Jascha Heifetz Master Classes
Jascha Heifetz Master Classes
| 31 May 1962 (USA)
Jascha Heifetz Master Classes Trailers

Maestro Jascha Heifetz, becomes Professor Heifetz in these rare filmed master classes from the early 1960s. Taken from his legendary sessions at USC, Los Angeles, this brilliant musician can be seen demonstrating, cajoling, inspiring and occasionally-terrifying his pupils as he imparts his unquestioned genius and lifetime of musical experience. Learn the secrets of intonation, phrasing and vibrato from the man whose name has become synonymous with the violin.

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I gave it a 7.5 out of 10

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For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

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Remarkable and entertaining look at the Great violinist and his pupils. Remarkable talent and deserving of the title "Geatest violinist of the Century" that BMG records have labeled him with. Supreme technician and musicality. Perfectionist with no peer. Played both Stradivarious and Guanerious violins. Very evident is the pedagogue approach to teaching and it was clearly a one sided experience to study under Heifetz. Eric Friedman later collaborated with Mr Heifetz on several recordings. Lot of good music to be had here, and would love to see more of these kind of videos brought to light if they are out there, not only of Mr Heifetz but other master classes as well.

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