Load of rubbish!!
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... View MoreGood concept, poorly executed.
... View MoreBy the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
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View MoreWith cliché, loud, stupid masala film ruling the marquee sideline classics like Wasseypur, the names of Salman,Akshay,Devgan and their clans are enough to put me off.Almost disinterested,I came across trailer of Joker and the fresh noble look prompted me to watch the film.Joker is No Classic but not a bad attempt either.Somehow typical Indian audience are open to our heroes doing irrational gravity defying fight scenes but when something is deliberately imaginatively bizarre the same flock starts looking for logic.Thus when our foreign counterpart could think of making "Ghostbusters" in 80s Hindi directors dared to try something different for the fear of failure.As a result we get to see the same loud comedy,sugar-coated uni-dimensional romance or revenge drama in forms of Rathores.ShirishKunder tries to pour in imagination to the otherwise mundane commercial milieu in form of Joker.Joker is an out-an-out commercial film but still the hero doesn't mouth double meaning one-liners;doesn't fight in the air to take revenge;doesn't engage in forceful morality tale nor does he run around uttering gibberish "Chintachita" with mid-riff exposed heroine.Instead the hero is making a gadget to communicate with the aliens and also helping their village to get Government's attention.Now could anyone imagine existence of a village in our country which is not present in the political map?Reason shown is deliberately outlandish.In Kunder's imaginative frame the village is "Pagalpur" which is bordering three Indian states without falling in any of them.The village had been conquered by few mad men who escaped the mental asylum.Agastaya is a scientist at space lab who is from Paglapur.He is working on a gadget to communicate with the aliens.With a deadline of 1 month he is forced to come back to India due to his father's illness.Circumstances forced him to stay in the village and solve their water problem for which he approaches three governments but neither of them is interested to claim Pagalpur.Thus he created the hoax of false crop signs to grab media's attention to Pagalpur.That's the basic premise.With most of negative feedbacks I would like to highlight the reason for mine liking it irrespective of many flaws in the narrative.The imaginative script caught me by surprise.India has numerous villages and it is quite possible that there are more like "Pagalpur" being left out while drawing the final political map.An innovative concept webbed around the issue is attempted for first time.There are under lying relevant social issue of the apathy of the state towards the particular village building a dam thus disconnecting the source of water supple.The dire negligence of system is poignantly highlighted when Akshay goes for complaining and three states ministry ignore his plea as claiming a disowned village doesn't fulfill their vested selfish interests.The idea of involving a hoax like crop signs has been done tactfully while making good mockery of UN and even few Nasa scientists who are more keen on self-promotion than inventions.The concept behind naming the film "Joker" is well conceived.Like Joker they are part of the pack but not of any colour without having any use to anyone.Seriously we are indeed Jokers in front of the system that is indifferent to the tax-payers problems.The film is also a spoof of serious films like Swades,Lagaan,Signs and borrows ingredients from those films and gives them a twisted inane dimension that adds on to the comic factor.The characterizations have been done with precision.We expect people of Pagalpur to be bizarre.And that's what Kunder gives us!There is ShreyasTalpade who speaks gibberish which the aliens could pick up well.There is Asrani,the village school master whose mind still resides in the 40s second world war turbulent times and whenever a plane flies above he fears that the Germans are attacking them.There is a hunchback Pitobash who can run faster than a leopard.While designing the village and its surrounding Kunder uses his thinking prowess to bring it to reality.The village head house has a twisted structure that gels with the mindset of the film.There is a jungle surrounding the village which has a secret passage through a tree which has been used latter in the film to help the fake aliens to escape."Joker' is probably one of the rare films where we have fake aliens and the meticulous process of transforming a man into an alien has been shown.With usage of vegetables like pumpkin, gourds and with tiny bulbs(which we use in diwali)the men were transformed into unworldly creatures and the whole sequence reflects creative bend of mind.The things were getting repetitive after a certain moment but quickly Kunder switched his path to something more strangely.The short duration of the film also adds to its benefit.I am surprised when Indian audience can laugh