Very Cool!!!
... View MoreSurprisingly incoherent and boring
... View MoreAlthough it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
... View MoreThe film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
... View MoreFirst I have to say that I honour the director's attempt to create a hard hitting gangster "epic", if you could call it that. Second, I have to admit they failed. Here's why: The film is brought forward in the trailer as an action movie, but the trailer contains almost every action scene! And the action sequences weren't special in any way. Poor action design, simply. The budget wouldn't allow more spectacular events, of course, but I have seen directors pull off far more impressive action with only tenth the budget (El Mariachi anyone?).It bothers me that when a crime epic undergoes treatment in Norway, they manage to toss in practically EVERY mafia clichè ever filmed. I really hoped they'd settle for something intriguing and original, not just the usual gangster mechanics seen a billion times on the silver screen already.The acting is OK, but many performances borders on sub-standard... No one really excels and that is disappointing as you're watching the tedious plot lines play out over the screen as common deja vus.Hadn't I been informed of this before I saw the film it probably wouldn't nag me at all: The main character's voice is DUBBED! Seemingly for qualified reasons, but horribly executed. The protagonist is a medium sized man, however he has the voice of a TITAN. If they couldn't cast a better lead, then why on earth would they dub him with such a terribly fake voice???A lot of elements bugs me in this film, but one of the main shockers is that the bad guys don't age a day! We're introduced to them at the start of the picture as the young leads meet them by the railroad tracks. When we zoom 10-15years (don't remember exactly) into the future we meet the same bad guys. If the crew at least had TRIED to do some age altering make-up on these guys, it would be forgivable. But when a director doesn't have an eye for such "details", he doesn't qualify as a "master of his craft".If you want to see a film so predictable as rain hitting the ground, go ahead, but you're probably better off wasting those 2 hours chewing gum instead...
... View MoreI think this movie was great! I really liked the story, and the script was good as well! And the actors were great too! and when you think it'sall over there is more to come! The soundtrack is awesome!It is violent though, and sometimes it even hurts to look at some scenes. But it's really worth it, I can totally relay to the characters in the story even though it's far from my own reallity.The portray of the differen't charachers is totally something I recognise from other people.I wanna see it again!!! :D
... View MoreThis movie has it all, a good realistic story, good directing and a very good screenplay. Unfortunately, the acting is sometimes terrible. The main character, Wasim, is not this years Oscar's favorite. A couple of the other actors is also bad. This movie would have been av "section" 8, without any doubt, if it wasn't for the bad acting. The soundtrack is also superb with bands like Kjøtt and Raga Rockers. The violence is also portrayed quite realistic and without to much blood. Honour is an important theme in the name and as the title says in norway, "Livet er en æresak" Translated, "Life is matter of honour" The movie contains several humoristic scenes which fits the film nicely. Kurt, Arendal, Norway.
... View MoreThe fact that people have not learned that they can not see a Norwegian movie with high expectations is incredible. If you come expecting something good, or great, you should go for a different movie. That said.As for the acting; there was little to no passion shown by the actors. This however portrays well the environment the "gangsters" come from as well as pre-dating the show from todays date. Poor acting, but it worked in a very weird way.The retro view on things was quite nice and it really made the experience of the movie into something that I enjoyed.The story is simple. Gangster, drugs and killing. During most of the film I was having flashbacks from "Menace II Society".All in all, it felt like reproduction of most gangster movies, put into a new cultural setting and downsizing the actors and cinematography. Decent movie, not great, but over my expectations.
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