Journey of Hope
Journey of Hope
| 13 April 1991 (USA)
Journey of Hope Trailers

In a village in eastern Turkey, tales of the economic success of Turks in Switzerland inspire Haydar to convince his wife Meryem that they must go. He sells their livestock and small plot of land in exchange for passage for two. He wants to leave their seven children in the care of the eldest and his parents; his father advises him to take one son to be educated in Europe, as economic insurance. The three set off for Istanbul, Milan, and Switzerland, stowing away on a ship. At Lake Como, they pay the rest of their money to unprincipled men who abandon them at an Alpine pass before a blizzard. Father and son are separated from Meryem. Will anyone reach the land of promise?


Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.

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One of the best films i have seen

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Excellent, a Must See

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Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.

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Joseph P. Ulibas

The Journey of Hope (1990) is about a trek that many nomadic and poor Turks make so they could live the good life in Switzerland. These people are so desperate to live like Westerners that they'll give up their life and lives in an attempt to reach the promised land. So many of them are swindled by greedy crooks who make their living off of charging huge fees for desperate people who are in a no win situation. One family braves the cold, the treacherous mountain range and predatory criminals only to discover that there's not always a shining white light at the end of the tunnel. This problem exists world wide, not just in America. Some people tend to forget that. A heart breaker of a film that'll leave you wondering why at the end.Highly recommended.

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As in Argentina, France, Italy, Spain and United States, among other, they suffer of the illegal immigration. This movie transports us toward Switzerland, country recognized by its neutrality and hospitality toward the rest of the world. The main characters are a family of Turks that they yearn to be able to go to the earth of their dreams: Switzerland, to feel well, since Turkey is not very economically and labor. All clever one so that Haydar and their wife can carry out their dream, carried out passports, passages... but they will have a complication, they will take to one of their children: Mehmet Ali. Of a supposition trip of pleasure toward the "earth of their dream" will go by unexpected situations, as to travel in an export craft or to try to enter to Switzerland in hidden truck, since Mehmet Ali doesn't possess neither passage neither passport. They will be in the same situation that other immigrants that want to enter there; they will go by the Alps, a beautiful place but at the same time cold and where they will happen totally unexpected situations. Xavier Koller obtains with "Journey of Hope" an astonishing realization that makes us see that each one has the dream of being able to go to the place that offers them peace, but that they will also go by unexpected moments, with an end that could be unexpected for the spectator. Deserved of the Oscar like Best Foreign Language Film 1990/1991. My opinion: Wonderful, Human, One of the Best Foreign Film Oscar winner. Don't get lost it.

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Frustrating to watch because of one man's stubbornness to leave his native country for the dream land in Switzerland and what he does to achieve that creates heartache for all those involved. Along the journey he encounters scumbags who take advantage of other human suffering and desperation.

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Everyday we can watch a great number of film, soap... on tv. Sometimes a miracle happens. A great film, with real feelings, with great actors, with a great realisator-director. For me there are two films that everyone needs to see : the first is the Pacula ? "Sophie 's choice" with Meryl Streep. The second is "Journey of Hope". As human beings, we need to learn about humility, about love of the others, about acceptation of other civilisation, other way of living. We also have to struggle against racism and fascim. We must avoid judging, criticize; we only have to love our earth companion. This wonderful film, helps us reaching John (Lennon) his dream : Imagine all the people living live in peace. These two films are difficult to see : watch these, but sure you will be hurt, but better. Great film, great actors, terrible story, pain and cry guarantee, but also better understanding of the others. Enjoy it.

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