on the stupid loud antics shown in RohitShetty & SajidKhan films why can't they accept deliberate weird stuffs exhibited in Joker.Unlike slapstick scenarios in blockbusters Joker has some genuine imaginative sequences.SudeepChatterjee's camera & SukantPanigrahi's art direction needs special mention to highlight the minute detailing of the set.Within budget constraint the visual effects were effective(better than contrived Ra.One).Lots of brainstorming had gone behind designing the gadget to communicate with aliens.Unlike usually loud AkshayKumar,he is restrained as scientist Agastya adding credibility to the character.SonakshiSinha was just about there.Her voluptuous frame looks more like pumpkin in western outfit.Supporting cast filled the gaps.An applauding,imaginative spoof with stunning visuals.Though I agree that given the basic story in place it would have been done in a far better way still the effort is commendable.ShirishKunder has an eye for bright interesting visuals which he should explore in all his film.Indeed he has the potential to be the "TimBurton" of Hindi cinema provided he is ready to experiment in all his coming film.Hopefully he won't fall in the trap of 100cr marketing gimmick.P.S:In a passing reference, one character talks about "Shundi' which was kind of homage to Ray's classic GoopyGyneBaghaByne which was placed in imaginative cities named Shundi & hundi
... View MoreAwful, thats what i mean, One of the worst movie i had ever seen. Total waste of money and time. Akshay should realize that films are not only making. You can't compromise entertainment for anyone. Shirish Kunder should be literally asked to join some film school for taking writing lessons. Young Film makers like Neeraj Pandey and Vikram Motwani can create magic with their simple scripts and he wanted to earn 200 Cr with less then ordinary script. I think he feels that the audience don't have sense of humor, But Shirish its quite better then having no sense at all. Spending 40 Cr is totally waste of time. Sonakshi is just another stupid actress born in this industry. The reason of my frustration is the film and the irritating characters. The only thing that i liked about the film is DOP, for that only i wasted my two minutes to write this review.
... View MoreJoker is definitely a better movie than what reviewers and critics have been portraying it on various websites and newspapers. Also shame on the lead actor (Akshay) who did not promote this movie as I feel 'Joker' is 10 times better than craps like 'Tees Mar Khan' and 'Houseful 2'. This is a no non-sense movie with simple story, simple characters and simple dialogues. Music and cinematography are good. I quite enjoyed the 'Kafirana' and 'Sing Raja' songs – very energetic. Acting by all the actors is good. Do not expect a thought-provoking movie. Also if you are expecting a sci-fi alien invasion movie then Joker is definitely not for you. The story is a bit similar to 'Swades' starring Sharukh Khan but here the characters and overall theme is light-hearted and simple.I think Shirish Kunder did a good job, looks like this guy is going through an unlucky phase of his career. I am giving it 7 / 10 and a must watch if you like clean and light movies.
... View MoreJoker was announced with lot of expectations some years ago, it was supposed to be made in 3D but they changed their mind after dismissal response to Bollywood 3D films of Ra One, Don 2, Dangerous Ishq and it seems this is one reason Akki decided to remove all ties with this film and wash his hands off it, Donno if this is the reason as it's completely stupid. JOKER has a plot that could make for an interesting premise but sadly the film makes you cringe, the film had potential but Shirish Kunder who gave us a better Jaan-E-Mann some years back seems to be lost in some other world. There are some funny moments but the film hardly makes you cheer for the going-ons, Asrani's English gibberish is done to death decades ago by Big B(Namak Halaal) and recently in Bol Bachchan(in which Asrani also starred) Shreyas Talpade is given to mouth some gibberish which is a leftover of Tusshar in Golmaal Series. Everything is stale, nothing funny For once the comedy is low key but sadly the film which had potential seemed to be just made to earn some money. The character of Akshay is similar to Srk's in Swades but lacks the charm There is no emotional connect with the characters The songs are misplaced and fail to appeal. The item number seems forced in such a film The climax is one of the most stupidiest rubbish ever seenDirection by Shirish Kunder is bad Music is terribleAkshay Kumar underplays well but the role hardly seems challenging other then see him not doing his usual loud acts Sonakshi Sinha is even worst, in Rowdy Rathore and Dabaang she didn't have strong roles but at least was given some attention but here she just clings to Akshay's arm and dances when required. Asrani is okay, Shreyas Talpade is wasted Vindu Dara Singh annoys, rest include Anjan Shrivastav, Avtar Gill who are okay
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