John Adams
John Adams
| 16 March 2008 (USA)
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The life of one of the USA's Founding Fathers, its second President, and his role in the nation's first 50 years.


Must See Movie...

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Loui Blair

It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.

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One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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I'm 73 At 23, my speech professor 'people no longer can communicate'. An extraordinary and complex film as regards persons and 'historical times'. 'Social media' (Facebook, Cell Phones, This, Linkedin, Twitter) spouts and share near meaningless, lifeless bytes 'look at me look at me' mouthing language and babbled sputters amounting to nothing of substance beneficial to humanity given the big picture. John Adams exalted in emotions making me want to punch Adams in the face. Giamatti is second to none and i often think of Phillip Seymour Hoffman when i think of PG. Morse's 'George Washington' made my toes wiggle in delight. These guys were 'made up' in the directors, actors and writers minds. Perhaps, none of these fellows were as portrayed but had many of the real guys' sentiments. As an elementary school teacher i stood in my classroom and heard loud goings-on in the class adjacent. I peaked in teacher's room and saw the history teacher dressed like the people in the history books acting out history for his students. If i had a teacher like that i'd have taken an interest in history. This show could be taken in a couple times to just get a good history lesson while being jolted by great acting. I imagine , though , the 'facts of the happenings were true which are so complex and so extraordinary to behold answering so many questions yet none, perhaps as John Adams, at the end says 'the more i read and think i know the less i know'. I think that comes with wise old age. The ending blew me away just on the level of i didn't know Adams and Jefferson died on July 4th. I don't know if Adams died saying Jefferson shall prevail but it was a great tough. I do not know if those letters in their old age took place but wonderful stuff. Back to Facebookers and social media. They are 'cookie cutter one dimensional folks so limited in the ability to 'say' anything, to paint anything worthwhile with 'words'. I have to laugh at myself when i hear how my Dad used to talk about how it was when he was a kid and how much better in many ways and 'what is the world coming to'. Well, that's how i feel and this flick only increases those feelings. Back then people could speak painting such depth and breath of life and circumstance with 1 sentence whereas social media couldn't compete if given thousands of words, or books for that matter. There's no prose in modern life not among real people or social media. All prattle to my ears. So, i don't much care anymore. I'll be glad when i'm dead and gone but probably not glad to make that age old journey. I railed at both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Mostly, i got to disliking Adams for being such a hard ass, conceited, cold, heartless, jerk who just loved to hear himself talk. He raised his voice getting all huffy and puffy with no humility putting people down saying whatever contradictory thing came to his head. Lambasting others' ideas with belligerent tones. Knocking his family way to tough and uncaring. Blustering, bragging, boastful show off know it all. But, i started to think i'm projecting. I'm angry because he reminds me of myself and what it's like to be a great and good man such that i am but have to be told by others. Before my Dad died at 97 he told me he respected me. If any of you get a chance to tell your children 'i respect you' , with sincerity, do so. I love you is so trite especially nowadays near meaningless and hardly true or believed. I love everyone, like a few and respect fewer. To be able to respect someone is so great and do know someone respects you is greater. One surely loves and likes many they don't respect or even trust but not the other way around. I can like someone or dislike them while respecting. To love - like and respect , wow. This show dives all the way to the top and bottom of the intricacies of history and humanity as is asks and gives and doesn't give us answers. But, it does show a guy, Adams (and Jefferson), so brilliant in in mind, able to articulate their dark and lighter sides, know their fallibility, their dependencies, the wisdom, their failings, there dual natures. Adams and Jefferson, often at each others throats show how honest men, men of conscience, multi dimensional people with attributes and drawbacks, non cookie cutter guys who could run rings around the likes of the William F. Buckleys putting mere words back to back in such away to build towering ideas and lay them out like a dandy dinner, a feast of idea put to orgasmic words painting emotions and concepts that rocked me to the core. And, lets not forget the women without we'd fall to pieces. Anyhow, men of conscience, honest men are always in trouble and always hated. Good for them.

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This mini-series is so blatantly inaccurate that to say that it was based on the book by David McCullough is akin to calling McCullough an inept historian -- which he certainly was not. The book was extraordinary. But the film makers took huge and gross liberties with history – much of the "history" portrayed in the film is just wrong. And, as well, they interjected a massive amount of political correctness, apparently to make the film more pleasing to a wider audience -- particularly targeting the Gen Y and non-white viewers. Indeed, it seems that the producers and director wanted to portray white men as foolish and dishonest half-wits that could not possibly get anything worthwhile done without the help of their brilliant and angelically honest slaves. And, yes, thanks to those very strong and supremely intelligent women who also helped the weak, timid, and immoral white men get through the day. I'm not at all saying that black people and women did not play any significant role in our history – they certainly did. But this film clearly demeans and disparages white males in a profoundly erroneous and shameful manner. If we made a film portraying black males in this way today, there would be rioting in the streets -- and rightfully so. I don't understand why David McCullough allowed them to butcher his work. And I don't see how any thinking person could watch this tripe of a film without being insulted.

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what is its virtue ? accuracy ? brilliant performance of actors ? precise details ? charm of an American story about birth of a nation ? not ! only its spirit. because this film has rare and great chance to be not exactly a page of history but a parable or a lesson about axis of existence. a pledge for measure and for truth as base of a great construction. about sacrifice and taste of victory. Paul Giamatti does the role of his life. and this success is result of a delicate hard work because his John Adams is not only credible but his clothes becomes skin of interpreter. a profound admirable movie. and new demonstration of HBO science to give refined gems to his public.

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If you read my separate reviews of the 7 parts of the series then I suggest you read them first.The series is about John Adams played in a wonderful performance by Paul Giamatti who is fighting for freedom for the colonies. It also takes a look at him as president and covers his problems at home along with his wife Abigail played by Laura Linney.If you have not seen this mini-series I say check it out. One thing was going on in my mind while watching this: why does Samuel Adams gets a beer named after him when he did not do any thing where as John Adams did a lot of things. The performances are really well done but some people are wondering why this was not a movie. Well the answer is it didn't need to be a movie because it has too much of a story to tell, and I think that the way it was done here was great. Definitely check it out. It's well paced and well told.Not Rated.8hrs 18min/498min(alltogether).****/****

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