Iron Angels 3
Iron Angels 3
| 14 September 1989 (USA)
Iron Angels 3 Trailers

A gang of crime-fighting martial-arts beauties battle a terrorist organization based in Thailand led by a religious fanatic.


Absolutely brilliant

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What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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MIDNITE ANGELS 3, aka IRON ANGELS 3, is the third title in the popular girls with guns series made in Hong Kong. This one sees a returning Moon Lee teaming up with a bunch of new guys in order to tackle a terrorist threat in Thailand. It's definitely cheaper and more slapdash than the previous entries in the series, although the direction by popular Jackie Chan director Stanley Fong remains fresh and invigorating.The film kicks off with an expertly-staged assassination scene before moving through various cheap and cheesy situations. There's a random fight on a train which is quite poorly played out and seems to have been included as a homage to FROM Russia WITH LOVE! Moon Lee goes undercover in the terrorist organisation and then the film slows down for half an hour with a bizarre interlude involving Muay Thai boxing and other, uninteresting characters.Thankfully things pick up for a bizarre, action-focused climax which has to be seen to be believed. These guys really go in for the overkill with a blitz of violence involving a huge body count and a guy on a jet pack going around machine-gunning an army of bad guys! There are martial arts bouts too, although the badly-acting villains are undistinguished and only Lee stands out amid the performers. The two things that spoiled this film for me were the awful dubbing and the full-screen print which cuts off much of the action on either side of the screen; I can only hope that I get to see a widescreen subtitled print one day at which point I'm sure my enjoyment of the film would increase.

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Joe Dog

I had higher expectations for this film after reading some of the good reviews, unfortunately it was a big letdown for me.For those of you, like me, that like classic fu movies, you probably won't especially like this. I should have paid more attention to some of the other reviewers comments about "scenes taken from Bond movies" and "jetpacks with endless ammo machine guns".Surprising to me, this movie has a higher rating than Lady Whirlwind and other female lead role fu films. I would rather watch The Lady Constables... I would give this 3 stars just for making it all the way through. Then again... I doubt I would ever watch it again. I found it boring.

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Moon Lee plays a secret agent who joins an assassins' organization in Thailand under cover. Her boss is a lady in black with a pet crocodile. When Moon's transmitter has to be left behind, she loses contact with the Iron Angels team. They don't seem to worry much about her, though. In the middle part of the film, Moon is not on screen for 30 minutes while her colleagues attend a somewhat distracting boxing championship. Fortunately, she returns with a great fight against countless enemies, and there is a bit more ammo spent later on, so the movie doesn't forget what it is about (girls'n'guns)."Iron Angels 3" is not the best one of the trilogy. Part 1 had the best cast (including Yukari Oshima) and part 2 the best story. Part 3, also without Elaine Lui now, brings in new guys which are rather annoying: the young man assisting Fong and an American nerd called Computer (ouch). I voted 7/7/6 for the trilogy. Note: there is a movie marketed as "Iron Angels 4" in some countries, but that one is not connected to the Iron Angels trilogy, except that Moon Lee is accidentally in it, too. You'll find it under "Jin pai shi jie"/"Princess Madam" here.

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Midnite Angels 3- A group of special agents work to take down a group of suicidal assassins who aim to kill some world leaders. The story makes no sense, and there's supposed to be like two other films in this series. And its dubbed. But there's a lot of martial arts in the movie. Some of the craziest fights ever committed to celluloid are in this film. Even if they were acting, all of the actors fought with reckless abandon. The fights were interesting, and all of the main characters got to shine. Then there was an end gunfight that had a really high body count. People were getting eliminated left and right. Nice mindless fun with dumb gadgets.

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