John the Fearless
John the Fearless
| 01 May 1989 (USA)
John the Fearless Trailers

He's the "Rocky" of the 15th century-defender of the poor, enemy of evil, champion of justice. He's fearless and the strongest man in the land. He's ready and willing to take on all wrong doers-rich and poor. Accompanied by a lovable, meek little friend, his quest takes him on an unforgettable journey. Swamp monsters, knights in armor, duels, royal pageantry, and damsels in distress all abound in this story of timeless values. In the spirit of "Robin Hood," it's a robust, romantic tale: a feast for the eyes and a joy for the heart.


Well Deserved Praise

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I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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Roughly translated as `Fearless John', this is a 100% Belgian production. Based on a wonderful book and turned into a rather well made and imaginative animated film in 1984. Around that time (and long afterwards) this local figure was more popular than international action heroes like Superman or Batman. I clearly remember the days when every kid in the schoolyard wanted to be Jan Zonder Vrees. He's a very strong and charismatic figure who lived in Antwerp, round the 15th Century. Jan Zonder Vrees is some sort of Robin Hood, only he doesn't steal from the rich. He protects the poor physically and he makes sure justice comes to the ones who deserve it. He fears nothing and accepts every challenge, no matter how dangerous and deadly it turns out to be. He's constantly looking for new thrills to live and mysteries to solve. The art and drawing skills in this film are surprisingly professional, seeing it's only is a `small' Belgian production. Yet, it contains a little too much lame sequences in which nothing really happens. But only the adult viewers will notice this … through the eyes of the younger audience, all these sequences will look fascinating nevertheless. Jan speaks with the voice of Jan Declair. A famous and legendary Belgian cinema-icon who once turned down international success by declining the role of the villain in a James Bond movie. Due to the new evolutions and a lot diversion in animated cinema, this premise got forgotten a little. It all looks less impressive nowadays and modern children are already used to seeing more terrific graphics. Nonetheless, I'd like to encourage as much parents as possible to watch this film along with their youngsters. They might still be enchanted by the fable of Jan

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"Jan zonder Vrees" was a very well-known series of books in Flanders about a young and fearless young man who crossed 15th century Western Europe, helping people who suffer from the social injustice in those days.This movie, based on the first book from the series written by Constant De Kinder, features Jan who has to flee Antwerp because he is accused of murder after he killed his nephew Tijs by accident. On his way he encounters many dangers, which he all faces without any fear. This movie looks very cartoonish, which is very refreshing and adds a lot to the humor in the film, but the thing I like most about it is the wonderful story, although it had to be shortened to fit in a 78 min. movie. Especially at the end, everything goes a little too fast. As almost always, the book is better than the film, but that doesn't mean it is bad at all. See it if you can, and certainly read the book, if you can get it in your language (it's mainly for children, but I think everyone will enjoy it).

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This animated 1984 movie starred "Jan Zonder Vrees" (literally, "Fearless John"), a hero out of Flemish literature.It is situated in the historic Flemish city of Antwerp, where Jan/John lives with his old grandmother. He prides himself with being absolutely fearless (and he really is), hence his (nick)name.One day a prank directed against him goes wrong and results in an incident leading Jan to be arrested, wrongly accused of assaulting an innocent man. Jan doesn't agree with this injustice and promptly escapes. He goes on an adventurous ramble through Flanders, teams up with a sidekick, finds true love, and eventually fights a monstrous creature known as... Kludde! (A creature from Flemish mythology)Basically, this movie is the age-old story of the hero's journey, a recipe that never fails. There's adventure, there lots of wacky humour, weird characters and anachronistic events... Not to mention actual existing places and historical figures from 15th century Flanders.The animation isn't as polished as the usual Disney features - which is kind of refreshing, really. It gives the film it's own unique character. The animation is otherwise cartoonish and colourful.Concerning the look, fans of "Hercules - the Legendary Journeys" might want to check out this movie; the main character actually looks very much like a cartoon version of Kevin Sorbo's Hercules, even up to the similar clothing. The anachronistic humour and weird & funny characters also make them two seem somehow related.Enjoyable by both children and adults, I highly recommend this one if you are looking for a change from the usual Disney-type movies.

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