Killing Spree
Killing Spree
| 01 January 1987 (USA)
Killing Spree Trailers

Newly wed Tom Russo suspects his wife is having sexual encounters with their suburban neighbors, and launches a methodical campaign to murder the lovers.


Very disappointed :(

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A different way of telling a story

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It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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I like low budget movies which led me to this. Truly a test of how low can you go and I can't go this low. It's an okay story but no just wasn't worth the time.

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That's exactly what I thought while watching this in between fits of laughter. You cannot take this movie seriously.Recently married couple moves into a spacious 2 storey home in what appears to be a very new housing estate area. The husband, played by Asbestos Felt, is an old-fashioned kind of guy as despite their issues of paying the bills and mortgage, he refuses to have his wife out of the house and working. Matters are made worse financially, as his company ends up cutting back on salaries by 40%, so rather than have his wife return to the workforce, he insists on getting additional work including night work.As such, all this work means that he's out of the house a lot and his wife is stuck in the house by herself. One evening, her husband comes across a diary with stories written by his wife which reveal the extra-curricular activities that she's been getting up to while he's been at work all day. So this begins his jealous and murderous rampage by getting his revenge on every man that's since slept with his wife starting with his best friend, and the rest of the movie writes itself.What he's not aware of is that all these stories are nothing more than fantasies written by his wife who was inspired by the various trades people that came to the house, such as the TV repairman, electrician, gardener etc. As she was not allowed to leave the house to go to work she created her own work and sold the stories to a publisher for romance novels and made a nice profit in the hopes of surprising her husband to try to relieve some of the financial stress they're under.At times I found myself in fits of laughter throughout this movie. If Asbestos' wild-man hair, crazy expressions and non-acting skills don't make you laugh, then the cheap effects, nonsensical plot or the quirky older neighbour will. After reading the first story he goes for a walk to try and cool off but ends up kicking and throwing punches at any random object he passes, including some unfortunate members of the public.The murders become more and more inventive as his jealous rage consumes him after he reads more stories. Early on in the movie we learn that a former girlfriend of his cheated on him and therefore he is over-protective and possessive of his wife, but has nightmares of her cheating on him. The horror won't scare you nor will it turn your stomach in any way, but the insane chuckling probably will.Like most 80's horror movies, the ending really lets it down as it goes in a very weird direction. I don't get how the recently killed people all end up coming back to life seeking their revenge. But to make it even more nonsensical, albeit funny, these "zombies" all end up standing around in a committee while debating over which one of them gets to kill him. Strangely there is a trade off between the husband and the zombies, as they agree that if he kills his wife, then they'll be satisfied and leave, seeing as it was all her fault and none of this would've happened had she not written those stories. As it turns out, he can't kill his wife and instead sacrifices himself by cutting open his own throat with a large hacksaw.The whole ordeal seems to just end as the only one left is the wife who after all that trauma just wanders out of the house. I ended up roaring with laughter again as the end scene has her husband breaking up through the wooden porch area in a desperate, yet hilarious attempt, to attack his wife.Other detracting factors are the filming and some of the effects. This must have been done on a shoestring budget as it looks more like a home movie filmed with a camcorder. And annoyingly, a pink spotlight shines out of god-knows-where whenever one of the fantasy stories is being read. This movie is utterly ridiculous but the comedy aspect makes this worth watching this at least once.

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A man who works for a local airline gets a pay cut, but refuses to let his wife get a job. After working long hours, he stumbles upon her diary where he finds tales of her sexual exploits with the man's best friend and various others. Rather than confront his wife, the man snaps and seeks his revenge on each of the men. But they don't stay dead easily.You're seeing my high score and I know you're wondering why I rated it so high. The film, admittedly, is critically awful, but great by camp standards. We have a psychotic looking husband (played by Asbestos Felt, which is a great name). We have creative use of household appliances. The sound quality is rather poor in some areas, the video quality is very, very poor. But I think this film achieved what it set out to achieve -- a good, fun little flick with some blood.And I have to say it had a great plot. Sure, it's pretty simple and towards the end it really doesn't make much sense. But the basic idea and the twist are very good (hints are dropped for the twist, but even with the back of the box giving me yet another hint I didn't see it coming and really enjoyed the creative turn). You might have to suspend your disbelief for a while when you start wondering why the police aren't looking for all these dead men, but this is horror -- we don't need to worry about the details.There's good gore, but not what the cover says. Charles Balun says it is "a 9 on the Gore Score (with) several pleasingly repellent splatter sequences." This is an exaggeration. I'd give it more like a 6, or a 7 if I was being generous. It's really not very gory through most of the film, with even a severed head scene being more silly than anything. The only really great scene is one with a chainsaw. I had high hopes for the lawn mower scene (see "Dead Alive") but it really didn't amount to much. So, it does have some pleasant gore, but I've seen much better.Not being familiar with the other films from Tim Ritter, I can't make a full analysis of this film compared to his other works. But I will say this one is quite enjoyable, and the DVD is a steal when you see what is available for extras -- two commentaries (which I have yet to listen to) and a full-length documentary on Ritter's filming techniques. It's not Steven Spielberg, but if you're looking to make some low-budget horror (and after seeing enough films, you probably are) this is a great tutorial on how to really get the best looks from the least cash.This film is is not for those who want Hollywood actors, great music or special effects or quality sound and picture. It's poor in all these areas, and the documentary is even of lower quality if you can believe that. But if that poor quality makes you think this is right up your alley, it probably is. While I didn't get quite the film I expected (I thought it would be more like "Hobo With a Shotgun") I certainly came away with a feeling of warmth in my gullet.

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I understood before watching this film that it would be a low budget gore film. But even by those low standards this film doesn't cut it. The problem isn't so much that the filmmakers had a low budget or had bad acting, writing, directing, sound, music and editing. I expected all of that to be bad, and it is.The biggest problem with this film is that it didn't even do a good job on the guts and gore. Most of the 'action' takes place off screen and all we get to see are the after effects, which look very fake -- even by the standards of low budget gore films. There really is no excuse for the gore being so poorly done. Peter Jackson made the equally low budget 'Bad Taste' at about the same time and he somehow was able to make much more convincing guts and gore than was shown in this film.A failure on just about every level, I can't recommend this film to anybody. Steer clear of it.

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