John and Julie
John and Julie
| 26 July 1955 (USA)
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The adventures of two children who runaway to London to see the coronation of Queen Elizabeth.


Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant

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Sanjeev Waters

A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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Making his fourth feature film appearance and way, way, down the cast list even though he has more screen time than some of the major players, like Hyde White for example, we have Peter Sellers in a role that will delight his fans. Even though the part is rather short, Sellers' abrasive cop does make several appearances. He also seems to be much chubbier here than we remember him. But there's no mistaking that voice! However, it's Moira Lister with her engaging study of a helpful prostitute who walks away with the film's acting honors. The youngsters are remarkably savvy too – a tribute to writer/director William Fairchild. In fact, this was the first of only three movies that Fairchild directed, although he had a comparatively long career as a screenwriter. Mind you, although Fairchild does go overboard in this tribute to the queen, one has a feeling that he is more than somewhat critical of the crowd's behavior. Also, his use of many constant close-ups of the queen's escort seem designed to show off how impractical and ridiculous are their uniforms – and perhaps the whole ceremony? This movie is available on an excellent Slam Dunk DVD.

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Reviewer Jennifer Nicol from Vancouver states that Julie is played by Leslie Dunlop who later appeared in May to December. This is incorrect. Julie is played by Leslie Dudley, a completely different person, whose career did not continue much past this film.This part could have been served better by a more talented and engaging child actress, but the film has a lot more to carry it through to a satisfying conclusion.The stock footage of the coronation events is very interesting. I saw this coronation on television as a child and have always remembered it. The children's escapades are very innocent and this film could not be made today, as we don't approve of adults giving children rides in cars (for instance) without even asking where their parents are! This is a charming film of a bygone time and could be enjoyed by everyone. That it is filmed in colour is a bonus, as the English countryside is lovely.

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john phillips

Firstly...WHY OH WHY OH WHY cant we buy this film in the U.K ? So many excellent British films are just not available here.OK rant over. I've seen this film a couple of times on TV albeit a long time ago.The story evolves around two children " John and Julie " who run away to London to see the Queens Coronation. Their parents are content to watch it on television but the children have other ideas..So the story unfolds with many lovely adventures along the way.This is a film that most every child would love, without the violence and bad language many of them are subjected to today.If you can get it then do ! you wont regret it.

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This was shown in America in the early seventies on the short lived CBS Children's Film Festival, which of course was hosted by Kukla, Fran & Ollie, the trio in which Fran was a human being, but Kukla the clown and Ollie the dragon were hand puppets operated by Burr Tillstrom. I had no idea this program was in color for starters, and now to see it nearly 30 years later, it really is an absolute escapist delight. Forget all your troubles in life and focus on two children wanting to see her majesty's coronation. Peter Sellers (nearly unrecognizeable as that cop), Sidney James (whom I just discovered earlier this year in the Carry On movies), and above all others, Wilfred Hyde White, always sensational to listen to.There is nothing I can say about the music. It carries the movie, enters at just the right moments.The coronation as well was brilliant. For her majesty and Winston Churchill's brief appearances? Certainly, but the stars were the British subjects themselves, shown throughout the movie aiding John and Julie in their quest to get to London as well, now gathered along the procession to cheer for the queen. These were the stars, as the movie triumphantly noted at the very end. And now to see it well half a century after the events, three decades after I was first exposed to the story, what more is there to say?God save the queen.

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