| 26 October 2014 (USA)
Interior Trailers

What starts as a simple paranormal investigation inside a mundane Florida house soon becomes a terrifying experience through the unknown and beyond.


Waste of time

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just watch it!

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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For a low budget new director feature, this movie has some decent spooky moments. The acting is ok, but the script certainly has some "horror movie stupidity" on the part of the characters. The most perplexing part of the film Is the main character being relatively flippant at the fact that he's locked in a house with real paranormal activity until about twenty minutes before the end of the movie. And after the real scares start there is a part where Sam snaps from being terrified to acting like a disappointed teacher and simply stands in the room scolding the ghosts in an annoyed tone of voice. It really pulls you out of the terror the movie is trying to create and is a glaring error on the part of the director. All in all, it's an ok choice if you get it off Amazon Prime or find it on Netflix and have a boring rainy afternoon, but other than that I wouldn't bother. Though I'd like to see what this director can grow into five or ten years from now.

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Guy alone in a house that he is "Ghost Hunting" in for a former girlfriend and her husband and child. Great use of modern tech. Good moments, dumb moments and an ending that is truly incomprehensible.I would have to say that the biggest problem with this movie, besides the INCREDIBLY over-long "circle vision" segment and the WTF ending is verisimilitude. Even fantasy needs a base of reality and verisimilitude.Give it a shot if you've got 90 some minutes to kill... otherwise... pass.

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INTERIOR is an extremely modest indie horror film that somehow consists of a single guy hanging out in his apartment for the entire running time. He has occasional, mundane conversations with friends and associates and then spends the rest of the time sitting around on his sofa. The horror content is so limited as to be unrecognisable.

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I am not a huge fan of horror films but I can say that Interior is clearly a very scary film. There are many, many moments in the film where I felt myself on edge...something that rarely happens to me when I see a horror movie. Despite a rough spot near the end, overall it's worth seeing.The film is set in a modern American home in suburbia. Sam is a struggling filmmaker who needs work. So when his old ex-girlfriend, Allison, offers him a chance to make money he jumps at it. She insists that her house is haunted and wants Sam to stay the night and document any weird happenings in the place. Sam naturally believes this is ridiculous but he needs the money and seems a bit infatuated with Allison despite her now being a married woman with a young daughter.Almost the entire film consists of Sam being alone in the house. At first, not surprisingly, not much happens and the director, Zachary Beckler, does a good job in allowing the tension and suspense to slowly build. Even when things do begin to happen, they are rather unimpressive...such as drawers which seem to have opened themselves or knives that have inexplicably fallen onto the kitchen floor. The don't seem to faze Sam. What happens next, however, scares the ever-living crap out of well as the audience!Despite the film being very scary, one portion near the end didn't work for me. Following the film, the director was in the theater for a question and answer session and he said some of his inspiration came from Kubrick's "2001". Well, this portion near the end was highly reminiscent of "2001"...but that didn't mean it made much sense nor did I like it. It was way too artsy and strange...and I wish he'd instead chosen to stick with the prevailing mood of the film...a mood which will scare the crap out of you! Despite this, I still recommend you see the movie since it is, on balance, very well made. Plus, Beckler is young and I don't expect perfection from a guy with limited experience in filmwork. Considering this, making a full-length film like this...and keeping the audience's attention is a major achievement.

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