so stupid and daft it will entertain anyone! 7/10

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poopy fart

Where do I start... some hot guys, but horrible acting, dumb story, horrible special effects etc etc. Most student movies with a budget of less than $100 are better filmed and acted. The story is about a bunch of gay friends who all happen to look like adult movie stars, who go camping in haunted woods and there are vampires and lots of tomato ketchup on necks and stomachs, but the bad acting is the only thing that I remember really. The only guy who acted well is the guy who plays a total queen, he is funny and believable. Other than that I can't believe anyone wanted their names in the credits. They should have made it a porn, it is almost that at times anyway.

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Finally ! After making the rounds of the few gay horror movies out there, this is the first one that I could actually watch back to back without fast-forwarding in hopes of actual scares or naughty bits to while away the boredom.A group of friends (who do sound like a group of friends, unlike most slasher movies) rent a cabin in the woods to escape the hollow festivities of West Hollywood Gay Pride. Once there, boredom fast settles as they're deprived of their usual party tactics, until a Ouija board awakens the spirit of a Gothic murderess.Most of the cast is instantly likable, though as a gay man, it's usually cringe-y to admit that, yes, you do talk and act like that. Past that vanity trip, you will invariably identify with at least one of the leads, be it the romantic hunk, the party blonde twink, the lonesome dreamer or, why not, the tested straight friend (if I was straight, I would have killed all of these sissies after one hour).The director makes good use of the limited settings. For a gay horror movie, it didn't look like a camcorder cheapie. It does compete with low-budget straight slasher.The obligatory titillation mostly comes from the guys parading bare-chested, and they look good, with the occasional sex scene thrown in. The scares, well, it's not really scary, but there's quite a bit of blood, and the undead murderess was venomous enough. There's no dead time, and the comedy helps make it through the body count and the final twist. Really not bad at all.

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Shane Hoskins

Having seen some of the rough cuts of the film, and having read the entire script, I was excited for the final film to be released. To much surprise, it was finally made available for viewing via DailyMotion. I had a few friends over and sat back for what I knew was gonna be a fun film full of comedy and creepy undertones starring several friends. The morning after, I am sitting here in disbelief. The producers and whomever did the final editing BUTCHERED the film. There are cast members completely left out of the credits, names spelled incorrectly, scenes literally cut in half and no explanation why. What was a smart tongue-in-cheek comedy-horror film has now become a fragmented mess. Sean Paul Lockhart has several scenes cut. Allusia Alusia and Misty Violet are cut. Death scenes are cut. Ongoing jokes sparked from these scenes, pop up as punchlines with no reference how they came about as being on-going jokes in the first place. There are weird b-roll and shots of trees added in that are not color corrected and clearly out of place. The sound is atrocious. What did the final editors do to corrupt this film?! There were a few sound issues with the rough cuts I have seen... but this is just sabotage. The story that does remain is cute... but butchered. The entire cast delivers and come across naturally as friends. The movie-connections and subtle jokes are great. But, clearly people were not seeing eye to eye. What a shame. This team deserves the film to be released how originally intended. I can now see why some of the cast, director, etc. are so upset.

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