Invisible: The Chronicles of Benjamin Knight
Invisible: The Chronicles of Benjamin Knight
R | 01 June 1993 (USA)
Invisible: The Chronicles of Benjamin Knight Trailers

When a lab experiment goes wrong, Benjamin Knight is left invisible while his scientist friends trying to find a formula that will restore his visibility to last the rest of his life.


Wow! Such a good movie.

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Strong and Moving!

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Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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More of your typical Full Moon craziness in this direct sequel to 1993's 'Mandroid'. And yes, things get even more sillier, injecting the plot with a couple more things like unexpected car chases and ineptly staged sword fights. While in the first film the mutant mad scientist Dr. Drago still had a decent evil scheme going, we are now at a bit of a loss concerning the man's activities. Apparently he's moved on to running an abandoned insane asylum and filling his days toying around with half-naked slave girls. This time a corrupt chief of police is after the mandroid-robot also. Up to the invisible Benjamin Knight, the wheelchair-bound Wade and the beautiful blonde scientist Zanna to stop the villains. Again amped up with some fun special effects and a plot ridiculous enough to entertain.

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Essentially a sequel to the lackluster Mandroid. During a scuffle with Drago, Benjamin Knight was accidentally rendered invisible and his pals are allegedly trying to restore him to normal. Wade certainly wasn't working too hard on the problem. He was busy developing a pair of special sunglasses that enable the wearer to control the Mandroid. Meanwhile, Zanna went from brunette to blonde. Drago, thought to be dead is very much alive and has set up shop in an old asylum. There he finds a small army of empty-headed lunatics willing to do his bidding. For reasons that escape me, he kidnaps women and imprisons them in the asylum. He forces them to do table dances for him and his men. The ugly Drago still wants the formula for the supercon element. Drago is not alone, a doctor at the hospital that Ben was in reports to Colonel Petroff, the local police chief, about Ben's invisibility. Petroff wants the secret so now he and Drago go after Zanna. It's up to wheel chair Wade and the Invisible Ben to save her and foil the evil Drago and despotic Petroff.This movie is cheesy, corny, and misleading. It's full of improbable villains, pseudo cliffhangers, and sci-fi hokum. Based on the title one would expect it to concern Benjamin Knight and his invisibility. Instead, it's a continuation of the boring Mandroid story, tarted up with peripheral adult subject matter and a nude scene. It aims to deliver fast-paced action and a minimum of technobabble and succeeds to a degree. On the other hand, it suffers from too many subplots and horny lunatics are not exactly my idea of comic relief.

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I have yet to completely watch all of Mandroid. Which is the first in this 2 part film series. I always fall asleep watching it. I can't help it. This movie, however was very interesting. The effect were okay on such a small budget...Dellfamina is a decent actor, as is Brian Cousions...NOT GREAT...but good...The freak circus is an intersting gave the film a style that the first one lacked...The character of Drago was just as boring in this one as in the first. The Mandroid unit was....there..Overall not a bad movie...but it could have been a stand alone if the story would have been reworked...This just shows that Full Moon used to put out okay movies...Now, they only produce junk!6 out 10

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